
Dear, Omniscient Merch

A girl from the nobility named Minnie Rosemary promises to show the world to her best friend who is just an ordinary villager Yuuna Dylan. But unbeknownst to Minnie, the village where her best friend lives has been massacred by unknown people, the entire village was destroyed and burned down. "Yuuna...I'm sorry, I couldn't protect you" She stood blankly before the body of her best friend who was pierced by many spears. "If God can't protect you, then let me do it-" "High-level blood control ability acquired" Minnie gasped to herself, she heard the voice of someone speaking to her. "Who?!" "You want to save your best friend, don't you?" said the unknown voice. "It's not too late to save her."

uriels · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs


The morning sun dawned, its light shining on the body of the girl who had accidentally fallen asleep in the void. Her noggin opened, the first thing she saw was the ceiling of the building at a glance, to Minnie there was nothing wrong with it. Just looking at the sun's kirana highlights made Minnie's head hurt even more, she massaged her temples without realizing anything strange.

Reluctantly, Minnie got up from her bed only to see an oddity in the reflection of the mirror. "Hm?" The girl's brow furrowed. "My hair...?" At first glance Minnie thought there was another figure in her reflection, but no, it was clear that the figure she saw was herself with an unfamiliar-looking blonde mane, or her golden eyes turned deep emerald with strange marks around her temples and left arm.

The awkwardness ensnared Minnie in question marks; what had happened to her overnight? Her mind was too muddled to guess. The girl held her head again as if she didn't want to believe the change. "Damn... am I hallucinating?" She gritted her teeth softly. "How could it be a hallucination..." Ignoring her own problems, Minnie departed from her room after getting dressed as her steps led her down the stairs one by one.

Her dark nether-eyes caught the figure of her father walking into the mansion, followed by the two strangers who were equally caught by Minnie's gaze. As if her body was moving on its own, Minnie somehow hid behind a large pillar of curiosity making her want to hear their entire conversation. "It seems that the unfortunate tragedy that befell the commoners was ignored by the residents." Said the father. "Damn demons, aren't there any of them left?" Continued the blond man beside him with a gaze that seemed to observe the building.

"Heh, scum like them are better off dead." The words of the other man with the mane of fire eroded Minnie's heart. Especially, when he said them innocently while propping his face on the table. The young man's chuckle in the air, tickling Minnie's sense of hearing as the girl tried her best to hold back her anger that was even more tormenting to her will and determination; the tragic scene flashed back to her memory.

Less than two seconds later - an absolute onslaught invaded them. The two youths were shocked, especially at the fact that the slash decapitated the Mansion Owner. "WHO'S THERE...‽" Panic spread and filled their veins, the figure of a girl was caught - their eyes widened only to fixate on a bloody sword with a sharp blade. "Noisy." Only one word was heard.

The two men were not stupid enough to realize the weapon that lay in the girl's grasp was blood. "How come?" they said in surprise. "Hey, what are you-" Unable to continue, the defense of the man in red was destroyed by Minnie. If the girl had moved an inch, it was certain that the blade created from the blood would have slashed her throat.

However, the second time around Minnie was the only one caught off guard. The red-haired man vanished from her gaze - by creating a flow of magic that enabled him to split gravity and soar above the girl. Minnie's dark eyes widened when she noticed the sly grin on the corners of the man's lips. "What a troublesome devil. Isn't that man your father?"

"That bastard? No, our destinies are different." replied the girl. Minnie had no intention of giving up, she used magic linked to gravity to turn the walls of the building into her authority. Step by step Minnie took, only to concentrate the attack on the corner of the red-haired man's head without the slightest hesitation. "Don't speak as if you've known him since birth." said the girl with a cold expression.

It was unclear whose attack was faster - time slowed as the two fighters concentrated their attacks to eliminate each other. Minnie came to her senses - the man before her was smiling. "Poor girl, you're showing off your strength to the wrong person." A wrist was drawn across the girl's chest. Her deep emerald nets trembled, as if unaware of her crushing defeat at the hands of the man.

Blood dripped from the wound - wetting the broken tiles. Minnie struggled to hold on to the hand that swung at her, even though her whole body was shaking violently. "Damn it... why, what did you do to that village...? Acting like they're sinners. ANSWER ME!" she asked in a trembling voice. However, her words were interrupted by a torrent of red liquid coming out of her mouth, along with clear crystals from her temples.

"Hm? That's strange, I'm sure your heart has been destroyed. Why not just die?" The man's brow furrowed. Hubris did not alert him to the irregularities that began to occur - the walls of the buildings scattered across the city began to show cracks; the ground trembled violently, as if carrying a shock that made the man feel even more panicked. "Damn it! What's going on...? The building-" The man's eyes widened.

Oxygen seemed to be depleting, replaced by an endless heat wave that sent the entire population into a panic. "Acquire - acquire this new skill; Restore destiny. Save... everyone." The same unfamiliar voice eroded Minnie's hearing. Whether she realized it or not - her body created a barrier between them, a large-scale magic that almost completely encompassed the plain she lived in.

"Change... I will change everything... burn! The sinful mortal world, I'll purify it all!" Minnie's scream rent the air, as the closest to the girl - naturally the two men panicked, one of them gnashing his teeth vigorously. "You fucking bitch..." The two of them searched for dozens of escape plans, widening the distance from the girl as much as possible.

A holy glow lit up the entire town - Minnie knew that it was coming from herself. Her vision began to blur, but was still able to catch the figures of the two men fleeing from the half-destroyed building, the result of their previous fight. The only thing Minnie remembered was how her body collapsed, enveloped in an eternal silence that left her alone.

A sweep of the cold air of the unfamiliar room seemed to sweep over Minnie's body, awakening the girl to open both her nets. Silence, there was no sound other than Minnie realizing the place she was in was familiar. "This place...?" The girl's voice sounded vulnerable. "My subconscious? Very typical." A faint smile tugged at the corners of her lips. "Ouch! What happened to you? What's such a mess?"

The warm greeting from the other person sent a shock of electricity through her veins, though Minnie hesitantly turned her body; only to stare wide-eyed at the figure of her best friend standing before her. "Yuuna...?" For the second time, Minnie's voice broke. "Yes, it's me." Obviously the figure in front of her was Yuuna, just by looking at her Minnie would have known... however, disbelief seized her. "Yuuna... you... you..." Minnie gasped in tears.