
Death Insanity Agony

A broken shattered man, is given the chance to live life the way he wanted to. To no longer have to hold back, to let out the monster that lives inside him. He is no hero, nor is he a villain. He disdains the labels that people use to define what they believe. He is no saint, and he is no demon either. He is whatever he wants to be, and whoever tries to stop him from achieving what he desires. May the gods have mercy on their souls, for they will die horrendous deaths. He will try to gather people to his name,he will build a mighty following. It will all begin with the gods arrogance and their mistake.

Burning_in_Hades · Fantasy
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32 Chs

21 first week has passed

I went to the bathroom and decided to improve the pipes like I did for the sink in the kitchen. I also built a bathtub with a shower. I decided to make the bathtub from Stone.

with a rough grip from the stone I shouldn't slip. I decided to do the bathtub because I can fill it and heat it with magic.

I also improve the designs of the sink and toilet. once that was done I used a few rockwolf hides as a carpet for the bathroom. I place one around the toilet in front of the sink and the bathtub.

all this only took about an hour and a half because of all the experience I have from doing the kitchen. I even built in a few shelves into the walls of the bathroom.

that was finally time to use my understanding of alchemy to make a special potion I've been meaning to make.

it was basically going to be a highly concentrated nutrient solution. I decided to use meat and some of the lesser beast bloodfruits as the base.

I grabbed massive amounts of meat and about 10 of my remaining fruits. it seems magic crafting and alchemy can work together so I didn't need special alchemy tools.

although of course it works better with them. I decided to use one of my steel pots as an experiment.

I started the process and heated the pot and slowly added my ingredients and magic. I basically refined the meat and fruits down to their most nutritious parts and burnt away all the rest.

then I had to use alchemy to mix the energies of the meat and the fruits together to obtain what I was looking for.

it seems alchemy is dangerous. if I didn't have high levels in my magic related skills it would most likely have exploded in a magic blast.

thankfully I managed to keep it all under control. after about a half an hour I managed to make a small amount of what I was looking for.

I managed to make exactly what I wanted, and it was even named what I thought it would be. I managed to make highly concentrated nutritional solution.

I decided to use small amounts of my ingredients at first to see what would happen. and I'm glad that I did if I decided to do all at once if most definitely would have exploded in my face.

but thanks to the experience I have now I should be able to do the rest at once. it seems using a pot did save quite a bit of mana in the process and increase the efficiency.

so I decided to make a giant cauldron just like the witches pots you'd see from movies. I threw everything in at once and started.

this took almost 3 hours to finish but I managed to gain very valuable experience. it seems The cauldron was an amazing idea without it I'm sure I would have failed.

with The cauldron and the bit I made before I managed to get nearly 30 bottles. I decided to test their efficiency with the tree.

there's been a few days and I could finally enhance the tree again. I decided to start by pouring one bottle on the roots. I'm not actually sure how effective this would be.

it could turn out to be much more effective. after all all I did before was simply rot a bunch of meat, and mix it into the ground.

I'm sure most of the nutritional value was already gone since I had to use microorganisms to rot the meat.

anyway I decided to start I immediately started channeling magic into the tree like last time and directed The River on to the roots.

it seems I did misjudge the efficiency of my potion. I had already passed the 2-hour Mark yet the ground was still full of nutrients.

I decided to just keep going until nightshade and Elizabeth made it back. after another 6 hours they finally made it over the walls.

I stopped channeling magic into the tree it seems most of the nutrients were absorbed. the tree was absolutely massive at this point and I managed to gain quite a few fruits, almost 300.

seems that my efficiency last time wasn't all that great because of the low quality of nutrients.

the tree was already the size of a full grown oak tree. I could tell that it was very close to finally reaching a milestone in it's growth to produce higher tier fruit.

me and my servants went into the cave, Elizabeth immediately went to feed the pups. nightshade decided to go to sleep for the night.

since the sun had already set I covered the lights and dirt again lock the door and decided to sleep as well.

I woke up the next day ready to use my refreshed skills.

the week and finally passed of course I'm sure it may have been a little longer, I don't check my status as often as I should.

I decided to immediately use one of my creation chances to make an automatic fan to put into my pipes to keep the air flowing out.

I decided to just make it out of tungsten like I've been making everything else. after about 30 minutes it managed to make it.

it seems that magic technology is a combination of a few things. the fan seem to require magic runes, magic circuits, and a core to act as the heart of the device.

it seems all of them fall under the skill magic crafting. this is very convenient although I'm sure almost no one else in this world has this skill. so all of their different crafting skills are listed out individually.

the magic core seemed to be the most troublesome. it seems the magic cores are usually made from magic attuned materials.

this can include gems and artificially created it seems creation decided to go artificial for this core. it took part of the tungsten shaped it and infused mana into it as well as very delicate circuits and runes.

with the new knowledge I gained I realized that if I infuse too much magic into a metal it will rapidly gather manna from the environment and detonate.

it seems the core does the same thing but the magic circuits and runes disperse the mana through the device to allow it to work without exploding.

they should be able to help me make very interesting weapons and equipment soon. but for now I needed to finish my improvements.

I spent the next 3 hours making five fans for the rest of my pipes and the hood above the stove. once they were installed the air quality improved greatly. although I had to make two pipes pump air into the cave while the rest pumped it out.

I also decided to change the kitchen faucet and add new improvements to allow it to make warm or hot water as well as cold.

are you the same to the bathroom sink, the bathtub and the shower. I also improved the toilet, I also improve the piping to allow better water pressure and draining.

I didn't actually change them I just carved magic circuits and runes and added some magic cores. I also added magic circles to the floor of the cave and bathroom.

to make the magic circles on the floor I did the same thing I did when improving the rest of the place. when I made the fans I had to carve many tiny magic circles using mana circuits and runes.

because the magic circles on the floor only had one function I had to make them bigger to work. all they really did was heat the floor or cool it depending on the season.

I also added heating functions to the two fans on my air intake pipes so that during the winter they wouldn't pump frigid air into the cave.