
Death Insanity Agony

A broken shattered man, is given the chance to live life the way he wanted to. To no longer have to hold back, to let out the monster that lives inside him. He is no hero, nor is he a villain. He disdains the labels that people use to define what they believe. He is no saint, and he is no demon either. He is whatever he wants to be, and whoever tries to stop him from achieving what he desires. May the gods have mercy on their souls, for they will die horrendous deaths. He will try to gather people to his name,he will build a mighty following. It will all begin with the gods arrogance and their mistake.

Burning_in_Hades · Fantasy
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32 Chs

16 more work and new equipment.

I think the only reason I was able to enhance the tree is because of creation. I think if anyone else in this world is able to do it they would be masters of their craft.

using creation you gave me insights into things that others would take decades if not centuries to learn. I do know that everything on this world has very long life spans compared to my old world.

even humans can live a few hundred years. I believe the relative level is so low is most likely because everyone will need is one way to get XP.

I believe there are other ways to get XP besides killing other things. but that'll take much more expensive testing later on.

anyway now that that is out of the way it's time to devour a few things. I decided to devour large amounts of iron ore.

once I had devoured all of it I understood everything about it. I can now even refine it much better. the skill I learned is incompatible with human form.

I'm sure it would be compatible with a few beast forms I may one day attain. but I had a much better use for this skill.

I decided to use my last chance on devour for skill merging. I combine the skill iron ore generation with my personal dimension.

devouring iron ore actually only took about 50 MP. but it seems merging skills drained every bit of MP I had. once the skills were finally merged I scanned my personal dimension with my mind.

it seems to have worked my personal dimension is now capable of generating iron ore under it's surface. now that I'm out of chances to devour it's time to create.

but before I could do that I needed to sleep. before I went to bed I threw Elizabeth some more food and another fruit for her and the pups.

once I woke up I had to decide what I was going to do for the day. I know I need to finish using up my chances for creation and my last chance for create servant.

I think I'll start with a piece of equipment I've been putting off. I grabbed a large amount of my beast corpses.

I grabbed a few Rock wolves, horned rabbits, gust rabbits, and Vine snakes. the first thing I did was purify every corpse.

once I purified every corpse they all greatly shrank in size. I had to rest and recover my mana after doing that. no it's time to merge every same species corpse until I only had four corpses.

it took nearly 3 hours but I managed to merge every species. now I was left with my base material but now I needed some metal.

but I need to figure out what metal would be best to use. I think I would go with steel, it may not be the best material I could use. but I believe it is much more versatile for what I need.

I plan on making a ring and the beasts and steel will be the ingredients. but before I could do that I needed to learn summoning magic.

it took around 30 minutes but I managed to gain the summoning magic skill. it seems like with every other magic skill all aspects of summoning are combined into the one skill.

during the creation of the Ring I plan I'm using some necromancy and summoning. it will be similar to my create servant skill but won't give it actual life it will just strengthen the equipment.

I don't think it is possible to create a lesser version of my create servant skill. it is a unique skill that is personal to only me.

but I can use aspects of it in crafting. never had all my materials and skills that I'd need I began crafting. I cast creation on all my materials.

I began fusing all the corpses and steel together. the steel form the shape of the Ring and the beast corpses fused into the body of the Ring.

however I turn their blood into gemstones embedded on the ring, they should be classified as a type of bloodstone.

One step part was done I used necromancy to fuse the beasts souls with the ring. creation could have done it on its own, but by using the necromancer skill with my creation skill save me quite a bit of mana.

that goes the same for using the summoning magic I'm about to use. I use summoning magic to pour intense amounts of mana from the atmosphere into the ring.

the ring without the step would have actually been very unstable. that would mainly have been because of the souls I had fused into it, seems when you feel souls into something they need intense amounts of mana in order to stabilize themselves.

however with this the ring was done and because I had fused the souls as well it should have strengthened the entire product beyond what it should have been.

beast ring

1000 mana

10 body

10 mind

10 magic


(beast aura)

the ring turned out much better than I thought it would. I knew I would get the stat points because it was originally supposed to be 30 body but I broke it up into 10 across all stats.

the 1,000 MP most likely came from the souls and the summoning magic I used. this will be a great help for a few months at least.

of once my level rises quite a bit it will become obsolete. the skilled beast aura maybe the best thing I got out of this.

(beast aura)

this skill allows you to imitate the aura of a pack of powerful beasts. this skill can cause a stunning effect on some weak willed creatures, has a chance to also cause instant death. it will also keep stronger creatures and other beasts from approaching.

the skill is great it will most likely cause death in the creatures like the rabbits. this will be a great help for my future life in this Forest. now I just have to use my last two chances of creation and my last chance for create servant.

I know exactly what I'm going to use my last chances on. I'm going to use one of my last chances for creation to create the perfect body for my next servant. then the last chance for creation will be used on the lesser beast blood fruits.

since my first servant is already a rockwolf I can exclude them from my materials for my next servant.

I think for my next servant I will go for the assassin type.

so I'm going to use the corpses of the vine snakes. they may also be very sensitive to mana. I always find them in places with higher mana density.

I found a few males and females it seems the females are smaller and more agile. so I'm going to use them as the base of my new servant.