
Dear me is the story I write for when I die

TeddybearFelix · Teen
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21 Chs

taught that

Keep your hands to yourself

Because you can get in trouble

Your mom taught you that

When someone says no it's no

Because we care for you and don't want to lose you

Your mom taught you that

Don't touch a girl unless allowed to

Because girls can tell people it's rape

Your mom taught you that

Don't bully others based on looks

Because they're going through things

Your dad taught you that

Don't tell anyone lies

Because people hate liars

Your dad taught you that

Don't stay out too late at night

Because the creeps are everywhere

Your dad taught you that

Don't wear clothes that are too short

Because men will stare

Society taught you that

Don't dress this way for these people

Because then you'll be a slut

Society taught you that

Don't act too black

Because then you're too ghetto

Society taught you that

Don't act too white

Because then you're too privileged

Society taught you that

Don't eat fatty food

Because you're going to be fat

Your family taught you that

Don't starve yourself to death

Because people will make fun of you

Your family taught you that

You are taught things

Because you allow to learn these things

But in this time we have to unlearn everything

You don't have to be a certain way

Just so someone will like you

You don't have to dress a certain way

Just so someone can approach you

You just have to be you

Because you are beautiful and

You are enough

I'm teaching you that right now