
Dear Suspicious Wife: You Are Under My Arrest!

{Warning- Mature Content R-18} "Sir, the third young master is going to propose to her," "What?! You must stop this proposal!" The sound of the chair falling echoed in the otherwise silent room. "It's because she is here for revenge and will only use our third young master for her evil plans, right?" The secretary started making calls. "It's because I vowed my life to her. She is mine!" The man roared, making the secretary's phone fall from his hands. ~~~~~ The imperial city of China gave her nothing more than a traumatic teenage life. Evangeline made two severe mistakes in her life. First, falling for a cheap character man like Brandon Thames, and second, saving the life of the son of the Cane family. The son, who became the reason and beginning of her destruction, the reason she lost her dignity and reputation in her school Betrayed by her fiance and named best friend, Evangeline was forced to escape from the dark reality of the world by running away. She left the country under her parents' jurisdiction with a promise to return after some years and take back everything that belonged to her. Her reputation, her art, and more than that, her dignity. After four years, she was back. Back and ready to attack. Entering the same University as her betrayers and the third son of the Cane family was just the beginning of the plan. She didn't remember which son of the Cane family she saved, and thus, she shall avenge her destruction on each one of them slowly. And she would start it by making the third son fall in love with her, enter the same entertainment company under the elder son of the Cane family, and slowly mess with the world of the second son. She had everything thoroughly planned. However, she doesn't know one thing. The person she wants to start her revenge with has vowed to find and marry her. And he is a man of his word. Everyone makes drunk night mistakes, but have you gotten married while drunk? That's exactly where Evangeline found herself after the truth was revealed, and now she must find a way to escape from her doting husband if she wants to make her plans come true. "And despite all your boundaries and hatred towards me, I will make you mine," Alexander Laurentius murmured with an evil glint on his face. Disclaimer - There might be scenes where the ml will stalk fl and become creepily sweet as the fl reveals her hidden identities. So if you are not into such romance, this book is not for you. ~~~~~ Follow me on Instagram - @angelinabhardawaj Updates on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

AngelinaBhardawaj · Urban
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134 Chs

You belong to me

Evangeline sat in a departmental store near the cafe and looked out of the window with a tired sigh.

She got a part-time job. The first thing from her to-do list was over.

It was unfortunate how she had no one to tell this to. Not even a single person she could share her happiness of achieving her first task with.

If she told James about it, he will surely throw a tantrum again. And telling her family anything about this would be like hitting your own foot with a hammer.

Calling anyone in Italy would be risky, or they would think about tapping her again if they heard she was doing some lowly part-time job here when she could have anything and everything at their base.

She looked at the passing vehicles with a haggard sigh before closing her eyes and leaning down on the counter for some minutes.

"Just one more minute, and I'll have to leave. I can't be late for the dorm and leave a bad impression on anyone," Evangeline bit her lower lip, sadness clouding her heart.

She knew this path to revenge would be full of thorns and she would equally get hurt in the process.

However, she hadn't thought that the negativity would come to her in the form of loneliness first.

But if she comes to think of it, she had always been lonely, no? After she cut ties with all those fake friends whose masks fell as soon as she fell into a ditch of rumors, she had been lonely.

She moved to Italy under her brother's guidance for a change, but she hadn't thought that those people would soon become a major part of her life.

She misses them terribly.

"Miss, will you be taking anything else?" The worker at the store asked politely, and Evangeline was brought out of her thoughts.

"That would be all. Thank you," She gave a small tip to the worker before making her way to the sidewalk.

Should she call someone to ask if the dinner was served already and if she could get something if she made it back to the dorms in time? Then again, she didn't have anyone's number.

Evangeline looked at a local family restaurant kind of thing and was about to enter when she heard a car's horn behind her.

It wasn't hard to guess to whom this car belonged, and she narrowed her eyes.

"Mr. Alexander?" She thought before stepping to the side.

Maybe he was going somewhere. It was a pretty busy street. She nodded to herself.

"Miss, please get inside. It's really crowded here," The secretary said, catching Evangeline off-guard, and she looked at the man in the back seat with a confused expression, getting inside the car nonetheless.

"This -"

"Did you pass the interview?" Alexander asked rather than explaining what he was doing there and asking her to get inside the car.

"Umm... Yes. It's a pretty easy job and they said my face would come in handy," Evangeline was still pretty much unsure of what was going on here.

"Did you eat something yet?" He asked, looking as unbothered as ever.

"No... I was actually thinking of eating back at the -"

"There's still an hour before the curfew, no? Let's stop by the nearest restaurant and eat something," Alexander said as if it was the most normal thing to do, and Evangeline couldn't take it anymore.

"Wait. Hold on a second. What are you doing here? I mean it's a busy area and you can be here, what I mean to ask is why are you picking me up like this? Uh, I don't know what exactly to ask -"

"Justin was worried about you. Since I was going back to meet him anyway, he told me to pick you up since it was on the way," Alexander said, and his secretary who knew he was lying coughed awkwardly.

The third young master probably doesn't even know the second young master was in the area in the first place.

"Oh, it's Justin. Phew, thank god. Now I understand. For a moment I had a weird thought that you actually came to pick me up, and this weird creep crawled up my neck -"

"Why?" Alexander asked, closing the screen of his phone and looking at Evangeline, catching her off guard.


"Why was it okay if it was Justin's thought and would've been weird if it was mine?" Alexander asked, and Evangeline smirked.

"Do you want me to spell it out for you? Have you ever seen yourself in the mirror?" Evangeline raised her brows.

Alexander -"..."

Secretary -"..." What is that supposed to mean, Miss? Please be clear with your choice of words if you want to keep your head intact in its place.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Alexander squared his jaws.

"Look, I don't exactly know what kind of character you have. But you don't look like the soft, doing these little things type of a man to get her into the bed," Evangeline said, and Alexander raised his brows.

"What kind of man do I look like then? Can you elaborate?" He asked, and Evangeline's eyes turned a bit sharp.

"You look more like a man who would grab his woman's jaws and slam her into the wall before pushing himself against her and telling her to do something to his liking. The dominating types. Like this," Evangeline said before she suddenly pounced on Alexander, taking everyone by surprise.

She grabbed his jaws in a gentle grip, her fingers sprawled under his ears and cheeks as she forced him to look into her eyes.

"More like - When I say blink, you blink. When I say smile, you smile, and when I say you lie on that bed and wait for me, you do exactly what I tell you to do. Because you, my darling, belong to me. Every cell in your body, every breath you take, every beat of that pounding organ against your ribcage belongs to me.

Your eyes should only see me, your nose should only smell my cologne, my voice should be the only thing you hear, your skin should be mine to touch, and that tongue? It should only taste me," Evangeline said, looking straight into Alexander's eyes, and he gulped, unmoving.

Secretary - "..."