
Dear Suspicious Wife: You Are Under My Arrest!

{Warning- Mature Content R-18} "Sir, the third young master is going to propose to her," "What?! You must stop this proposal!" The sound of the chair falling echoed in the otherwise silent room. "It's because she is here for revenge and will only use our third young master for her evil plans, right?" The secretary started making calls. "It's because I vowed my life to her. She is mine!" The man roared, making the secretary's phone fall from his hands. ~~~~~ The imperial city of China gave her nothing more than a traumatic teenage life. Evangeline made two severe mistakes in her life. First, falling for a cheap character man like Brandon Thames, and second, saving the life of the son of the Cane family. The son, who became the reason and beginning of her destruction, the reason she lost her dignity and reputation in her school Betrayed by her fiance and named best friend, Evangeline was forced to escape from the dark reality of the world by running away. She left the country under her parents' jurisdiction with a promise to return after some years and take back everything that belonged to her. Her reputation, her art, and more than that, her dignity. After four years, she was back. Back and ready to attack. Entering the same University as her betrayers and the third son of the Cane family was just the beginning of the plan. She didn't remember which son of the Cane family she saved, and thus, she shall avenge her destruction on each one of them slowly. And she would start it by making the third son fall in love with her, enter the same entertainment company under the elder son of the Cane family, and slowly mess with the world of the second son. She had everything thoroughly planned. However, she doesn't know one thing. The person she wants to start her revenge with has vowed to find and marry her. And he is a man of his word. Everyone makes drunk night mistakes, but have you gotten married while drunk? That's exactly where Evangeline found herself after the truth was revealed, and now she must find a way to escape from her doting husband if she wants to make her plans come true. "And despite all your boundaries and hatred towards me, I will make you mine," Alexander Laurentius murmured with an evil glint on his face. Disclaimer - There might be scenes where the ml will stalk fl and become creepily sweet as the fl reveals her hidden identities. So if you are not into such romance, this book is not for you. ~~~~~ Follow me on Instagram - @angelinabhardawaj Updates on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

AngelinaBhardawaj · Urban
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134 Chs

Let me teach you how to fight.

"Why are you always like this? You almost had me there," Wendy held Evangeline's hand as she walked towards the canteen, and the latter just glanced at her phone before pushing it into her pocket.

"I hate when someone gets too touchy with me. Besides, I was just showing my acting skills. Seeing how startled you were, I think I did pretty well," Evangeline smiled.

Wendy looked at the girl, unsure what to do or say to her anymore.

At some distance from them, their other friends were walking towards the canteen, talking to other girls.

Sasha, the most talkative as always, was going on about her new cafeteria guy crush.

"And then, I just went there to order the coffee. Imagine my surprise when that guy looked at me with a knowing smile. I didn't know I was a regular there until he just prepared my order without me even telling him. I have been ordering the same things for quite some time, no?" Sasha said, and Lola rolled her eyes.

"You do know that you have been blabbering for some time now, right? Even Sarah is quiet," Lola groaned, and Sasha looked at Belle, who just looked away with a small smile on her face.

"Seriously, guys. Is there no one who wants to listen to what I am saying? Aren't you guys happy for me? Have you seen how cute that cafeteria guy is? Ahhh, how can I get over this without telling at least a hundred people?" Sasha groaned.

"A hundred people? Aren't you exaggerating a bit?" Sarah mused, and Sasha was about to start again when she paused.

"Who is that?" Sasha looked behind Lola, and the girls turned to look at Evangeline and Wendy, who was walking toward them while talking to each other.

They instantly knew who Sasha was talking about, and they sighed.

Evangeline was wearing black colored jeans that were wide at the bottom, with a cream-colored top that she had tucked inside the jeans in the front along with a jacket.

Two chains were clasped around the left side of her jeans, and her hair was done in a loose bun with her cap clasped at the side of her bag.

"I didn't know we had a celebrity coming here today. How come no one notified me?" Sasha pouted and looked at the student's forum.

"She is not a celebrity. She is our roommate. Doesn't she have a good sense of dressing?" Sarah asked before rolling her eyes.

"We actually wanted her to participate in the campus bell competition, but she denied it,"

"Girl, your roommate is hot. Will you guys be able to remain straight till the end of the year?" Sasha mused.

"Why didn't any of you wake me up?" Evangeline pouted at the girls, who rolled their eyes at her.

"Why should we? Are you our friend? Because if you had been, you would've agreed to participate," Sarah said, and Evangeline looked at them.

She was about to say something when the boys walked to them, looking as dashing as ever.

"Hey," Justin breathed softly and looked at her, and Evangeline nodded with a smile before she looked at her phone again.

"Why does it always look like she is some kind of secret businessman? The amount of calls she gets is really shocking," Wendy said before she looked at the guys.

"You won't believe what she did today," Wendy told everyone about Evangeline's acting, and they looked at her, amused.

"I know you had zeal inside you," Aaron winked at her, and she chuckled before walking to the counter to order her things after everyone was done.

"A chocolate shake and -"

"Well, if this isn't the pretentious b*tch," Tina said, and Evangeline turned to her left before looking the girl up and down, a look of mockery in her eyes.

"Have you gotten over your previous humiliation that you are here to bother me again?" Evangeline asked before thanking the counter lady.

"How can I forget that? You will pay for it today, b*tch. Guys, she is the one," Tina said, and Evangeline looked at the men standing behind her.

"What? Did your daddy send some guards to protect his puppy? How did the University even let you guys enter? Oh, right. You know how to throw money," Evangeline smirked, and Tina huffed in rage.

"What are you waiting for? Attack her!" Tina screeched, and everyone in the distance looked at the scene with wide eyes.

"Tina!" Justin was the first one to shout and rush to the scene.

"Stay out of it Justin. This is between us girls," Tina said, and Ethan walked to them.

"If it was between you girls, you wouldn't bring these goons with you. Have you lost your mind?" Ryan said, his gaze shifting to Evangeline, who looked least bothered with the stuff.

She was so calm and collected, the same gaze of looking down upon others crossing her eyes. This girl, it was becoming quite hard to figure her out.

"Well, if you guys want to meddle so much, I'll beat you all. Guys!" Tina screeched, and the ten guards she brought out of nowhere started attacking the boys.

One of the trained guards went for Evangeline.

"Eva!" Justin shouted before he stood in front of her, hiding her with his body, ready to take the hit. However, the hit he was anticipating never came.

He opened his eyes and turned around, looking at the person with wide eyes.

"Brother," Justin murmured, and everyone paused immediately.

Alexander looked at the scene in front of him with cold and dangerous eyes, his hand still holding the guard who was holding the bat.

"Is this some fighting arena? Don't you guys know of the consequence of touching a Cane?" Alexander looked at his secretary who immediately nodded and took off his jacket to fight.

"You want to fight? Let's do that," Alexander said, his gaze flickering to Evangeline who was standing there with thinned lips.

"Do you want to join?" He asked, and Evangeline quirked her brows.

"Me? Why shall I? Won't you protect your brother?" She asked.

"Yes, but my brother was protecting you. Shouldn't you learn to protect yourself? Come here. Let me teach you," Alexander said, and everyone looked at him, confused.

"What are you -"

"Stand here," Alexander pulled her in front of him, his chest touching her back as he pulled her in, almost hugging her from behind.

"Let me teach you how to use a bat. Hold this here and then swing like this," Alexander held her hand, whispered into her ears as if chanting some kind of cold spell, and helped her hit the goons, making Evangeline grit her teeth.

She could feel the warmth from his chest seeping into her body.

What kind of game was he playing?

The girls looked at Justin's elder brother who even hates interacting with other women, and then at the girl who was moved and twisted freely by him.

In other situations, any girl would've been jealous of Evangeline since she was standing in the arms of one of the hottest bachelors in the nation, but now seeing her being manhandled like this, they only pitied her.

"Let me show you what a flying kick is," Alexander held her waist, his hand rubbing on her stomach almost intimately, and Evangeline's heart skipped a beat.

He was just holding her waist normally like anyone would when lifting a person, but why were his spread fingers on her hips, making her feel so hot? His touch was sending shivers down her spine, and the more she wanted to ignore this feeling, the harder it was becoming.

This man was playing with her mind. And she hated to admit that she was allowing it.

Tina looked at Alexander's secretary who knocked most of her guards, and then at Alexander who was just playing with them.

"Can't you just handle two guys? Useless pricks! Let's go," She said and couldn't help but leave with an angry huff.

"You can leave me. They are gone," Evangeline whispered, not wanting to push him away in front of so many people and Alexander hummed.

"Of course," he stepped back as gentlemanly as possible, and Evangeline turned to him with an angry look.

Justin looked between his brother and the girl he has started to like and didn't know what to think of it. His brother was really going too far to keep her away from him.

Just because he tried to protect Evangeline, his brother bullied her so much.

"Sometimes you really go over the top, brother," Justin shook his head and held Evangeline's hand before he pulled her all the way to the table.

Alexander looked at the girl with dark cold eyes, his gaze flickering to her hand that was in his brother's hand.

"I am sorry for all this, Evangeline," Justin said.

"What are you sorry about? And sit far away from her," Alexander pulled him out of the seat before sitting in his seat, making Justin look at his brother in disbelief.

"Seriously, brother?" Justin sat beside Aaron who was barely controlling his amusement, just like everyone on the table.

"Now will anyone tell me what was going on here? Why the hell did I walk into a street fight rather than a calm canteen?" Alexander asked, and Evangeline looked at his fingers that were playing with a pen.

It was beautiful. She didn't know if she was thinking about his hands or the pen in his hand.