
Dearile and the Eye of life

There is a myth of a dead valley that seeks rebirth. Of course they are not burned up zombies, for these once before divine beings fought with god only to lose their souls. An upcoming war to reclaim their existence. This is the wild dream of a new beginning.

Nik_Il_5219 · Fantasy
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2 Chs

1. Rest in peace : part 1

The whole country of Soniier long spread between the great sea Sagur in the middle and the gigantic mountains Sahanmur spread across the circumference, the word used so lightly as the range viewed from one end looked nothing but the constant large waves of the ever uncertain sea, icy cold but created a safe and rich haven for life to prosper. The skill of the people made them reach the top of highest mountain above the clouds . A place to call heaven, but these angels forgot a sea to care for, for the sea looked just a river to be canalled to fetch waters for their thirsty desires . Outside the country , the circle, land was barren and restless but underneath lied the precious and mysterious roots of mountain spreading outside the country running away , found not before a millennium ago . They at the top discovered the marvel and send their Snakes and mined like a small creature burrowing for survival . The substances found enriched by the purest combinations of sea water and ice water cultivated magic within the people. So the people surrounded by natural as well artificial magic rested in peace for a thousand years.