
Death Insanity Agony

A broken shattered man, is given the chance to live life the way he wanted to. To no longer have to hold back, to let out the monster that lives inside him. He is no hero, nor is he a villain. He disdains the labels that people use to define what they believe. He is no saint, and he is no demon either. He is whatever he wants to be, and whoever tries to stop him from achieving what he desires. May the gods have mercy on their souls, for they will die horrendous deaths. He will try to gather people to his name,he will build a mighty following. It will all begin with the gods arrogance and their mistake.

Burning_in_Hades · Fantasy
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32 Chs

18 taking time to think and preparations

once I woke up I fed everyone breakfast. feeding the fruit to the pups with a serious pain. since they can only drink things, I have to use magic to blend the fruit into liquid.

after breakfast I decided to check something important and see if my servants can access the personal dimension on the room.

it took me a few minutes but I managed to figure out they can only do it if I give my permission. this will make it a lot easier when I send them to hunt. they'll be able to store the corpses.

I had nightshade go hunt, she should be fine with all of her skills and the knowledge I gave her. I let Elizabeth feed the pups for a little bit then told her to leave as well.

she started to whine and cry, because she's my servant I managed to get the gist of it. it seems she doesn't want to leave her babies.

since she fed them they'd be more than fine till the evening. so I decided to do what was best, I grabbed her by the scruff of her neck and dragged her ass out of the cave.

she kept whining and trying to get back to her babies.

once I got to the wall I threw her as hard as I could over it. she has a high body set I'm sure she's fine.

she whined at the other side of the wall for 20 minutes before she finally left. I didn't give my servants a lot of information on personality thought and other things.

I decided to be best if they develop their own personality and decision-making abilities. although it seems just going to come back to bite me in the ass.

it seems that Elizabeth personality is a bit airheaded, clingy, and aggravating. I just hope she doesn't turn out to be naive as well once you transforms into human form.

otherwise I'm sure countless problems are going to arise. I went back into the cave the pups were sleeping since their stomachs were full.

I'm sure they'd sleep till at least afternoon. now I can finally think about something very concerning that came up.

before I turned Elizabeth into a servant and she was an alpha rockwolf when I shot her in the head with an arrow the arrow managed to paralyze her, of course she bled out shortly thereafter.

but I didn't have time to think about that during the fight. the description on the arrows say that the paralyzed effect will only occur in small animals.

the fact that the arrows affect triggered in a wolf three times the size of normal wolves makes me terrified what to imagine this world classifies as large animals.

I've also noticed that it's been getting colder I believe my guess was right it seems that I came to this world right before winter began.

which means the majority of wildlife is most likely already hibernating or migrated south for the winter.

although based on the size of this world they most likely don't actually migrate half the globe as that would take years of not decades depending on the animal.

most likely there's magical environments around the world where Winter doesn't appear. that's most likely where most of the animals are gone.

I believe the vine snakes I've seen around are one of the last species that hibernate underground that hasn't gone under yet.

but I'm sure they'll all vanish soon I'm glad I got the corpses I got when I did. the rabbits and wolves will most likely come out in the winter, although not often.

I believe the rabbits most likely dig through the snow to find roots while the wolves will periodically hunt the rabbits.

I haven't been out at night yet so I'm sure there's a few species I haven't seen going around. I'm sure there's at least one avian Hunter that's nocturnal still around.

cuz I'm sure there's some things similar to a hawk or eagle that stay in this environment year-round. but that'll have to wait and see.

I guess it was finally time to improve my bathroom. I'd made a very basic bathroom once I came to this cave. it was just a small side cave I'd made with a hole in the ground and a basic seat.

I use the Earth magic in the form of a wave going underground. it was able to send feedback as it went it was almost like sonar.

it seems deep underground just like I was hoping there's an underground water stream. although it is pretty far away it'll take at least an hour to redirect it.

although once I do and fix up the toilet I should have an automatic toilet in the way she will go right through the river.

I got the river redirected and after about another 30 minutes I had the equivalent of a modern toilet. I was even able to also make a sink.

although they were fairly primitive but it's the best I can do until my creation rerolls and I use it to make some intricate structures to gain insight about them.

I also put a door on the bathroom although this did make it very dark. I have the same problem in the main cave I usually just leave the doors open even during the night to let the light shine through.

it was finally time to deal with this and the other problems and prepare for winter. I think I'm going to try to make the equivalent of a magic light bulb.

when I checked the cave for materials in the walls that were quite a few that I didn't bother to do anything with yet. I had managed to find wolframite which contains tungsten.

sadly the method to extract tungsten from my world is impossible to do here. I'll have to try to use magic to overcome most of the procedures.

first I took my pickaxe and began mining, I managed to get a decent amount but then my pickaxe shattered.

I knew it was a matter of time after all I'd made it only using bones claws and some metal. I'll have to address the pickaxe situation later.

it's a pain to have to mind the ores but Earth magic only works on Earth and rocks it doesn't work on things that contain high amounts of metal.

the first thing I did was make a new pickaxe from my iron. it was entirely made of iron and had no special effects. it only had 25 durability, but at least when it shatters I can pick up the pieces and try to make it again.

next I crushed all the wolframite until it was the consistency of fine gravel. then I started to heat it while using Earth magic to extract everything that wasn't metal.

once that was done I was left with a massive ball of mixed metals. it was mainly tungsten, manganese, and iron.

I actually have a lot of manganese from my refining of the other iron ores although not all contain manganese.

I guess I'll just do what I usually do to separate it from the iron. I heated the ball of metal till it was over 2000 degrees Fahrenheit.

I started to mold and compress it with mana it was very hard. but as I went liquid metal actually started to flow out.

the manganese actually started to separate from the rest. I had to do this for about 3 hours until no more came out.

naturally I wasn't able to get every bit of it and the manganese still contain some iron and tungsten. but the main point is that the majority was manganese.

after that I heated it up to nearly 3000 degrees Fahrenheit. I repeated the same process of constantly squeezing and molding it.

eventually ran out of mana and had to start using the mana in the beast ring. to get all the iron that I cut out took around 6 hours.

the iron I managed to get was the same as the manganese and contain traces of metals. but all metals have traces of other metals in them.

although the trace metals are usually around 5% or less. now I had more iron and a large ball of tungsten and more magnese that I'm not ready to use yet.