
Dear me is the story I write for when I die

TeddybearFelix · Teen
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21 Chs

Who am I

Do you want to know who I was

The girl who smiled and talked a lot

The girl who had a lot of friends

The girl who always loved Him

But never ever loved Them

Do you see what I have become

The girl who is always quiet

The girl with barely any friends

The girl who sometimes loves Him

But will always love Them

Don't you think I have tried to be

The girl I once was for Him

The girl who was smiling and laughing

The girl who thought to thank Him

But instead thanked Them

I have been trying non stop to become

The girl who They will always love

The girl who He will take in the room above

The girl who will love Him the way He does

But without my expectations of Him

Why do people only label me as

The girl who is the pastor's child

The girl who acts weirdly with friends

The girl who tries to become something

But never lives up to it

Why don't you understand that I'm not

The girl who makes friends or

The girl who smiles and laughs anymore or

The girl who loved or loves Him or Them

Especially when I don't know who I am