
Death Insanity Agony

A broken shattered man, is given the chance to live life the way he wanted to. To no longer have to hold back, to let out the monster that lives inside him. He is no hero, nor is he a villain. He disdains the labels that people use to define what they believe. He is no saint, and he is no demon either. He is whatever he wants to be, and whoever tries to stop him from achieving what he desires. May the gods have mercy on their souls, for they will die horrendous deaths. He will try to gather people to his name,he will build a mighty following. It will all begin with the gods arrogance and their mistake.

Burning_in_Hades · Fantasy
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32 Chs

8 sorting things out

after eating I took about 30 minutes to calm down and relax. I need to check my status I knew I leveled up a bunch. I still had a few levels from the gust rabbit and the first rockwolf.

sucks the pack showed up right when I was in the middle of putting my stats in. seems I was actually at level five after the fight with the first rockwolf. and then after fighting the next six that showed up I gained 900 EXP.

thanks to my times 10 EXP bonus instead of 15 they give me 150 EXP. looks like the next amount actually gave me up to level eight. I guess I better allocate my new stat points before anything.

name: hades

level 4 -> 8 EXP (465/640)


MP: (81/81) -> (225/225)

body: 12 -> 20

mind: 9 -> 15

magic: 9 -> 15

now that that's out of the way it seems a lot of my skills managed to level up. I decided to dissect the rest of the rock wolves to see if I can level up dissect. it seems that it managed to work. what time to check my skills and see what leveled up, then I'm going to use creation for the first time to improve my gear.


knowledge and skill transfer: 1

tracking: 1 -> 2

stealth: 1 -> 2

dissect: 1 -> 3

impale: 1 -> 2

jump: 1 -> 2

air step: 1 -> 2

it seems the fight was very beneficial to my skills, and I was right to dissect the rock with corpse is first and then she had an extra level up in dissect. it seems most of the level up to my skills just increased their efficiency of what they are to do.

it seems air step had the most use with its level up, it seems it the air that I step on much stronger now. it's very good because as I level up and increase my body the more strength I put on it I was afraid it would shatter.

I have lots of rockwolf hide and teeth left over, I have some ideas on what I want to make I just hope it works out like I want it to. since I don't really have any skills that work with swords.

I think I use some of the iron from my sword and some of the rock wolf teeth to make a spear. since the rock Wolf's naturally had the skill vicious bite, I'm guessing their teeth when merged and compressed should make a very impressive spear.

and using the iron as well should give it more durability, because I imagined teeth even those on this wolf will be brittle. I should also get amazing synergy with the impale skill in a spear.

instead of using wood as the spear shaft I think it'll be better to use rockwolf bones. since Rock wolves have Earth element their bones are incredibly sturdy. they should make a very durable spear shaft.

I'll use the strongest bones in their bodies to make the spear shaft, I'll use their skulls. sadly the rock wolves were the size of regular wolves even if they were much stronger.

this means I'll probably need to use every one of their skulls to make a decent size spear shaft, and if I want the spearhead to be of a decent size and strength even with the iron I'll probably have to use all the teeth as well.

since I have seven rockwolf hide I think I'll try to combine it with my leather armor. I think it should give me an incredible amount of defense and durability.

I decided to start on the spear first I grabbed all the skulls and teeth and my sword. I activated creation and it seems that I'll need to use something to bind the spearhead to the shaft. it looks like most of my sword is going to actually have to be used on this.

I decided to see if I could add any other materials from the wolves to it. it seems like an actually add the heart and the entire circulatory system. I have a guess I want this might do I think it'll allow the spear to be able to drink blood and regain durability. but I'll have to see when it's done if it does.

it'll take at least 200 MP, I decided to go outside and look around to make sure it was safe here before I drained my mp. I don't think anything should come because the smell of the wolves should still be everywhere.

but I don't want to take any chances so I gather very large tree branches and built a temporary block at the sentence of the cave. I sat back down and used all my materials to make the spear.

I think it came out fairly well based on the appearance. it was incredibly white from the bones and teeth and I could actually see where the veins were because it had red lines running through the entire spear even the iron holding the tip and the shaft together.

it seems when I activate creation it wraps the materials and mana and slowly combines them. the skulls and teeth change first and turned into the shaft and head of the spear.

then my sword melted and added about a fourth of the iron from my sword to the head of the spear. then it used 2/4 of the sword to hold the shaft in the head together.

and then it took at least four hearts and circulatory systems from the wolves, and slowly combine the hearts and all the veins into one system. then started to slowly merge it with the spear.

the heart used with the iron holding the shaft in the head of a sphere together. the veins fuse all over the entire rest of the spear. the red lines all of the spear look like fresh blood.

after admiring the spear for a few moments I decided to finally check its stats.

bloodthirsty wolf bone spear

25 Pierce

(100/100) durability



it seems I was right it managed to actually get a skill and the iron did increase durability quite a bit. it seems the hearts and veins actually managed to give this spear of skill.


this spear thirsts for blood, this skill allows it to be able to drain the blood from your enemies. the spear is able to use this blood to repair its durability. this skill also allows it to rapidly drain an enemy's blood while still in the wound.

the skill seems much better than I thought it would be I thought it would only allow it to be able to repair itself, but it seems to also allow the spear to be able to rapidly drain an enemy's blood while it's lodged inside it.

I'll have to find something to test this on. I also managed to get 25 Pierce using the wolf teeth, hopefully this gives me much more damage when using impale.

well now it's time to move on to the armor I can't wait to see what will happen once I come by and it with the rock wolf hides.