
Dear Yours Name

nhscl · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Dear Dearest Friend

"You two have met. Should I say you're lucky today? Every time you meet Armedia good things will fall onto you. Is he your dreamcatcher charm against evil?"

"Are you done, Signia?"

"If I'm done, I walk myself to the door, need no of you to ask me to leave."

"Walk yourself to the door, please."

"I have more to say about you and Mr. Armedia and how you guys' calm tide bickering is allusive to big waves washing the shore from garbage's."

Kaylie didn't care about Signia's words. He's more into glasses. Every librarian will wear specific glasses showing their authority over the rest of the library 'care taker.' Their jobs are secure the books, lining them up according to their subject matters, making sure not one of books missing except ones borrowed and checking frequently about deadline accustomed books from outside.

The other jobs in different division are making sure not a one page teared up from books, checking, as in no spelling mistakes, inbound and outbound books, checking not frequently used an old books will be in library case called 'library inventory treasures.'

Others checked if paper books and hard cover dented. You can never trust kids unilaterally a grown-ups kids coming over to library without hands to tear, crumpled, scribbling, and overall damage them.

He's none in of the divisions mentioned. He's in care of making a library is a library. In other words, it is leisure work. He only need to step his feet into library and see if everything matches the word of library. The books, inspected clean up, furniture for reading comfortableness, checking for speck of dust, books arrangement, and lighting. It's works of checking if library was a library and see if it's worth called it a library.

Still, others don't know, but it was a library built on emperor's decree. If it's not matched royal words, then plain library would better than the library built on words by empire's emperor. That empire's emperor is his father, not to say. Speaking of fathers, no one in academy knows about it except Melas and Tesla, and others ministers mentioned and also royal members.

"Get your vigorous scheme migrate somewhere else that's can help library more illuminate than the usual."

"What a coincidence, Kaylie. Get your lustful pride about library to making your way to the stable. I heard about you getting a part-time job there. Congrats."

They're indeed dear dearest friends to each other. Their solid inherent aptitude condemning each other liquefy when loud sound heard from upstairs.

"Congrats to poignant palpable, Signia," a kind scorn to his dear dearest friend.

Rushing jumping to the skipping stairs to upstairs, Signia stopped in the middle of it, an askance look, "Kaylie, I'm hoping of no iniquity but a good regard to the horses you'll be taking care of."

"I will give you more assignation of serfdom letting you be renowned historian worth nothing," threat Kaylie.

"I can't talk without you being stony and getting your talon out," complained Signia. Push up the glasses, he unpaused the act upstairs.

Found the new students with scattering books as well as scrolls.


The day he wants to get angry but can't get angry. He got why the hell he in charge of taking care of horses but not in the least to let him change clothes first??? What the heck, staying in a horse stable in school uniform taking care of horses?! Just standing at the entrance and having a nice view of fine horses and wishes he could ride one run on empty. These horses will be used in three competitions. Horse racing, hunting and equestrian.

The headmaster knows it anyway, he would do nothing. Since he has been here, a few people always come in and out of the stable to look after horses. With this many people taking care of them, what's the use of him being here? Out of pity or not, they handed him a bunch of green apples. He has been chewing and swallowing them. He looked around. The workers have been throwing an apple into each room. Kaylie looks at the apple in his hand. It's just the same one they gave him. A thought came to him. They feed him the same thing they feed the horses. Is he the same level as those horses? Great. Weirdly, he doesn't feel insulted at all. Some of human's food also some of animal's food. Didn't the horse only eat straw? What's the use of feeding them apples? They're fine horses, so the food needs to be levelled up and upgraded.

"Spectator? I thought we have many capable men here. In this academy." Always in tradition, in Melas's office if there's any kind of aroma drinks, it will be for Kaylie. Never the kid sitting, talking, quelling with him without sipping a drink. The only guest filled the room with drinks, strong smell. The headmaster also stored drinks and foods, mostly from home. Tesla will have him bring them to the academy. Basically, food and drinks for him also for the son she treasured so much. But for Tesla, it begins with Melas. The father would get sometimes worried about son who if he's eating well at dorm. He talked about it with Tesla, starting from there Tesla would more often or so boxed few boxes for Kaylie and him.

"Yes, we're, but it was more reassuring to have you to supervise the matter."


"Isn't everyone afraid of you? No, I mean respected you. You're Soloris after all."

"I thought I was degraded to a farm family for not having a speck of dust of magic."

"Foremost, Tesla and I are happy to have you in our family of two. It's a blessing. Especially for Tesla. Her businesses are booming after you came into our family."

"So, I'm just a streak of luck for her businesses?"

"I'm happy for her."

"You're very honest with money." Kaylie put the cup down. "That's the only thing I like about you."

There's another thing, but Kaylie will keep it to himself.

Headmaster want him to be spectator? If that's the case, for Melas he wins the big lottery. He does really be a spectator. Eating and resting at a horse stable. Change of places doesn't impact him much. Skies and green scenery are eyes delicacy. Right with the horses. Horses . . . It is better not to think about the annoyance.