
Dear In-Laws I know you love me

~~THIS NOVEL IS THE SECOND TIER WINNER OF WRITING FORMULA PRACTICE #35 FEMALE LEAD-IN LAWS ~~ ********************************** Betrayed by her Fiance just a month before their marriage Yoona was devastated. However she didn't cry, she gave a cold smile instead. It really felt good hitting him yesterday. 'Hah! Dare to cheat on me, I don't need a scumbag like you. Watch me cancel the marriage' She yelled at the night sky above her atop a small hill overlooking the city while being completely drunk. 'Well then why not marry me?' a voice said behind her. 'Awwww my dear handsome boss wants to marry me how sweet' Yoona giggled A drunk promise made at that fateful night turned into reality. **************************************** 'Ugh, I thought those cliche plot of the In-Laws hating on their Daughter-in-law happened only in Manhuas. I definitely didn't sign up for this while signing the marriage certificate. Well then let's see how long will you dislike me, I'm going to win you over with my excellent cooking skills and filial actions. Besides who dare hate on a beautiful daughter in law such as me. My dear In-Laws I know you'll love me. .................................................................. You can join my discord and connect with me here: https://discord.gg/dHY3s4mw Winter#5454 I'm on instagram too (xo_xo_winter)

Winter_Lee_ · Urban
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

She's not bad

Aiden had woke up after a good nights sleep. After taking a shower he got ready for office and headed down for breakfast. His mom and Taeyong were already seated at the table, his dad was missing, not that he minded though. He went on and joined them.

'Aiden you'll be going to visit your Grandparents today. You haven't visited them for a long time. They said that they wanted to see you' Mrs Park told him.

Aiden was surprised as to what made his mother suddenly bring this topic up however it couldn't be denied that he hadn't visited his Grandparents for a long time, he thought.

'But I have to go to office today mom, I'll visit them on the weekends' Aiden said as he continued eating his breakfast.

Mrs Park glared at him,

'Taeyong is currently on a break, he'll handle the company today. You can go meet your grandparents'

Taeyong perked up with excitement as he heard what his mom said.

'Ah... I really wanted to meet Sis-in-Law. God has thrown such a huge opportunity right on my face' he smiled.

Strange when was she ever bothered with me not visiting my grandparents. Forget it, I'd better go visit them I miss them too it's been a long time. Ah.. how I wish to bring Yoona with me too, but it's too early to introduce her to grandparents.

Aiden was having a monologue in his mind.

'Fine I'll go visit my grandparents today. Taeyong take care of the company properly. There should be no mistakes and incidents when I return tomorrow' Aiden warned Taeyong.

'I know exactly what this little imp is thinking, that smile on his face is enough for evidence. Poor Yoona please bear with this kids antics' he thought in his mind.

However never did he suspect his mother for pulling the strings cleverly behind the scenes to meet Yoona. Of course he didn't expect it as she was also displeased with his marriage talk. All his focus was on Taeyong alone.

On the other hand Mrs Park was secretly celebrating in her head mentally patting and congratulating herself on the head, but she didn't show her excitement outwardly so as to not put up Aiden on guard. She had some business to do with his little girlfriend after all.

Soon after everything had been settled. Aiden had already left for his grandparents house and Taeyong was also ready to go to the company. Just when he was about to go out while humming his happy song. He was stopped by his mother calling for him.

'Where do you think you're going alone. I'm surprised you think so highly of yourself, this is business we're talking about not stage. I'm pretty sure you're talentless in the field of business' Mrs Park told him.

Dang that hurt, Taeyong thought to himself.

'Ouch that hurt mom, couldn't you filter your words a bit. That's too harsh, my poor heart can't handle it' he faked a cry. Mrs Park rolled her eyes at him,

'Hurry up. I really want to see that Yoona girl, I'm curious as to how Aiden is so interested in her' she said as she walked towards the car.

'Turns out that hyung was sent to grandparents place so that you can meet Yoona, I see... that's where hyung inherited the sneaky and foxy trait too. Anyway Yoona noona is really good. Hyung likes her and I like her too so I'm sure you'll like her. Our family has the same taste in liking a person' Taeyong said and ignoring the glare his mother was giving him got into the car and waited for his mom.

As soon as she entered, he started the car and drove off. It wasn't long before they reached the office, they got off the car after parking it in the special place reserved only for the CEO and his family members.

Mrs Park and Taeyong headed to the office through the private elevator so as to prevent the hustles and bustles of the employees.

Meanwhile Yoona was doing her work in the office with Jisoo who was sitting alongside her and making reports on the sales of the company.

'Well, I don't see Mr Park today. Is he not going to come' Jisoo pouted and asked Yoona.

'No he won't be coming today' Yoona answered still focused on her work.

'Welp, that's bad. Anyway I'm going out for sometime, do take care of my papers' Jisoo said and headed out.

Yoona had received a text from Aiden at the morning saying that he will be visiting his grandparents and won't be coming to office for the day. She on her part wished him a good day ahead and got back to work. Before saying goodbye to her Aiden had also told her that his brother will be on hold of the company in place of him for today. Yoona was excited as she remembered that Aiden's brother was an idol and actor, a very handsome and charming one at that.

She was just worried as to whether he'll like her or not.

Yoona remembered the text Aiden had sent her yesterday right before she went to sleep. He told her that he had told his parents about them and also referred to her as his girlfriend to give off the impression that they had been dating for a long time. Yoona had gotten nervous as she read his text, she soon texted him back asking about the response of his parents. Aiden texted back that he couldn't say anything about his parents for the moment but that his brother was pretty happy and enthusiastic on meeting her.

Yoona smiled at that thought of his brother becoming fond of her.

By now Yoona was feeling drowsy and wanted to sleep. However she was soon snapped out of it as an excited and squealing Jisoo blasted through the door.

Yoona groaned, pretty sure that Jisoo had seen a handsome guy.

'Goddamn this girl seriously needs an antidote against handsome guys' she thought.

However Yoona pretended not to know a clue as to what happened to her,

'What happened to you Ji-ji' Yoona asked her.

Jisoo started squealing again,

'I just saw Taeyong, you know Mr Parks younger brother. Anyway he's so handsome, owwww.... how handsome he is' Jisoo was drooling over him.

'Gosh I have always like him since he debuted in the band Growl and I've started liking him more than I should with his current drama 'No one wants to be a Villain'. I've fallen in love with him, Ahhhhhhhh..... Oh my God my Taeyong how I wish I can marry him' Jisoo covered her face and squealed again rolling in the couch.

Yoona watched her fangirling over Taeyong with a dissapointed look on her face.

There was only one thing going on her mind right now seeing Jisoo's acts,

'She needs to be sent to the Asylum. I have to sent her to the Asylum before its too late'

Jisoo suddenly stopped and looked at Yoona carefully. She even squinted her eye as she checked out Yoona from head to toe.

Yoona had enough of her friend,

'Gosh, can I knock her out' she thought.

'Why are we even friends' she eyed Jisoo as she spoke out the words.

'Because I am the one for you. I'm your oxygen, your every breath' Jisoo giggled.

Yoona cringed at that.

'Oh.... anyway I hope that you know who Taeyong is' Jisoo asked her with puppy eyes.

'Ofcourse I do, I don't live under a rock' Yoona scoffed at Jisoo.

'Good that you know him. Otherwise I'd have hit you with a frying pan, just like Rapunzel does' Jisoo said and huffed.

Yoona sighed and let her be and went out of the office. She went towards Aiden's office to greet his younger brother but she was stopped midway by someone. A guard to be precise, 'Miss Yoona please come with us'

Yoona was scared when she saw them, well who wouldn't be sacred of two huge men over 6ft using black glasses and suits towering over oneself, besides Yoona was 163cm she truly looked pityful standing between the two guards.

'What happened?' she managed to ask those two guards.

I didn't do anything wrong...Right? Are they here to put me behind bars for a mistake I did, Yoona thought and panicked though she hadn't done anything wrong (Our FL has an excellent imaginative and creative brain :D)

On the other hand those two guards didn't respond to her question and simple turned around and motioned her to follow them.

Yoona had no choice but to follow them and at the same time wondered what crime had she committed to be taken for interrogation by the two guards.

Not before long they reached the VIP lounge of the office. Yoona was surprised when she was led here but before she could ask the guards anything they pushed her in.

Yoona who was pushed inside felt her face turn sour and pouted at how she was treated. Nevertheless she just stood still there and didn't look around, she wasn't interested anyway. It would have been better if they kept food on display instead, she thought.

Mrs Park who was sitting at the couch at the far end at the corner of the room watched her as she stayed still on the spot where she was pushed to, not daring to move around. She still hadn't noticed Mrs Park who was looking at her carefully.

'Humm.... Not bad, she doesn't look interested at all the expensive and beautiful things in front of her at all. She is also really pretty too only such type of beauty is fit to be around Aiden, such a pity that she is of a doctor's family' Mrs Park thought.

She had especially placed all the shiny, attractive and priceless ornaments and things all around the room to see how Yoona would react.

'If she is someone only after assets and money and greedy she'd be easily swayed by the sight before her and her cover would be blown' was what Mrs Park thought.

However, she was wrong. Yoona had no intentions towards Aiden and the things in the room didn't interest her. Besides the manner she talked in, stood and walked was full of elegance and together with her looks it truly was a sight to behold.

'Not bad she's impressive. No wonder Aiden is so much invested in her. I may change my mind about her in future' Mrs Park thought but she also knew that Yoona's life won't be easy after she enters the Mansion due to Mr Park.

'That old man is very petty and stays true to his word' sighed Mrs Park softly.

'How long will you stand there, come over and sit' Mrs Park spoke up with a stern voice.

Yoona was scared to death and paled up as she thought that she was the only one in the room.

She quickly composed herself and turned towards Mrs Park,

'I'm really sorry for not noticing you earlier Madame' she said and bowed down 90 degree while giving her an apologetic look.

'It's fine, just be more careful of your surroundings in future' she said.

Just now Mrs Park was happy at how polite Yoona was while apologizing also the way she pronounced Madame sounded really good. Perhaps she is good at English she thought.

She looked up to see Yoona looking at her curiously while her head was tilted a bit. Mrs Park couldn't help but smile at that, it's no wonder Aiden liked her.

'No, I can't go soft on her. I just met her today, I don't like her. I prefer Hyejin' she thought and cleared her throat.

'So you're Yoona right' she asked Yoona.

'Yes, I am Yoona' she replied.

'I'm Park Tzuyang, Aiden's mother. It's nice to meet you' she said with a poker face.

Yoona felt her back turn cold as she heard that and she started stuttering,

'It's really nice to meet you in person Mrs Park' she said and stopped not adding any other words of flattery and sat still sweating profusely.

Is she scared of me, does she think I'm here to discuss about the marriage and reprimand her, Mrs Park thought and sniggered silently. She decided to tease her and see how she reacts.

' So about the marriage I- ' Mrs Park was cut halfway through her talk by Yoona.

'Mrs Park I know what you're going to say. But Aiden and I really love each other so I'm sorry I can't fulfill your demands I won't take a single money from you even if you want to pay me to leave Aiden I'm not interested in money or anything I really do love him please consider it' Yoona said it all in one breath and looked like she was about to cry.

Seems like she's really afraid of me. But I didn't do anything to her, I guess she's really scared incase I call off the marriage, Mrs Park thought and ofcourse she did already know how Yoona's personality was. Mrs Park majored in Psychology and was one of the top students in the class, she could read people as an open book and Yoona clearly meant no harm.

'And how do I know you love Aiden and not the wealth he possesses' she looked at Yoona sharply.

Little girl, let's see how good your thinking and brain is she thought.

'Mrs Park I love Aiden for who he is not what he is I feel happy and ease with him. One thing is that I don't value money and most of all I hate cheaters and people who uses others and neither do I do all this shady deeds. If Mrs Park thinks that I'm a gold digger and only using Aiden for money, you're really wrong, please don't judge someone in such a harsh way before knowing who they are. I love Aiden and nothing matters and nothing can change that'

Yoona sounded dissapointed and hurt, it was also clearly evedient in her face.

Mrs Park could say nothing, she just hummed and sat quietly looking the other way it was an awkward silence.

Meanwhile Taeyong had just sent a voice message to Aiden with a text 'Hyung you'll be really happy with my work'

He then left with a smile plastered in his face,

things were getting really interesting in his family.


Thank you for reading and supporting my book dear readers. I'm really grateful for your support. Please do leave some reviews and comments on your thought about this book too.

I do know that my updating is irregular, however it's because of my exams that I'm not able to give much time to the novel. I promise to update regularly once I'm done with my exams....

(Only one week left for exams to end rn :D)

Also the way I wrote the part of Jisoo's fangirling over Taeyong with great details is because it's based on my own experience and what I do, I know how it is to fangirl ( >.< )


Have a great day ahead
