
Death Insanity Agony

A broken shattered man, is given the chance to live life the way he wanted to. To no longer have to hold back, to let out the monster that lives inside him. He is no hero, nor is he a villain. He disdains the labels that people use to define what they believe. He is no saint, and he is no demon either. He is whatever he wants to be, and whoever tries to stop him from achieving what he desires. May the gods have mercy on their souls, for they will die horrendous deaths. He will try to gather people to his name,he will build a mighty following. It will all begin with the gods arrogance and their mistake.

Burning_in_Hades · Fantasy
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32 Chs

3 last skill

"I would like my last ability to be my own separate dimension I would like to be able to go in and out of it as I please and for it to have its own separate system to help me use it.

I would like for it to grow as I get stronger and for me to be able to improve it as I go. I would also be able to transport anything I'd like into it as long as it's not larger than the dimension. I would also like able to do the setup of the dimension after I descend onto the world.

I would also like for it to have more concentrated energy from the outside world, and for all my skills to acquire less mana while I'm in there. I would like it to be like its own separate world.

I would also like one of the restrictions to be that in order to transport me or other living things into it I will have to open a portal that takes a certain amount of time to generate, but once open will stay open until I decide to close it."

the gods went silent again I don't know if it's that they don't know what to say about what I asked for or if they're speaking through some type of telepathy. finally the king of the gods said to me.

"you can have this ability however it will start out small and have no vegetation or life it will be a barren wasteland and you will have to improve upon it. as you go stronger the energy levels will rise, it will start at the size of a small nation and will continue to grow as you grow stronger.

it may even be able to grow into the size of a world if you manage to improve it enough. the energy level will also be decided by the amount and strength of the life you have there, and of the strength of number of your subordinates. now that that is out of the way where would you like to start your journey"

I can't believe they actually gave me the skill I wanted. I never thought they would actually give it to me I have countless ideas on how to improve it and turn it into my own separate world.

but that'll be for later. I had already decided on where I'd like to start I'm going to start in the middle of nowhere and make my way to the nearest town, I'll start small and build my way up.

even if the God said that I could start with royalty I knew it would be a fool's move, because they will try everything in their power to keep you in their control after all a king of a Nation can't possibly allow such a powerful entity to grow unchecked in their Kingdom. I'm sure they will do everything they can to stop me from progressing at a fast pace. but I can't allow anything to slow me down I'm already at a late start as it is.

who knows what the other heroes have actually accomplished so far after all I can't believe a word that the gods have said. in fact it's already very concerning the fact that they've given me these powerful abilities or so they say I'll have to wait till I descend to see if they really give them to me.

but if they do I'm not sure what it'll mean it either means that there's so much danger that they can't help but risk letting someone like me become as powerful as them, or blinded by their own arrogance and can't even fathom that I could even imagine becoming as powerful as them. but who can say for sure I'll have to figure it out on my own as I go."I would like to start in the middle of nowhere a few days from the nearest town"

King of the gods said "good we will start you off in a relatively lower level area now what race would you like be born as"I've put a lot of thought into this I spent countless hours deciding on what I'd like to be if ever given the chance.

"I'd like to be born as a human"I'm sure people would wonder why I chose to be human again and it's actually quite simple. I believe one of the strongest points of humans is their adaptability especially the adaptability of the human body.

I believe it'll make my devour skill much easier to use. for instance if I chose to be an elf what would happen if I tried to devour something with death energy it would most likely clash with the Life energy in my body, but humans don't usually have any inherent energies so there should be no clash and they should be able to coexist.

although I am basing this on nothing since I don't have any knowledge. but with the devourer skill I can just eat any race and transform into them anyway, so it's not like I'm missing out on munch.

King of the gods"not many heroes have actually chosen to stay human your choice is actually very unique only a small few shows the same as you. but that doesn't matter now that everything has been decided it is time to send you down to the world.

as your soul travels down to be formed in the world you will be given basic knowledge of the world before you awake good luck to you hero."he keeps calling me hero like if you keep saying it it'll somehow make it true.

I don't plan on being there hero this is complete waste of my time to even try I'm going to do what I want to do. and he keeps talking about the other heroes but I know I can't trust them even if with this insignia it makes it where we can't attack each other.

they can still backstab me in the end all they have to do is hire assassins maybe leave me for dead and some god-forsaken monster nest. I'm sure there's many loopholes to get around this stuff ,I hope I don't ever have to meet them.

I'm going to try to stay as far away from them as possible. meeting them is nothing but a disaster waiting to happen and I'm sure that's conceited and arrogant as possible knowing that they were chosen as gods to be some stupid hero not even realizing they're nothing more than pawns in a game they can't even begin to understand.

the king of the gods waved his hand and I was sucked into the ground.