

Everyone in the class stops talking when the teacher came in.Everyone was waiting for a senior teacher. But the one came in couldn't be called a teacher much less than a senior teacher. She is 27 years at most.

She stops in front of their class then peeked a little. Then enters the class showing off her unlimited confidence.

"You are a substitute of our class teacher, right? "

Hearing this all her confidence blows in a moment. But the next moment she replied, "You all were expecting Mr.Li, right?Sure enough he tooked the class for quite few years."

Some of them shook their head in response .

She looks at them,"But thanks god I am here today. Otherwise the first day would have been... "

a girl entraps "Then when will he come back?"

She ask them with a pitiful face,"You don't want my class? "

"No no.We didn't mean that.We are very happy to attend. But..."

She then ask in a misterious voice, "So, you all will be happy to leave his class and love to attend my class, right?"

Everyone nods.But the next moment she says in a mischievous voice, "Then you should be happy. Because From now on I am you head class teacher. "

Everyone was speechless.

Without any delay she changes the topic and introduce herself.

"My name is Li Ling.You can address me teacher ling in school And outside you can say Ms.Ling or sister Ling. After all I am a senior of your school."

Everybody looked pazzeled.While she was busy expanding her gaze all over the room and gradually stops at a certain corner. Withdrawing her gaze she says a few words to the students and answered some of their questions.After that She took the student attendances .

Next she simply puts the things aside.Next moment two boys appeared at the door and ask for permission to enter. She noded at them and they enters the classroom.

Everyone in the classroom pays attention to the comers.Many of the students wanted them to share the same desk with them. Alas! the teacher already told them to sit in the third column. There are only two sits at the column.The last seat and second to the last seat.The messy one took over the sit second to the last row without any delaying. Thus the other one without choice walk towards the last seat.

He then takes a serect glance at his desksmate. The person sitting next to him is a girl and seems like a slaker.The days ahead would be tough.Thinking of it he couldn't help but sigh.

"Now dear students, I think you all are quite familiar with each-other as you were in the same class before. Except two.First one you might know, She is roll number 47.It might seem that she isn't a good scorer.But don't try underestimate her.Her name is Xiaoman" As she spoke she looks at Xiaoman.

Xiaoman immediately stands up and "Greetings fellow classmates.I am Lin Xiaoman. I am a new member of this class and I am looking forward for our days ahead with this class"

"Thanks classmate Xiaoman. Now the last new comer. Her current roll is 48.The last roll in the class belongs to her.But no one knows much about her capability. So keep your guard on.Her name is Tiana. "

The girl slowly stands up and look around with her beautiful almond eyes then smiles "Hi everyone.I am Tiana jannat.I am the legendary transfer student. If there anything you want to know about be you can simply ask me. I can't wait to have the memories with our class"

Everyone in the class was bewitched with her smile.Even Lin Zixuan was surprised to see his desk mate . She doesn't looks like a slaker. Her smile is calculated yet charming. Her lines are cute version. Not to mention her domening and strong aura are still around her.

None noticed the new girl before.But now everyone is discussing about her.Even Lin Zixuan looked at her once more. Before Xiaoman was became her rivel in love .Now another girl is included. Seeing this Mu weiying clenched her fist. She wanted to break her delicate face.Thus she was the first one to ask,"I was wondering where did our new class cinderella belonged before joining our school?"

Tiana understood her meaning and hostile attitude. She replied, "Of course i will. But I can't possibly be a cinderella. Because I don't need any prince to fulfil me. I am capable myself.As for your question, I was in First middle high School which is located in capital. "

Mu weiying felt she has been slapped twice. She is not only attractive also capable.

Ms.Li breaks the silence and tells Tiana to sit down.

Tiana turns at the two boys and says," Are you seeing a girl for the first time?"

Both Lin Zixuan and Lin Xi was speechless.

But Lin Xi was amazed with her 'inosent' answer and almost laughed out loud. Someone actually dared to say something like that at Master Xuans face!! As Lin Zixuan glared at him he immediately turned his head.

Pondering a bit,Lin Zixuan says,'No'

As Tiana was putting back her earpieces she replied, "Huh! I was just teasing. I didn't expect an answer for real."

"Ohh.But I don't think It's a good thing using earpieces in classroom, especially when teacher is present. You might get punished. "

She Intentionally teased him"Wait.. Are you worried for me?Hmm.. Overall, You are acceptable. But I am not planning on getting a boyfriend anytime soon. Of course you can case after me, it's your right.Maybe I would consider you when I want one. " She smiled mischievously.

Lin Zixuan never thought even he would be speechless two times in a row. He coughs, "no.no..I didn't mean.."

"Of course I know.As I said earlier I am just teasing you. It's amusing to see someone like you to be teased badly. But you don't need to worry at all. She won't punish."

He was again played by her. This time he recovered quickly. To hid his embarrassment he said, "How do you know she won't?"

Sigh."It's simple. You would knew if you used your brain instead of using the question to chat with me."

He coughs a bit uncomfortably . She found his thoughts easily.

"She won't because she already knew from the beginning.And she doesn't have any Intention of ruining her pretty image in front of us "

He found it reasonable. But she could punish her outside.So why is she so sure. Many possibilities poped into his head. Still all is just his thinking.

Seeing them talking Mu weiying felt very very angry. The girl is seducing her man! and she even dared to smirks at her while taking with him.

At the moment the bell rang. Ms.Li bid them farewell for the day.Then instructed Xiaoman and Tiana to follow her.

Lin Zixuan looked at the girls back. The girl is totally unpredictable.