
[Nigel Gawain] Ice, Sunlight, and Smile (1)

He is a man who was born with love.

He was created by 'humans'.


“We are the Gawains.”

My father always says this to me.

At first, I didn’t understand, but I began to realize as I was growing up.

No matter what we are called, if the last name is 'Gawain'.

Then we are 'Gawain', not Nigel or anyone else…

Not at all.


“As a leader, you should know how to use people.”

My father always says this to me. This sentence is repeated in my head, even when I am asleep.

“You shouldn’t be too lenient with some people, and you shouldn’t be too harsh with some people. What's important is you need to be able to analyze them and choose the most effective way. You must learn about the strengths and weaknesses of others and use those…” My father smiles. “…You may not understand it right now, but once you understand, apart from knowing how to use people, you will also know how to kill them too…”