
Dear Suspicious Wife: You Are Under My Arrest!

{Warning- Mature Content R-18} "Sir, the third young master is going to propose to her," "What?! You must stop this proposal!" The sound of the chair falling echoed in the otherwise silent room. "It's because she is here for revenge and will only use our third young master for her evil plans, right?" The secretary started making calls. "It's because I vowed my life to her. She is mine!" The man roared, making the secretary's phone fall from his hands. ~~~~~ The imperial city of China gave her nothing more than a traumatic teenage life. Evangeline made two severe mistakes in her life. First, falling for a cheap character man like Brandon Thames, and second, saving the life of the son of the Cane family. The son, who became the reason and beginning of her destruction, the reason she lost her dignity and reputation in her school Betrayed by her fiance and named best friend, Evangeline was forced to escape from the dark reality of the world by running away. She left the country under her parents' jurisdiction with a promise to return after some years and take back everything that belonged to her. Her reputation, her art, and more than that, her dignity. After four years, she was back. Back and ready to attack. Entering the same University as her betrayers and the third son of the Cane family was just the beginning of the plan. She didn't remember which son of the Cane family she saved, and thus, she shall avenge her destruction on each one of them slowly. And she would start it by making the third son fall in love with her, enter the same entertainment company under the elder son of the Cane family, and slowly mess with the world of the second son. She had everything thoroughly planned. However, she doesn't know one thing. The person she wants to start her revenge with has vowed to find and marry her. And he is a man of his word. Everyone makes drunk night mistakes, but have you gotten married while drunk? That's exactly where Evangeline found herself after the truth was revealed, and now she must find a way to escape from her doting husband if she wants to make her plans come true. "And despite all your boundaries and hatred towards me, I will make you mine," Alexander Laurentius murmured with an evil glint on his face. Disclaimer - There might be scenes where the ml will stalk fl and become creepily sweet as the fl reveals her hidden identities. So if you are not into such romance, this book is not for you. ~~~~~ Follow me on Instagram - @angelinabhardawaj Updates on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

AngelinaBhardawaj · Urban
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134 Chs

Revenge begins.

"Miss, do you need something?" One of the waitresses asked as Evangeline was about to enter one of the rooms, and she looked at her politely.

"Yes, I was actually looking for Mr. Stone. I was told he would be in one of these rooms. I am just confused about which one. Can you help me?" Evangeline blinked at the waitress innocently, and the girl smiled.

"Mr. Stone is in this room. He indeed said he was expecting someone. Have a great time," The waitress said, and Evangeline smiled.

"Oh, I surely will. You are such a polite girl. Thank you," Evangeline smiled and turned the door knob of the room.

"Who are you?" The man looked at her with narrowed eyes, and Evangeline smiled before she made her way to the seat beside him.

"Are you deaf? Who are you? I haven't called in any slut yet. And what the hell are you wearing? I am not in the mood to play. Get lost," the so-called Mr. Stone said, and Evangeline smiled.

"It's funny how I have been thinking about every single moment of my life since that incident yet you don't even remember my face. It makes me sad, but then again, you can't see my face, no?" Evangeline sighed before she pulled out her folded knife from her pocket.

"That incident? What are you -? Don't come close to me! Look I am not playing today. I will really kill you," Mr. Stone said, and Evangeline smiled.

"Oh, I know you surely will. You have killed me once already. But unfortunately, your luck was bad that day. I survived," Evangeline smiled with an evil glint in her eyes.

"I survived because... Because? Because who will make your life a living hell, no?" Evangeline said, her eyes sparkling with an animosity that made him gulp.

His hands trembled when he saw her unfolding her knife. The shape of this knife was weird like it was designed especially for murdering someone.

The sharpness and edge, the man raised his gaze as realization dawned upon him and looked at the girl, who was looking back at him with resolute eyes.

"You bitch! Do you think you can hurt me?! Do you even know who I am?" That man lunged at her, taking out his knife sneakily that Evangeline barely dodged before taking him in a headlock as she held his hand with the knife in her.

"Mr. Stone, 37 murders in the last seven years. Has been doing dirty work for rich people for money. A five-year-old daughter studying in elementary school. Killed your wife because she asked you to stop doing this dirty work.

A brother who is a politician and always saves you from the mess you get into in return for you to kill for him. Bank account in 5 banks, three in this city and two International. A total of 1 million yuan resting in all accounts combined. Do you need more?" Evangeline smirked, shocking the man.

"Who the fuck you are! Leave my hand this instant, or I'll surely change that stat of 37 murders to 38," That man said, and Evangeline, who was holding his hand to stop him from stabbing her, smirked.

"Oh, I already counted myself in one of those killings. According to you, I am dead, no? You got the money for it too," Evangeline said before she pushed him so hard that he stumbled across the chair and fell down.

"Since I am dead already, you can't kill me again, no?" Evangeline smirked and grabbed the bottle of wine from the table before smashing it on his head.

"Aaaaaaaa! You bitch!" He screamed as he rolled on the ground, and Evangeline smirked.

"How annoying. At least you could've let the whole club know about what is going on here. Such a weak scream? I guess I didn't do it properly," Evangeline sat in front of him, looking at him with a smile before she parted his legs with her foot.

"I didn't mention the rapes, no? How many girls have you raped so far? If you give me the exact number, I'll leave you. I promise," Evangeline smiled, and the man looked at her in pure horror.

"I... I..."


Evangeline slapped him hard across his face, her hand staining with his blood making her grumble and she wiped it on his shirt.

"It's not a number," she smiled.

"Let's try again. You have five seconds to think about it. How many girls?" She asked.



"E-eight... Eighteen," The man said, and Evangeline smiled.

"Right. For someone who rapes just anyone and every girl he gets his hands on, you have kept a record, hmm?" Evangeline nodded at herself before she stood.

The man looked at her turning her back and heaved a sigh of relief, but he was too quick to relax.

"Then again, when did I say I keep my promise?" Evangeline turned around and kicked him straight in his groin, making him scream in agony and pain.

"Aaaaaaaahhh! Aaaaaahh!" He rolled in pain, and Evangeline smiled satisfactorily.

"So a kick on the groin is far more painful than getting your head smashed. Noted," Evangeline smiled before she bent and grabbed his hand quickly.

"I should take a memory with me, no? This is the second step. I am not going to kill you just yet. Your hell begins from here, Stone," Evangeline smiled before she cut the thumb of that man before taking out his handkerchief and wrapping it in it.

"Adios. Heal well, okay? I am nowhere near done with you. Let me have some fun, okay?" Evangeline smiled before she washed her hands and the blood stains from her clothes.

After taking one last look at the horrified man, she turned the doorknob and exited the room.

As soon as the door creaked open, the sounds of his shouting in pain echoed in the corridor and everyone was alerted.

People started rushing towards the room, and Evangeline knew she will have to leave the area quickly.

She was about to enter another room when someone held her hand and pulled her into a room.

"What the -" Evangeline started.

"What are you doing here?" Evangeline recognized the voice immediately, and her eyes widened while her body froze.

She raised her head and looked at him from under her hat.

"I... I..." Evangeline gulped as her eyes met with Alexander's hot and piercing ones.