
Dear Moment

Shizi Hanlon is a young secret agent who always bring trouble to everyone around him. He was 16 years old when he lose both of his parents due to an accident when they went to their province for vacation, luckily he managed to survive. None of Hanlon's relatives helped him or adopted him, making him do his best to survive in life on his own. Because of his impulsive actions, he was assigned at the police station to assist minor activities, making him earned not at least half of the salary of a junior police officer. Despite of having such a tragedy in life, he didn't let the bad things in the world effects him and instead he chooses to live full of happiness. On the other hand, Sean Sky Gwenu is the son of one of the biggest mafia around the world. His family has a business both in legal and illegal that he started to manage since 18 years old. Sean, was 9 years old when he started to practice everything he needs to learn for their business and that includes dealing with criminals, and defense. Sean is satisfied whenever he pleases his family and the people around him, so whatever his family says, he will oblige right away Sean is 25 years old when he met Hanlon because of a trouble the boy brought at the night of his engagement party. Two completely opposite people who happens to meet accidentally. Who would thought they'll be working together. A 21 years old trouble maker secret agent and a 25 years old son of a mafia, a moment together they never expected.

WenonaRoseM · Action
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19 Chs

Chapter 1: We meet again

Tapping on the table, walking around, groaning, drinking soda, eating chips, annoying people, walking back and forth, and playing with the swivel chair that he stole from the office of the Chief Inspector. That's how Shizi Hanlon spend his time inside the station whenever Sevilla doesn't have any case he can participate in. He actually has a load of paper works on his table but he ignored it, he doesn't like boring cases, especially dealing with pens and papers, letters make him sleepy.

Everytime there's someone who would leave to do their mission, he would try to pursue them to let him participate, but he always fail. He also tried to take the people's report in them but the polices wouldn't allow him and got scolded instead. He looks like a lost puppy everytime he got rejected or scolded but he can't do anything as he's not with Sevilla.

Jake Sevilla is his senior and is a detective. Whenever the detective has a case, that's when Hanlon can be into real action. Hanlon is only allowed in a mission if there's a senior with him, but since only Sevilla would take him around, he got nothing to do today but to sit in front of a pile of papers. He's been pouting while clicking the pen for awhile now. He also already did every stupid things he could think just to ease his boredom, but it's not enough as he still needs to wait for how many hours before the dismissal. It is just like a student waiting for the class hours to end

When lunch break came he decided to went to the Chief inspector's office to ask for a mission he can take or participate. On his way, he's praying hardly that the chief will give him a chance.

"Good noon Chief Inspector" he greeted as soon as he entered the office. The chief stopped midway of taking a bite from his burger after hearing the cheerful voice of a young man. As he always does whenever Hanlon is around, he sighed before looking at him

"What brought you here?" the chief asked in a tired voice. Hanlon approached him with sweet smile, hoping it will work even though it never happened every time he does it

"Chief, give me an assignment" he directly said. His eyes is full of determination and hope, but the chief didn't even bother to think and just dismissed him right away "But chief, how would I grow mature if you won't allow me to join in some cases?" 

"I didn't say you're not allowed to join, it's just that you can only come to some mission if you're with a senior so that someone can guide you" the chief explained before he take a bite to his burger "Besides I already gave you assignments, it's on your table" he added while chewing

"But chief, the seniors don't let me come with them and I'm not a student anymore to write long paragraphs" Hanlon complained.

"If you want them to let you come with them, then you should act carefully and show them that they can rely on you. That's the first step, Hanlon. Succeed in first step and you'll be able to move forward" the chief said and continued eating his lunch. Hanlon was about to reply but the chief stopped him and gestures the doorway. Hanlon didn't have a choice but to leave

While walking back to his chair he looks so down. What the chief said is true, if he won't be able to change, then there's no way he can move forward. Everyone thinks that he's childish and irresponsible, bringing him in a mission would jeopardize the operation. He's a pain in the neck for everyone, even to Sevilla. When he came back to his place, Hanlon grabbed a paper from his table and tried reading it, he didn't understand a single word in the paper. After sighing, he put back the paper on the table and grabbed a magazine to cover his face. Might as well just take a rest...

A chaotic scene can be witness inside the manor of Chen's family. Butler, bodyguards and yayas are busy going places to places just to find their lady's cat. The Lady, Anacia Ferish Chen was so down since early morning because her cat is missing. She's been looking through her window inside her room waiting for her cat to comeback. Everyone might think that she's such a drama queen or a spoiled lady because she's making a big deal of a missing cat, but no, she's not spoiled. She didn't even ordered their workers to find her cat, they voluntary do the job of finding their lady's cat because they don't want their sweet girl to feel down. They want her to be happy as always, just like how the lady makes them happy too. People think that being born in a rich family is such a blessing but little did they know, having such life is complicated and tiring. Since Anacia was a little girl, until she reach the age of marrying someone, she's been doing nothing but to obey her parents. Maintaining a good physical appearance, money, doing the things you're not comfortable and don't want to do, limiting your own actions, and being suffocated inside your own home, that's her life since then. Whenever she's having a mental break down, her cat is her only medicine, that explains why it's such a big deal for her to lose her cat. 

"Where are you, baby?" her voice cracked as she asked her cat's whereabouts

She was just sleeping with her cat last night when she woke up to find out that her cat is no longer besides her. She tried to find her cat but she failed. When the workers notice her distress that's when they started to help her and made their lady to rest. The Chen's couple--- Anacia's Parents--- are always not in their manor as they are too busy to stay with their daughter. So the lady doesn't have anyone to rely on whenever she has a problem. And for her, it's not part of their worker's job to comfort her as they're also too busy with their own assigned role

"Do you think the cat ran outside?" One of the maids asked while she's looking in the garden

"Maybe, should we look outside?" the other suggested. They looked at each other for awhile to decide whether they'll go out to look for the cat or just stay inside. One of the rules of the workers is not to go outside without permission from their boss. Since only Anacia is present in the manor right now, they can only ask a permission from her, it's not actually a big deal. The thing is they don't want to bother the lady since she's not in the mood

When it's already twelve noon, they still couldn't find the cat. They're losing hope but they can't just give up.

"How about we just buy a new one that looks like the lady's cat" the butler suggested. A bodyguard suddenly hit his head for the reason that his suggestion is so dumb.

"We can't fool the lady. She and the cat grow up together" A maid stated. Everyone nod in agreement. While thinking of a way to find the cat, they suddenly felt hungry that they decided to eat first before they continue finding the cat.

Not so long after they ate lunch, it's such a blessing that Sean Sky Gwenu arrived at the Chen's manor to check on his fiancee. When he entered the gate, the workers immediately reported to him about the situation. Upon hearing the news, Sean didn't waste any seconds, and hurriedly went to his fiancee.

"Ana! Ana!" he shouted as he runs through his way to the lady's room. After Sean knocked three times on the door he then turned the knob and opened it. Inside the room he saw Anacia sitting on her bed while hugging her knees. Her eyes show no emotions, her tears that have been dried is visible on her beautiful face, and the food besides her was not even touched. Sean felt a pang in his chest seeing his fiancee's condition. They might be in an arrange Marriage, but they still do care each other

Sean went to his fiancee's side and hugs her. He is trying to make her calm by comforting the lady. Sean doesn't have any experience in coaxing someone since he never had a girlfriend or being close to someone. The two just stayed in silent for awhile as they feel each others presence. Not so long the lady broke the silence to ask for a favor

"Can you sing for me?" Anacia asked in a low voice. Sean only responded with a nod before he begins to hum. While humming, he's also tapping her shoulder gently. Later on, Sean noticed that the lady already fell asleep. He carefully placed her on the bed before covering her with a blanket, he then grabbed the untouched food and left the room after he looked at the lady one last time.

Sean gives the food to a maid, he then instructed the workers to be careful not to wake up the lady while continuing to find the cat. He said to them that he'll try to report to the police so that they can help them to find the cat faster. The workers nodded in response and continue to do their jobs while still finding the cat.

Sean drives his car to the police station, he even got stuck in a traffic because of an accident, making him arrived two in the afternoon. While walking his way to the police's table, he noticed someone at the corner who has a magazine covering his face. He payed no attention to the person and continues his track. When the police noticed his presence, he smiled to him before introducing himself and stating his case. The police frowned for awhile and sighed

'Rich problem'

"How many hours the cat have been missing?" the police asked in a bored tone. He didn't even bother to offer a seat to the man

"They just noticed it this morning that the cat is missing" he answered. The police nodded and was about to reply to him when he Sean added "I'm willing to pay" he said making the police give him an awkward expressions

'Do we look like desperate for money?' the police asked inside his mind. The police was too stunned to speak that he doesn't know what to do anymore. Luckily, a jolly voice saved him...

Hanlon was enjoying his nap when he suddenly heard a familiar voice. He removed the magazine that was covering his face to check if he really knows who is the owner of the voice. To his surprised, it was the man who helped him at the party last week. He is currently talking with one of the police officer when he called his attention

"Hey, rich boy!" both the police officer and the man turned to him with a frown. The man looks puzzled while looking at him but not so long, he changed his expression after he recognized the face of the kid. Hanlon waved at him like they are besties making the man just nodded with an awkward smile in response. The two didn't say another word and just stare to each other for awhile, making the police officer fake a cough to get back the attention of them

"You know him, Hanlon?" the police officer asked while gesturing the man

"Kinda. I crashed to his party last week" Hanlon answered with a shamefaced. He even look down to scratch the back of his neck when he remembered the incident last week. Hanlon heard the man chuckled so he looked back at him to find the man smirking at him, making him smiled wryly. The police officer just scowled. As expected, the kid always bring trouble to everyone.

"Since you know him, how about you take care of him. I'll assign you to him" the police officer said. The two looked at the officer with a confused look, but he didn't bother to give their expression any interest. The officer turned to the man "Tell him your problem, he'll help you" he said, dismissing the man

When Hanlon finally understood what's happening, he immediately stand up in excitement. His eyes are sparkling, smiling from ear to ear while looking to the police officer. He looks like a puppy who's wagging his tail, waiting for his owner to give him a treat. While the man only frowned

"Don't you dare take back your words, Yang" Hanlon warned while pointing to Yang. The police officer just waved his hand in response.

Hanlon happily looked at the man and signaled him to come nearer. The man just obliged with a sigh to get the things done faster. Once the man reached to Hanlon's table, the kid extended his hand to him "Good afternoon, I am Shizi Hanlon, at your service" he introduced. The man accepted the hand "I am Sean Sky Gwenu" they then shake hands. Hanlon gestured the chair in front of him to offer him a seat, he then cleared his throat like he's about to start an interrogation. This kid surely watch a lot of movies.

"So Mr. Gwenu, How can I help you?" he asked. The man was looking at the pile of papers on the table when he heard, Hanlon laugh awkwardly "Please don't mind these" he said while taking down the papers from the table. After he finished cleaning his table he then act like nothing happened "So... Back to our topic. What's your problem, Mr. Gwenu?" he asked again

"Our cat is missing" Sean directly answered. The smile on Hanlon's face slowly faded.

"Pa-pardon?" Hanlon swallowed hoping to hear a different answer this time. His lips is tightly pressed to each other as he waited for the response of the person in front of him

"Our cat is missing" Sean repeated. Hanlon blinked a few times, his body just froze in the place. After the words of the other sink in his mind, he immediately looked back to the police officer who's showing no signs of interest in giving him attention.

Hanlon couldn't believe what he just heard. He thought that the police officer is assigning him a mission to give him a chance, but it turns out that he was tricked. He slumped on his chair and started to mess his hair. He groaned in annoyance for the reason that he's aware there's no way someone will take this case--- if you can call it that way--- for him. After he expressed his annoyance he then looked back to Sean, who's just watching him with no expression

"Look. Finding a missing cat is not my cup of tea, although I don't drink tea, but yeah. Maybe others can help you so, it's nice to see you again" Hanlon declined in a nicest way he could think. He even turned his back against the man and pretended like it's nothing. He's aware that he owes this man for helping him last week, but he just can't stand finding a missing cat.

"I'm willing to pay. Just name your price" Sean offered in serious tone. Again, Hanlon blinked a few times, he then turned to the man again, and as expected, this person won't back down easily. Hanlon grunted as he is too unlucky meeting this persistent person again. He even asked the God if he's a bad person in his past life to be treated in worse, if not worst

"Sir, I'm sorry but I don't really need a money. Besides, I'm not good in finding something missing, so might as well just ask somebody or you'll get done nothing" Hanlon tried to convinced the man but to his distress, he failed

"Let's look for it together. If we'll start looking right now, we might find it right away" Sean decided as he stand up and fix his suit "I'll wait for you outside" he added and turned his back to leave the police station. Hanlon froze in his seat for awhile. After he recovered from his shocked, he shouted in frustration and stormed out the station. The people inside was stunned for a seconds before shrugging it off and continue minding their own business

Hanlon was frowning while walking his way to Sean's car. Without saying anything he just entered the car like he's the owner, leaving Sean outside. The man just ignored it and entered the driver seat, he then drives to somewhere. While driving the car, Sean noticed how the others face can't be painted, he looks like a kid who's throwing a tantrum because he didn't get the toy he wants. He now wonders why the kid is over acting for finding a missing cat, or maybe not

"What's with the long face?" he asked to break the silence but the kid just stayed quiet. Sean chuckled at the others behavior. This is the first time he encountered someone who has such an attitude, and instead of getting annoyed, it amazes him "Come on... Don't be Discourage" he tried to coax the kid. Might as well practice his coax skills for the future. Hanlon scowled at him after he heard what the man said

"Don't be discouraged? It's an insult for me to be assigned in this task you know? Besides, aren't you rich? Why don't you just buy a new one?" Hanlon pointed out. Sean thought for awhile and then turned to Hanlon with a bunny smile

"Because it already has a sentimental value" Sean answered. The kid was stunned at the others words.

'Sentiment? I've never been a sentimental person. At least not again' he said in his mind. Nothing is permanent in this world so setting a sentimental value to someone or something will only hurt you someday

"Why is it a big deal for you to find a missing cat? It's not a crime, you know?" Sean questioned when he noticed how Hanlon just stayed quiet again

"Of course it's a big deal! Do you know what I am? Huh? For your information, I am a Secret Agent" Hanlon bragged while emphasizing the words Secret Agent. Sean suddenly stepped the brakes because of a car suddenly overtake them, the two collided their faces in front. They just realized that they are not wearing a seatbelt. Both Hanlon and Sean groaned in pain as they get back to their position. Sean looked at to the young man's side to check on him "The h*ck! Are you trying to k*ll us?" he complained. Sean stared to Hanlon for awhile and laughed in response, he even got teary-eyed because of laughing too much. This is the first time he felt this kind of emotion and laughed to his heart content. He loves the feeling and he doesn't want to lose it.

While looking to Sean's expression right now, instead of getting annoyed, Hanlon couldn't help but to laugh also. They even hit each other while laughing

"Aren't we weird? We almost died but still laughing like crazy" Sean commented while still laughing

"You laughed first so you're crazier" Hanlon counter attacked. When the laughter subsided and they have finally calm down, the two stayed quiet for awhile

"Do you wish to become a secret agent?" Sean broke the silence

"What do you mean?"

"You said you're a secret agent"

"Exactly! I am a secret agent" Hanlon retorted. Sean just chuckled in response that made the kid feel insulted. Hanlon drew his lower lip between his teeth and started peeling the dried skin on it, it's his habit whenever he find the situation unpleasing or disoriented

"Okay Mr. Secret Agent, How about we start finding the missing cat" Sean Joked as he starts the engine. The two head to the near park since a lot of people came there with their pets. Anacia often brings her cat there too, so there's a possibility that the cat is in there

"I'm telling you rich boy, I'm not good at finding anything and I don't have any experience with missing cases, so you can't rely this thing to me" Hanlon stated as he rest his chin on his right hand. He enjoys himself in looking the window to avoid falling asleep as he doesn't want to be too rude to the man beside him.

"The cat is male, color white and is heterochromia. It has collar on it's neck with his name Stella" Sean described the cat. Hanlon frowned, not because of Sean's replied. He looked at him with confusion in his face

"Stella? You said the cat is Male? You even used the pronounce his" Hanlon clarified. Sean just chuckled when he remembered that he had the same reaction as Hanlon when he learned the cat's name even though it's a male

"That's because when Ana first had Stella, it was still a kitten. She thought that the kitten is a female without even checking" Sean explained. The boy just nodded when he understood why the cat is named Stella despite being a male

"Ana? Who is she?" Sean just chuckled in response to the boy's question "Come on... I'm trying to make a conversation here so that we won't get bored" Hanlon persisted when the other didn't answered his question

"There's no need for that, we're here" Sean announced. Hanlon roamed his eyes around the place, he didn't even noticed that Sean have parked the car already

The two got out and locked the car. When the two is inside of the park they observe the place for awhile and noticed how a bunch of people with their pets, partner, friends or family spending their time in the place. The two sighed in defeat thinking that it would be difficult for them to look around with a crowded place. Maybe because it's already 3 PM in the afternoon, that's why a lot of people gathered in the place. The park has a wide area where everyone can run to their hearts content, a playground, table and chairs, and being surrounded by trees. It is perfect to relax and breath a fresh air. Additionally, the place has no garbage

"We should split and meet here at 6 PM" Sean stated. Hanlon just nodded in response and lazily started walking to somewhere. The last time he went to a park is when his parents was still alive. The memory is already vague is his mind that he doesn't know what to feel after setting his Foot in the park Again.

Hanlon disregard the weight in his chest and focused himself in finding the cat. He used the words that Sean described to look for the cat. He tried looking through the trees, hoping that the cat was just resting in there, asking people around, and even asked some staff but he got nothing.

Hanlon tried shouting the cat's name and used the sound to call a cat, but still nothing. He rolled his eyes in annoyance and check the time on his wristwatch. It's nearly 6 PM, and he still got no news of the cat's whereabouts. He feels so tired already that he just bought an ice cream and went to a single tree. He sits there and enjoyed his ice cream while watching the people passes by. The lamppost have been turned on, some stars is already visible on the sky, and the air is already cold. The view and ambience feels so good but in his heart, he feels nothing but loneliness.

Hanlon is lost in his thoughts when suddenly a fur rubbed on him. It was smooth and gentle that he came back to his senses and when he saw what is it, it's a cat. A cat with a sparkling snow white fur. The cat is soothing him, making his heart flutter. Hanlon finished his ice cream before he took the cat and placed it on his lapped. He was so immersed in patting and rubbing the cat's fur that he didn't notice someone has been watching him. When Hanlon saw the collar of the cat, he was surprised when he read the name Stella on it. He immediately check the cat's appearance and when it matches the description that Sean gave, he smiled happily. He just completed another task

"You know, it is believed that if a person has a good heart and kind, they are often being approached by animals" a familiar voice stated. Hanlon looked at the pair of shoes for awhile, he then traces who's the owner of the shoes only to see the face of Sean. Hanlon smiled proudly as he lifted up the cat to show it to him

"I found him" he bragged. Sean chuckled and rubbed the cat's head. Instead of going back, Sean sit next to Hanlon and took Stella from him to place it on his lap. He caressed the cat carefully before he looks at to Hanlon again who have been smiling to the cat

"I thought we still need to go to another place" Sean commented. Hanlon made a disapproving expression as he shook his head

"If ever, I won't go"

"It's a good thing you found him, Mr. Secret agent" he teased as he showed his bunny smile. Hanlon gives him an evil smirk as he proudly raised his head, his two eyebrows even lifted up and down to make his expression perfect

The two stayed under the tree for a couple of minutes before they decided to take a walk as they take turns in carrying the cat. The sky is in mixed up of yellow and orange color since the sun is setting. Birds flying, comforting cold breeze, and night lights around the place. Everything is simple and perfect, no need to do the things you don't want to, no pleasing others, no need to be elegant and rich, and there's no need to change yourself into different characters. If life is only this easy, but sadly people can't live in a harmony of fantasy.

As the two stroll around, Hanlon saw a stall of cotton candy. He suddenly remembered how he used to asked for it to his parents before. Halon didn't notice that he already stopped in walking and has been looking to the stall of cotton candy while smiling bitterly for awhile. Again, he lost in his thoughts. When Sean noticed how Hanlon stopped walking and stared to the stall of cotton candy he approached him

"The cotton candy is too sweet for you to look at it bitterly" he whispered. Hanlon flinched when he heard the voice of Sean from his back. He turned to him to see how adorable Sean looks while carrying the cat. Hanlon took the cat from him to comfort himself "Wait here" Sean said and headed to the stall of cotton candy. Hanlon just watches him innocently and when Sean came back with two plastics of cotton candy, he handed the other one to Hanlon. The kid just accepted it in confusion and looked at the cat like he's asking for an answer to it

"Let's sit there first" Sean recommended and walked first to the chair not so far from them. Hanlon followed like a puppy and sat down next to the man. The two eat their cotton candy in silence while feeling the comforting ambiance of the place

The sky is already black with a lot of twinkling stars. The full moon is also so bright that it can be used as the light. Not so far from them, there's a colorful fireworks making the sky even more beautiful. They were so immersed with the view, and the scene was almost perfect not until Hanlon remembered something

"I think Stella is hungry now" Hanlon broke the silence after a couple of minutes passed by. Sean widened his eyes when he realized that the cat have been missing for how many hours

"Sh*t! I totally forgot about that" he said and stand up in panic "You two wait for me here, I'll look something for Stella to eat. Anyway, aren't you hungry? I'll buy something for you" Hanlon chuckled at Sean's behavior. If this man will have an heart attack right now, it was the cat's fault

"Calm down. Cats have nine lives, you know? Just buy something for Stella, I'm still not hungry" Hanlon said. The man heave a sigh first to calm himself as he began to walk to find food for the cat

Hanlon enjoyed himself in playing with Stella, while Sean is away. He actually likes cat a lot since it comforts him. Dogs are good too but since dogs need more attention than cats. If given a chance, he would chooses a cat as his pet. But for now, he still needs to focus on himself. Hanlon embraces the cat for awhile before he decided to let it sit on it's own, the cat might get annoyed being carried since awhile ago. Not so long of waiting, Sean came back with two plastics in his right hand. Sean prepared the cat food he bought and feeds the cat. Hanlon was enjoying watching the cat eating his food when Sean handed him a burger and a coke

"Eat that then let's return. You still have work" Sean said. The kid just accepted it and began to eat the burger while drinking the coke. After they finished eating their food, they cleaned the dirt they've caused and threw their garbages in the trash bin.

Hanlon was the one carrying the cat while they walked back to the parking lot. When they've arrived, Hanlon placed the cat at the back seat to let it sleep in peace, he then entered the front sit and sat down beside Sean. This time he made sure that he wears the seatbelt for safety measures. Sean noticed it and chuckled while shaking his head

"Prevention is better than cure, rich boy" he quoted

"Yeah right, Mr. Secret Agent" Sean replied and started the engine. While driving back to the police station. The two were talking random stuff as the music plays in the background. They are cracking jokes, laughing to their hearts content and even hit each other. For someone who works at police station, Hanlon have been disobeying the rules in the driveway since awhile ago. Well, he never really obeys them so it's not a big deal anymore. Except the part that they almost die because of their craziness

When they have arrived at the police station both of them got out of the car. After Hanlon closed the car door, he looked at to Sean who's looking at him too

"Thank you for today" Sean said and gives him a bunny smile "I'll send the payment to you later" he added

"Don't bother. Think of it as my payment for helping me last week" Hanlon refused as he gestures his hands. The two looked at each other for awhile again, refusing to bid a farewell to each other "I didn't know you have this side, rich boy. I thought you're just a sassy cold hearted man" he commented as he stares to Sean's face. Sean gritted his teeth jokingly and laughed afterwards

"I'll go now" the two finally bid farewell to each other. Before Sean drives the car away, he looked at to Hanlon one last time and waved at him. The other waved back.

While driving the car, Sean said in his thoughts as his reply to Hanlon's statement awhile ago

'I didn't know I have this side of me, too'

When Hanlon entered the station, Yang--- the police officer awhile ago who Sean talked first, and the one who gave the case to Hanlon--- approached him with a smirk

"How's your day, Hanlon? Did you find the cat?" he asked but Hanlon only give him a shrugged as a response, he then continues to walk his way to the chief inspector's office to report

'I actually had a great day' he replied in his thoughts