
Dear me is the story I write for when I die

TeddybearFelix · Teen
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I stood up for civil rights

Can you believe her?

She's just stupid

She's doing it for attention

She should just die

Why is does she even try

I came to speak of a better tomorrow

She doesn't know what she's doing

She's a black girl speaking nonsense

She can't get rid of it

The hatred, the wars, the killing

Maybe she should stop trying

I was beat down by a group of white kids

For no reason and they still did it

She deserved it for being rude

She should be in jail for walking there

I don't know why her kind exists

All I know is that she is dumb b*tch

Through every stage of life

Whether you trying to live or die

There will always be someone

Who will take a random right

And make it wrong

So stop singing that song

That song that tells you

Everything is going to be alright

When nothing's changed since that night

When we could be a group of lovers

We became one of nothing but haters

Because we let a child run this state

This state was made from love

From no other besides our God above

Yet we allowed ourselves to be blind

By the color of people in our lives

but not on the screen

But yet every color has made history

Why hate people of the world?

Is it because of their tongue 

Is it because of their body?

It's because everyone's is different

From the nature of our mother tongue

To the color painted on our skin

Nine years ago we had our first

First black man to become president

Why he do it?

He's going to bring us down

He's stupid for even considering this

To start a job that no man can finish