
Dearie System

After a recent breakup with his girlfriend, Claudio falls into deep depression. While he's wasting his life away, he encounters a woman at a bar who gives him a business card due to his strifes. "Dearie Corps. This is where all your dreams will come true. Thousands of women in the palm of your hands. Come visit sometime." Such a deal like this is too good to go to waste so Claudio takes the offer. He has nothing else to lose as his depression makes the decisions for him now. What will go down..? What's the worst that can happen?

WonderSuru · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
45 Chs

H.D.S. Unit

"So you're telling me that your crazy brother burst into your home and tried to kill you?" Cassie asked and sipped her juice.

"That's so lame." Anna said.

"Honestly. I'm glad you're okay though." Sally said and smiled.

A few days had gone by since the event between me and Ryan. I had to rest by the request of Daisy who had been keeping close watch over me. It was nice being able to visit Cassie and the others again as they were also growing worried about me.

"So Bella, whatcha doing this weekend?" Cassie asked.

"M-Me? I'm...not doing much of anything..." Bella said and blushed.

"Me and the girls are planning to have a Girl's Day, wanna come with?" Cassie asked.

Bella looked at me and seemed nervous.

"Go ahead, my hands are kinda full this weekend anyway with the company and such." I said.

Bella nodded and looked at Cassie. "I'll go then.."

"Great!~ I'll come pick you up, just send me your addy and I'll be there!~" Cassie said.

"Addy?" Bella asked and tilted her head.

"She means Address." I said and chuckled lightly.

[Message: You are needed at Dearie Corps.]

I looked at my phone and stood up. "Welp that's my cue."

"Awww...But I wanted you around longer..." Cassie pouted.

"I know...but tomorrow I'll be free..~" I said and kissed Cassie's cheek. I then kissed Bella's cheek and smiled. "I'll catch you soon as well, Bells..~"

Bella blushed at my nickname and smiled a bit. "Okay, Clau..~"

I left the courtyard and made my way to the parking lot then made it to my car. I got in and drove off back to Golden Rock. As I drove there, my phone beeped.

[Notice: Incoming call from Arabella.]

I answered the call then put Arabella on speaker. "You're on speaker."

"My love, I was just calling to tell you to meet us at Golden Rock Park. Daisy and Vesta will be there." Arabella said.

"Alright." I said.

"Another thing...I see the Trust Meter with your women..~ I'm impressed by your growth..~ Especially with Cassie and Azalea...~ I'm happy to have chosen you, and I hope to see you grow further~ That is all~" Arabella said then hung up.

I smiled at bit and chuckled softly.


I made it to Golden Rock Park and parked my car then got out. I noticed Daisy and Vesta sitting at a picnic table together then walked toward them. "Hey."

Daisy looked at me and smiled happily. "Cloudy!~"

Vesta looked back at me and smiled. "Ahh the big man's here, about time..~"

I rolled my eyes and smiled. "Where's Arabella?"

"She's running a little late. She said she's still preparing something for the training today. She hasn't told us about the training. Apparently the technologists and scientists are building a new H.D.S. for you." Daisy said.

"H.D.S?" I asked.

"Humanoid Darling System. They are these cute little floating humanoid machines that some men obtain when obtaining a system." Vesta answered.

"I see." I said. "So Vesta...About a few days ago when you used your powers. You have control over space?"

"Sure do~" Vesta said and snapped her fingers, summoning a spatial rift then reached inside then pulled out her signature rifle. "I can construct anything using my spatial energy and that creation usually has spatial properties added to them."

"So how does it work? Can you only construct things based on what you've seen or is it based on imagination?" I asked.

"It's kinda both. If I've seen an object before, I can more than likely create it, but I can also create things based on imagination, but the end product usually comes out weaker as a drawback. But my Spatial Rifts are like pocket dimensions. I can store anything in the rift and summon them later for use." Vesta explained.

"Vesta is one of the original agents. She's actually a part of a family called the Rigel Family. They are famously known for studying Space and being an Occult Bloodline." Daisy said.

I nodded and looked at Daisy. "What about you? Vesta told me that Ryan saved you?"

"He did, and I'm still grateful that he did, but after his recent actions...he's dead to me. There's nothing he can do to redeem himself after his betrayal. He deserves nothing but a bullet through his skull." Daisy said.

I looked at Daisy and saw her upset look. I gently placed my hand on her leg. "Don't worry... I'll make sure he gets what he deserves...I promise..."

Daisy smiled at me and held my hand. "I know you will..~"

After a few more minutes of waiting, Arabella finally arrived with a tiny feminine machine in her hands. She smiled at us. "Alright, everyone is here..~ Claudio, I have something that might be of use to you..~ Your very own H.D.S. Say hello to Dearie!~"

Dearie as a H.D.S was a cute tiny humanoid android with long blonde hair, light blue eyes, and a halo shaped as a light blue crown that became lighter at the front with five stars of different sizes lined up to the right from the front. She wore a red captain's coat with golden buckles, a long-sleeved collared white shirt, and an office skirt with gold-strapped high heels.

"Dearie, go ahead and send your consciousness to this system." Arabella commanded.

[Message: Affirmative.]

[Transferring Consciousness into H.D.S...]

[Transfer Complete.]

[Vocal Systems....Online.]

[Visual Systems....Online.]

[All systems check.]

"H..ell...o...?" Dearie said, trying to speak. "...a...n...o...u...e....r....e?"

"Hm. It would seem that she's having trouble speaking." Arabella said and looked at Dearie.

Dearie floated hee way toward me and tilted her head. "C....d...i...o..."

Dearie noticed she had to recalibrate a few system settings within herself then closed her eyes.

[Resetting to Default Settings...]

[Settings Saved.]

"Can you understand me?" Dearie asked.

"There we go~" Arabella giggled.

"Report: All Systems functioning normally. Performance levels are stable. I am ready for usage." Dearie said.

I watched Dearie float around me and crossed my arms. "Huh...So what all can she do now?"

"Oh she can do a lot more now than she ever could before. All H.D.S units can support you on the field and out the field. They also come with Plug In Chips and Programs used to help you and your System out. I've gone through the liberty of equipping her with five settings regarding her Plug Ins, one for Attack, Defense, Support, Hacking, and Scouting." Arabella explained.

I looked at Dearie and tilted my head slightly. "What about her Halo?"

"Ahh that's just a feature that differentiates the different H.D.S. units. There are currently 17 units out there all equipped with different Unit Programs. Your unit is equipped with the Laser Blast Program." Arabella answered.

"Keep in mind your unit is only as strong as you VIP Level wise. So you can only still track units and women of the same VIP Level." Daisy added.

"Which brings me to my next segment...Dearie ended up tracking one of our Units a few days ago. We're gonna find them. They luckily escaped us when we killed Parker and Markus." Arabella said.

"And what do you want me to do once we find him?" I asked.

"Kill him and destroy his unit. Corrupt Systems are beyond repair. Once you do that, you'll have access to his women. As you know it takes more than four women to level up, plus you'll be surprised on how many women are connected with your four ladies which will make for more exciting dates and more sexy time for you~" Arabella giggled and held her arms.

"I see. Will I also gain the program of his unit after destroying her?" I asked.

"Yes. His unit has the Mirage Barrage Program. Also it is to note that your system's Special Attacks grow stronger per VIP Level and you also gain VIP EXP from your ladies reaching 100% Trust and killing System Wielders." Arabella answered and nodded.

"Well what are we waiting on? Let's go find him and strike him down. I do have one last question before we go though." I said.

"Mhm?~" Arabella said and tilted her head.

"These other System Wielders...are they enemies of Dearie Corps?" I asked.

"Hell yeah they are." Vesta said. "These fuckers do not treat their women how they are supposed to be treated! We've been watching their progress and never in my life have I seen a Trust Meter go DOWN!"

"It's true. And it's sad because our Darlings have been taught to do whatever their owner says regardless of the request...but I like what you have. They have free will." Arabella said.

"I mean they are still living beings at the end of the day. I can't take advantage of anyone because I know how it feels to be taken advantage of. If they don't want to do anything, I'm not gonna make them." I said.

Arabella smiled at me and nodded. "I like that about you. You're considerate..~ Alright, let's go find that System Wielder."


[H.D.S. Unit Found.]

[Unit: Sweet, Owner: Daniel Owens]

"Looks like he's in that nightclub. I'm sure his system has also started to track yours so he's more than likely on edge." Arabella said and looked at her phone.

I closed my eyes and thought of a few strategies. I opened my eyes and walked forward. "I've got something planned."

Daisy and Vesta watched me walk forward then looked at each other. They were surprised at how quickly I thought of a plan and followed me.

I walked into the nightclub and fixed my hair then looked around. "Dearie, switch to Scouting Mode."

"Affirmative." Dearie said.

[Scouting Mode Activated.]


I watched as the crowd of people were dancing on the dance floor and looked around for Daniel and Sweet. As I looked around the crowd cheered and became more active.

"Everyone put your hands in the air!" The DJ said and began playing the next song.

I had to evade the people dancing to the electronic music and noticed someone rushing out of the crowd. I noticed them and ran after them.

"Target Daniel Owens is escaping outside. Proposal: cut off his escape route by going the opposite way!" Dearie said.

I nodded and began to run the opposite way. I made it outside and managed to cut off Daniel and he grunted as he looked at me. I stared at him and looked at his feet.

"You think you've got me cornered huh? You have another thing coming! Sweet! Mirage Barrage!" Daniel commanded.

Sweet flew toward us swiftly and formed a blade of light in her hands then disappeared.

"Defense Mode." I commanded.

Dearie switched into Defense Mode and began defensing me from the barrage of attacks Sweet tried to inflict upon me. Dearie flew backwards and held her hand out using her Laser Blast against Sweet. The powerful laser hit Sweet then caused an explosion.

I ran toward Daniel and stopped him from escaping by sweep kicking his leg. He regained his balance then went for a back strike, but I blocked it then grabbed his arm. I struck Daniel with a chop against his neck then flipped him over my shoulder onto his back. Daniel groaned in pain as he hit the ground. I stomped on his chest then unholstered my pistol.

I aimed my pistol at Daniel then went to pull the trigger, but one of his bodyguards came and tackled me. I grunted as I fell to the ground. I looked at the bodyguard then caught his fist, stopping him from punching my face.

[Attack Mode Activated!]

Dearie flew past the bodyguard at high speeds. I noticed the bodyguard stop moving and noticed blood coming from his neck. I pushed the bodyguard off me and noticed Daniel getting away.

[Support Mode Activated!]

I took aim at Daniel then noticed a crosshair pop up on his legs then fired two bullets. The bullets had digital particles surrounding them and the bullets homed into Daniel's legs. The bullets hit his legs then Daniel groaned in pain and he fell to the ground.

"Thanks, Dearie.." I said and stood up.

"You're welcome." Dearie said and smiled at me.

I walked over to Daniel then aimed my gun at his head.

"Why? Why are you trying to kill me?! Was this a part of that bitch's plan?! To have us killed?!" Daniel yelled as he looked at me.

I looked down at Daniel then lowered my gun. "I'm only the hitman, but one thing I know is that I'm saving our Darlings from the likes of you. I've read the reports...physical abuse...mental abuse... mistreatment, all of that warrants your death by the guidelines of Dearie Corps."

"Heh...Fuck you power hungry bastards! You think you've won? I'll have my boys after you! I'll have Ryan kill yo—" Daniel started then groaned as I stomped on his face.

"I'm always ten steps ahead of people like you. Now shut up." I said and pulled the trigger, putting a bullet through his head.

[Hacking Successful!]

[Unit: Sweet is now inactive.]

[Owner: Daniel Owens is dead.]

[VIP EXP +100]

[Obtained Mirage Barrage Program.]

A spatial rift opened and Daniel's body and the bodyguard's body were sucked into the rift.

"Well done my love~ You were rather efficient as well~ I'm glad I chose you for this job~" Arabella said.

[(4)New Darlings have become available!]

"Proposal: Connect with the new Darlings." Dearie said.

"Meet me back at Dearie Corps. I have something to reward you with for your good work~" Arabella said and winked at me then walked off.

Daisy smiled at me and gently stroked my chin. "See you..~"

Vesta smiled at me and waved then followed Daisy and Arabella.

I watched them walk off and looked at Dearie. I smiled at her and made my way to my car. "Let go."

"Affirmative." Dearie said.