
William I

"King Frederick has passed away, my Lord," the servant reported.

"He's dead?" The old man nodded. "Is there news as to who will be the next King? I heard that our beloved King has several children."

"No, my Lord. The King had no favored child. Apparently, the Upper House is on the move."

William nodded. He sent the servant out as he browsed over his desk. It was clear to anyone, even an imbecile, that the King's death would cause chaos in the Capitol.

He needed to move faster to gain an advantage or, at least, something out of this situation. If anything, he learned that several bastards have risen up to claim the throne. The legitimacy of the Hanover Dynasty was already weak. The Throne was at a severely difficult position.

Taking his bag, with some quills, ink, and paper, he moved out of his room and manor. He needed to reinforce his position under the Duke of Ronne. That bastard was ambitious, like him, but the duke was too tragic and has kept his rivals informed of every move he did.

Walking into the Houses, he passed through the Lower House. He didn't need to stay a second closer with these puppets if he could. His image as a strong man would die off. He entered the farther Upper House.

Like he expected, he was met with the loud shouts and debates in the hall. Unlike the Lower House, this lobby was filled with ambitious and strong manipulative figures.

'Snakes.' He thought to himself.

He strolled over to the Duke's side and nodded to the man.

"William! There you are." The Duke rose up and patted William on the back. "Sit. Sit."

William thanked the Duke as he sat down beside him. There was currently a large debate on who was the proper heir, expectedly. There were also old and new faces here, from Queen Christiana and her child, Prince Gustav, to the diplomats from Wuile with their puppet.

To William, it was quite clear that Prince Gustav must be the next King, however, the Upper House has rejected that proposal due to 'his lack of elemental attribute.' It was quite the low blow, for the sulking prince in the corner.

William chuckled at the thought, 'One down, several to go.' The Duke's words broke him out of his prance.

"William, what do you say?" The Duke asked him.

"Forgive me, your Lordship, I was engrossed in their heated debate. What was the topic beforehand?" William replied politely. He had a nasty habit of spacing out, and it was dangerous.

"Ah. Now, now," the Duke spoke up, "William, would it be fine with you if you would move to the my villages in the South?"

William's breath hitched. "What do you mean?" He remarked. "Surely, you are joking, right?"

"Perhaps not, William," the Duke stated in a voice devoid of his normal cheerful attitude, "The Capitol is dangerous and you could get hurt."

'That's a veiled threat. If I-' William gritted his teeth. Sadly, he could not refuse direct orders from the Duke.

"Yes, your Lordship. I will depart for the southern lands by tomorrow morning." William stood up and packed his things. He briskly walked towards the exit. He nodded to the devastated Queen.

"Good luck, your Highness." Despite the shocked eyes he gained from the Royal Family, William has no intention to aid them. He thought that in his own small way he could rebel against the Duke of Ronne.

'Let the games begin,' William thought as he marched down the halls of the Upper and Lower Houses.

Despite the lingering fear and suspicion as he left the halls, he took on forth and traveled to the family manor. William's quest for the Throne of Gaile has begun.