
Death Insanity Agony

A broken shattered man, is given the chance to live life the way he wanted to. To no longer have to hold back, to let out the monster that lives inside him. He is no hero, nor is he a villain. He disdains the labels that people use to define what they believe. He is no saint, and he is no demon either. He is whatever he wants to be, and whoever tries to stop him from achieving what he desires. May the gods have mercy on their souls, for they will die horrendous deaths. He will try to gather people to his name,he will build a mighty following. It will all begin with the gods arrogance and their mistake.

Burning_in_Hades · Fantasy
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32 Chs

29 the cruelty of goblins

what I saw today is something truly terrible, at least in the eyes of those with morality. some who saw this would describe it as a den of sin and debauchery a place of monsters and devils.

but what I saw was a race of simple ignorant people who knew no better and would never know better because that is the way they are.

a simple race trying to live the only way they know. some speculate that goblins used to be a race of people and not monsters. but after millenniums of hate, ridicule, death, and oppression they became what they are now.

I believe with my skill I can transfer knowledge to them and maybe raise their species level. but I don't know if it'll work at the very least they'll make very good workers.

I watched them for the day and all I could see was signs of their ignorance and cruelty. they would fight and kill one another and all it would take was one bump as they walked.

the one that died would usually have fights taken out of him and thrown onto a bit of dead bodies they had outside of their settlement.

if you can even call it a settlement all it had was a little fence made from sharpens sticks that I could jump over without even having to use mana enhancement.

their houses were nothing more than little mud huts they look like it fall down at the first breeze. even so there was still thousands of them.

it was too many for me currently at most I could only take about a thousand. that's only because the apartments were made for families not single people.

and of course most goblins were single because the second a woman was born and reached of age she was usually f***** to death.

there should actually be equal numbers of goblin women and goblin men but the women never live long enough.

it seems the settlement actually had a few goblin women the ones I'd seen the most of were the Young. I meant to catch some glimpse of some of the mature goblin women but they were barely alive and constantly being f*****.

it seems there were some other races kept captive here as well and of course they were all female. from what I've seen there was actually a large variety. there seemed to be beast kin, dwarf, elf, and human females

all of their minds singles and broken however, some were still fighting but barely. it seems it's been a while since they went to raid for women, after all they only do that when some die and they don't have enough to have fun with.

it also seems they were eating everything they could get their hands on. however they don't seem to like goblin me they never eat one of their own kind.

I saw them dragging the dead bodies of one of their playthings. she seemed to be a beast kin they put her on a table and started butchering her and handing her out to goblins to eat.

it was absolutely atrocious they use her as a breeding sow for so long and the second she gives out they butcher her and feed her to the others, some of them may even be her own children.

would really amazes me is that the goblins were at the level of savages the fact that they can even get their hands on other species women makes no sense.

the other species settlements should be much higher tier than them, even if we are in the land of beasts were humanoid species don't have dominion.

the goblins mainly use sticks, bows with wooden arrows, rocks and rusted pieces of junk. some of those rusted pieces of junk seemed like they used to be weapons of some kind.

I don't understand how these goblins could possibly be a threat all you need is a trained regiment of 200 soldiers with iron weaponry, and bows and iron arrows you could easily wipe them out.

even if the weapons had no special abilities it would be more than enough. I can walk into the goblin settlement single-handedly and for the path of Carnage straight through it.

their weapons wouldn't even be able to scratch my armour. my spear would go through them like paper. they didn't even have armor they were just wearing rags.

if goblins post so much of a threat in these parts when they're not even very well equipped that must mean that the average level of civilization in this world is truly tragic.

the strongest goblin I'd seen was level 20 it had gone through one evolution and was a goblin warrior. it seems monsters and beasts go through evolution every 20 levels.

this goblin warrior most likely just evolved recently. it was nine levels above me but I was sure I could kill it in a second it had absolutely no equipment or skills.

it seems goblins have an incredibly hard time picking up skills it's either that or their to stupid to even get one.

species: goblin warrior

level: 20



body: 60

mind: 3

magic: 3

it seems creatures with enough sentience can choose to assign their stat points. beasts need to evolve a few times and Gain intelligence before they can assign theirs.

I don't know how goblin is qualified to be able to assign their stat points but this one was truly a moron he put every step when he got from leveling up into his body.

is exact thoughts were most likely" me get stronger me lead tribe me put everything in strong"truly a muscle-headed fool.

I saw him walking around, he walked around like he had absolutely nothing going on in that brain of his. after watching for half a day I didn't see any other goblin that high level.

I at least seem to understand why goblin shamans are rare. after all it seems most goblins will put everything into body and not have the brains to put stats and anything else.

but goblin shamans seem to do the exact opposite they put everything into mind and magic and completely neglect the body.

I decided to take out the big one before I did anything else. I haven't felt the need to improve my equipment yet I'll most likely do it after I populate my cavern.

I pulled out my bow and arrows and lined up my shot right at the big one's head. I decided to combine everything I had into the shot.

I use the Bose skill penetrating shot, but I overcharged it by pumping massive amounts of Earth and wind magic into the skill.

then I charged the arrow with lightning magic it was able to take quite a bit of it. there's a good thing I was far away because after I charge the lightning magic the arrow started discharging.

it was very loud and bright, I immediately fired the arrow after charging the mana. I would have liked to power it up more but I know that was all it could take and still be able to hit the target.

with the insights I got earlier by making magic technology I know if you charge a material with lots of magic and it has no runes, circuits, or a core it will gather massive amounts of mana and detonate.

the arrow managed to hit him right between the eyes. it only went in about about half an inch though not enough to kill him. it seems all those stats into body really help.

but what I expected to happen happened. by charging the arrowhead with massive amounts of lightning magic it became unstable.

right after the arrow penetrated his head the arrowhead detonated inside his skull. it was much more terrifying than I thought it would be.

his entire head shattered like a rotten melon and the pieces of the arrowhead flew like shrapnel and managed to tear apart some of the goblins around before they detonated again in another explosion.

with the one arrow I managed to eliminate almost 30 goblins. it seems my arrows are very terrifying when overcharged.

thankfully I've been making spares in my spare time. I decided to rain death from a distance. I have over a hundred arrows if I ring them down and strategic areas I should be able to cause mass destruction.