
Dear Yours Name

nhscl · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Why Flush, Dearest?

Kaylie used to fly kites with Uncle George down the hill after he out of ideas to mess with Melas. Probably at the time, that's how Kaylie seeking an attention from adults around him to pampered and spoiled him no matter how naughty he's. Whenever he follows Melas to banquets or parties, food always caught his eyes first. Melas will be less worried if he sees Kaylie sitting munching food on plates. Only would get worried when Kaylie started running around converse with other people. Since he knows the adopted son so well. The worried is same as any other parents who bring their child to anywhere.

The little child became a treasure in Ianchester that's always make him and Tesla forgot Kaylie's identity as a royal crown prince, son of the emperor. Emperor and empress entrusted the child they have been waiting for 20 years, 5 years longer than them. The first time they saw Kaylie was at the palace. The baby was sleeping in the arms of his mother. After that, they sent Kaylie to Ianchester one day before the day of his fifth birthday.

Kaylie could live in palace even though the child wasn't destined to be an emperor but the empress wants her one and only child to live a carefree and happy life outside the world of royals and palace. Once the child is born, she's but a mother for her child just like any other women in world who wants the child had happiness, an unsuppressed smile and laughter and freedom as any children should have.

The empress love for her son irreplaceable. Nothing is how the other parents treat their children with love and care.

Having Kaylie around in the house, in their mind except Kaylie is the same another sweet child like others children they seen. Playing and running together in their own world. 15 years without child, Kaylie treasured treasure to them. The best will be given as any real parents naturally give to child. They want little child to felt warmth and love from the heart living in small wooden house in Lonren.

Other people kids would hold their fathers' hand but for Melas he would carry Kaylie in his arms most of times in early years whenever both of them out to play around the hill because the only thing Kaylie do at home is glued with his books. He once bought books for Kaylie but shocked when Kaylie said he has read each book about 10 times in few days. Only then he understands why Kaylie books is like the one to describe an adult with nothing to do but read and read.

The books he read frequently is recipes books from library or Tesla's. He would flip them over and over again. Melas wasn't sure if that's only books can hold his interest for long or it's because he was enrolled into bakery courses. Or showing off the proudness Tesla have in him in times she asked him how study been going or whether he can make something from all he has learnt. Tesla had nothing but felt a little bit gracious to Patrica giving all she knows to her students especially Kaylie not knowing Kaylie had natural talent in baking and bakery. It's just the bibliophile side is kicking in more in him.

He has heard about Patrica failure him any cakes he made but old woman secretly trying figuring the recipes and nothing from it. She tried to make one hoping it's the same but it's not even close even though she could vaguely guess the ingredients.

Later she could just make her own recipes without trying to copy others or to be like others different people had their own very dishes that only them can make. Maybe it's the same as Kaylie and Tesla. They had their own the skills, the feelings and the ways they poured into every confectionery is not same though it's same recipes but look, ingredients and taste will differentiate everything.

Same recipes make lots of different if it's made by different people. Putting same dish on table, surely the one who eat it could tell different in dishes served. Varieties dishes by different cooks will make people felt the enjoyment in eating instead the same, old and uncultivated recipes. One will get bored eating same dishes with same recipes and ingredients to ways of cooking. The freshness in cooking will be lost.

The reason she pissed off and paid no heed to mother and son. Melas's care nothing about it as long as there's a way to make money since money is not everything but money can bring happiness to anyone. The sole reason why he craves for money. No money no food is other quote he holds dear. Luckily, he had talent to make people and himself happy in two ways.

Cooking is natural way for happiness. In two ways, if he cooks for others, they will have happiness on tasting the food he made with sincere heart. Third, the happiness to cooks anything and sell it. The way he can buy other ingredients to creates a new recipe or remolding the same recipes into better one. It the same circle but one never gets tired because there's development and something new discovered in each stage. Just like his son. Somehow, he could understand Kaylie if he looks back on his ways. There's always something new to read and gained different knowledge in each different genre his son reads. That's why he and Tesla never complained what Kaylie do in his time because he and Tesla have something they like persistently and it never faded with ages. Kaylie only bibliophile but also gifted with amazing talent in bakery.

Completely different from other children. The only his flaw he wasn't born with art magic. In the empire, is emperor the is one who is blessed by it. Except for the emperor, no one have it even other royal's family. Following the usual, the next born of emperor will have it as expected but Kaylie wasn't. He's son of emperor but he didn't not. Time for it to come is long and it's not within others royals' families whether it main or branch or twigs. Art magic only existed within royal family, for God-knows since the empire was founded, art magic will always circle around royal family. Not one of commoners.