
Dear, My Crush

Cecilia desired to reconcile with Marco, who spurned her advances. Meanwhile, her supervisor, Julia, harbored an interest in Cecilia. One day, Julia inadvertently overheard a heated argument between Cecilia and Marco in her presence. She decides to helping her to get back to her ex, will she accomplish to her mission?

kidd17 · LGBT+
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25 Chs

Chapter 10: Makeover (Part 2)

Cecilia's POV

We're already inside a department store she rented earlier. From the employees, managers, and security guards greeting us. Does she that rich? If it's so, why your dad cut you off? You can lead all of them.

I took a deep breath, looked surround me. J.A Department Store is the most fanciest department store ever exist. No knocked off brand inside this department store and all the restaurant here received a Micheline Stars at least three.

"Ms. Albert, welcome back we..."

"I want you to makeover this woman more decent. She..." she glancing at me and sighed. Does my outfit that look so bad?!

"I got it, Ms. Albert. Do you want to following us, or want to wait her?" She shook her head. She dragged me and followed by some of the employees in this store. I'm looking my back.

She's walking to the right followed by the each store managers. Where were she going? "Um..." I'm looking a woman in front of me. Look at her! She's tall and beautiful.

Her dress and... oh my God. I looked down as my face feels warm. Fuck. No wonder Julia wants me look decent, according to her. Does Marco look at me same way as her? "Ahem!" I'm lifting my head, looking at her.

Look at her. She looks casual and elegant at the same time! "Why you looked down? What's your name?" She asked me as looking at the dress in front of her.

"Cecilia Castello? Y-you can called me Cecil or Cecilia." I gripping at the edge of my sweater I'm wearing. She hummed as she keep put the clothes on the employee's hand.

One of the dress in front of me will cost me 43 years worked as Julia's secretary, or I can sell my two kidneys to pay the dress. Sadly, they not accept my kidneys as the payment.

"What is your shoe size?" I followed her to the next store. "Do you like... loafers or flats?" She looks at me.

I bite my lips, wringing my hands. Shit. "Here's your drink, ma'am." The employee put a tea next to me with a macaroon tower with various flavors. Fuck.

She holds my hand and smile as she brushed off her blonde hair. I want to ask her name, but my tongue tied. I don't know why I can't let out my voice in front of her. "Let's we... take a break. It's your first time, right?"

I'm nodding my head. We sits next to each other. "Um... w-what's your name?" I ask. She sipping her tea so elegantly. Does she from a rich family?

"My name is Cassandra. Julia often equates me with... a game character. I hope you don't." She close with Julia?! I took a macaroon in front of me and sighed. "Julia... texted me earlier about you. She said... you've got dumped from your boyfriend?"

I'm nodding my head. What a shame, right? He dumped me because of the stupid awards and jealousy. "Can you... tell me about your relationship with him? So, I can easily to makeover yourself."

I start to tell her everything since we first met.

Julia's POV

I put the monthly report on my desk as I sighed. "How about the VIP customers? Did they still enjoys the service?" I'm clearing my throat.

All of them inside my office jolted and blinking they eyes several times. "I-I'm sorry Ms. Albert, we..." I'm scratching my forehead. "T-they still enjoy our service. Some of them suggesting t-to upgrade the lounge."

Lounge. I agree with them. Lounge seems more popular for the people and the rich. Some of them complaint with the high-price brand. Should I adding more level to place a cheap brand?! It will damaging this department store's reputation.

Once it's famous with the high-class brand and services, will dropped as the commoners place. It will tarnish Albert Clan. I took a deep breath and closed the map in front of me. "You guys can go home."

They nodding their head and get out from my room. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Think, Julia, Think. I'm looking at the CCTV and saw Cecilia wearing a Manolo Blahnik shoes. She... looks beautiful, everyone will agree with me, but... will she rejects my request?

I scoffed as I remember what Marco said earlier. One day, you will realized you fucked, Marco. "Jane wants to talk to and..."

It's been an hour and she wants to begging me to have her job back? I took a deep breath and exhale. I put my phone on my desk and visit the game's website. "Is there anything else, Ashley?" She nodding her head handing me a USB stick.

I sighed and scratching my hair. "I want... to stay here for couple of hours, it's better you go back to Albert's Mansion and take a rest. Your husband called me over again."

Ashley nodding her head and leave. Huff... now I'm alone. I straightened my legs on my desk as I watched my Balenciaga. Little did she knows... it's not from eBay.

I bought it directly from the store called Knicks n' Jump. There's a place where you can buy a fancy shoes online. I don't know it's not a knocked off shoes. At least... she saved my money. Thinking about her, makes me wonder about something.

I pressed the number 2 and put on loudspeaker mode. "Hey, what's up, bro." I heard a growled sound from him.

"What do you want in this hour?!" He asked as the sound in the background faded. He likes to partying tonight, maybe he attends one of his client party.

I'm looking through the CCTV. "I will call you back! Try not to let your battery dies." I hang up the call and grabbed my bomber jacket. There's not time to wait. I should asked her by myself.







I opened the door for her and help her to get out of the car, then closed the door. Now... we arrived. Home sweet home. "So... this is where you live?" I'm nodding my head.

"Take your day off." She furrowed her brow. She's cute. I dragged her inside and sighed. Tomorrow is etiquette lessons. I know she hasn't have a one, but... it's important. Reason is, she's now Marco's secretary.

I want to make him jealous a bit. "Julia, it's..."

"From now on we're friend." She widens her eyes. "Something happened to you, I will responsible as friend did."

let me be your shoulder to cry on. Let me to become a person who can let your guard down and a punching bag whenever you pissed. I took a deep breath and exhale through my mouth, God. If she's not the one, please make her happy with her decision.

See her smile from a far, it's already makes me happy.