
Dear, Omniscient Merch

A girl from the nobility named Minnie Rosemary promises to show the world to her best friend who is just an ordinary villager Yuuna Dylan. But unbeknownst to Minnie, the village where her best friend lives has been massacred by unknown people, the entire village was destroyed and burned down. "Yuuna...I'm sorry, I couldn't protect you" She stood blankly before the body of her best friend who was pierced by many spears. "If God can't protect you, then let me do it-" "High-level blood control ability acquired" Minnie gasped to herself, she heard the voice of someone speaking to her. "Who?!" "You want to save your best friend, don't you?" said the unknown voice. "It's not too late to save her."

uriels · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs


The thug leaned forward and was about to punch the man in front of him in the face, "Slow movement?" the man in black dodged casually and hit the thug in the face until it bounced off the walls of the building. "Agh...what is this-" he said in fear.

The girl who was hiding behind his body was amazed by what she had just seen and hugged the man tightly. "Ahhh! You are already handsome, cool, great too!" the man just gave a flat look to the girl in front of him. "Thank you for helping me, my name is Shuhua one of the floaters who works at the bakery, if you want I can buy you some bread and...if you need anything, maybe I can help" said the girl named Shuhua with a faint blush on her face.

"Thank you if I may, what is this place?" the man looked at the girl's face with confusion that had not faded from his face. "Ah, you are currently outside the capital of the Dalezya kingdom, this is just a small village on the outskirts of the city."

"I see, thank you for your help Shuhua" the man smiled at the girl in front of him. Suddenly seeing the sweet smile of the man made the girl blush even redder and almost fainted, "W-what do you need something else?"

Yuuta thought for a moment, he was wondering what he could do at this time. "Excuse me, but do you have any money? A little bit is fine" Hearing the man's words, Shuhua nodded and took a sizable pouch from his pocket. "Take this with you, it might help on the way."

Yuuta received the bag of gold coins and felt uncomfortable at the girl in front of him, "He-hey...isn't this too much? I only asked for a little" he said confused. The girl shook her head and looked at the man with a sweet smile, "This is a token of thanks for helping and saving me, just take the money with you."

"Is it really okay with this?", the girl nodded and gave him a thumbs up. Yuuta smiled and bowed politely to thank the girl and quickly walked towards the direction of the city. "Good luck to you", the girl waved and watched the man leave with a wry smile on her face.

"So, you are not from this place young lady?", the blonde haired girl nodded while drinking a glass of green tea in her hand. "In short, I suddenly woke up and fell from the sky...then met your son" she said while looking at the man in question.

"I've heard of cases like this...if I'm not mistaken the Queen of the Dalezya Kingdom also experienced something similar to you," said a woman who came out of her room while leaning against the wall. "Queen? Kingdom?" said Minnie in confusion. "That's right, far ahead of this village there is a large kingdom, that kingdom is also quite fast in technological development and also they have unlimited natural resources."

Minnie was quite interested and looked at the brown-haired woman with great curiosity, "Does the kingdom have a strict system?". "Not really, the kingdom of Dalezya is famous for its generous king and queen."

A smile etched on the blonde girl's face, she got up from the chair and stretched her stiff body. "Then, I'll go to the kingdom and sneak into the palace" she said casually.Hearing that made the man sitting next to her surprised and denied her words outright.

"What? That's impossible Miss...Even if you're well known, a foreigner outside the kingdom wouldn't be that easy to-" Before he could finish his sentence, she smiled at him. "Take it easy, I have my own way Enzo...Then, if I manage to get a position there, you might get more supplies."

"What do you mean by that, miss?" Said the brown-haired woman who walked closer to him, "I want to help this village, even though it looks ordinary...it seems that you guys are quite short of food here, if I manage to persuade the Queen and King maybe you will get help with food supply."

"Why do you care so much...when we just met," said Enzo in a small tone, "I can't see people in trouble like you, after all...what does it have to do with us just meeting? Helping can be done by anyone and anytime without exception."

And I mean, meeting the Queen and asking her to give the village some money and foodstuffs is not impossible, right? The man paused at the words of the woman beside him, secretly smiling and slightly moved by her words.

"In that case, thank you for the information Mr. Martel, and also Enzo...the direction to the royal capital just needs to go straight along the path, right?" the woman bowed respectfully and quickly turned around.

"Wait a minute, young lady" said the woman in brown, she turned to the woman with a confused look. "Come here for a moment" she said as she entered the room followed by Minnie in confusion.

"What's wrong sis?" said minnie while clucking her waist, "Your clothes like that are not appropriate, wear this," said the woman while pulling out a long dress with a delicate green corset.

"Eh...is it okay?" she held the dress while looking at herself in the mirror, "Put it on, it looks good on you anyway" the brown-haired woman opened her closet and took out a large bag of gold coins. "Take this with you too" she said as she tied the bag of coins around Minnie's waist.

"Eh? Wait a minute, you don't have to give them to me..." Minnie said in a panic, "Just take them...you'll need money when you go to the capital." After changing and tidying up, Minnie quickly saluted the woman who was presumed to be Enzo's older sister.

She left the room and said goodbye to Mr. Martel and Enzo, "Are you sure you don't want my company...?"

the woman looked at Enzo with a friendly smile,

"That's not necessary, you just wait for my message!"

Hearing that Enzo nodded in agreement, the woman immediately walked out of Enzo's house and walked towards the capital of the Kingdom of Dalezya.

"Alright...I'm coming to Dalezya Castle soon!"