
Dear Heart, Let Him Go.

December has lived her life like a villianess in Aurora’s love story. First she took her identity and became the daughter of an influential family, December fell in love witha. Guy named August, he got engaged to her but he had someone else in his heart all along, and that someone else was the real Aurora. December did all sorts of wicked things to separate the two but wasn’t successful until she killed Aurora out of jealousy. December started regretting everything, until one day a guy appeared in her life and asked her for a tear and he will take her back in time. Read the story if how December fixed her past, and how she realised that she wasn’t the reason Of Aurora’s death.

Xxxxxxxxdddd · Fantasy
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14 Chs


December was petrified, she only stared at the face under the hood that was partially visible due to the sunlight, his face had a witty smile on it, December who was utterly wordless kept on looking at him.

"Did you fall in love with me?" He teased her as she was so easy to play around with.

"How—?" that was the only word that escaped her lips because her throat was dry as a desert, and above all her shocked self couldn't utter any single word.

"What do you mean by "How" I mean to say many things start with a how like how are you? How do you do? How is life going?—" He spoke as he walked around the room leisurely picking up her stuff and scanning them and continued

"How did you get in here? Or How did you do that" With a mischievous gaze he looked into her eyes just like he did at the bar.

December listened to his words without opening her mouth, she then looked around the bed where there should have been at least a single stain of blood but it was clean, not even a single drop was there.

"You—you did this? You were the one doing it all the time?"

With great grief in her eyes, she asked him because yet again she was alive even after going through the pain of death. Her eyes were still dry only a deep sadness was seen in them.

"I told you don't even try—" said the man as he stepped closer to her, he held onto her chin and raised it.

"Who do you think you are trying to take responsibility for my life? You are nobody to stop me from doing what I desire." December spoke in a hoarse voice she spoke loud even when her throat was burning like fire.

She kept on protesting but the man only stared at her with his usual playful expression.

"I wonder when you will cry? It will make my job way easier" He said and let go of her chin.

"What are you?" December asked

"Me? I told you who I was—" he paused and looked back at December, " Your Guardian Angel!" He spoke lightly and walked around the room again.

"Hah?, Guardian Angel, you say? Then let me die so I can be at peace for once." December said

"Nope!! your peace lies somewhere else, so you can't die before that,"

He replied.

"Where? Where the hell does my peace lie? all my life I have wanted that peace, but I never once got it, tell me why should I believe you?" December shouted even though she felt like her voice would no more come out of her throat.

"Hmm, but First you have to cry." He spoke in a funny way that made December's curiosity go down the drain.

"What do you want them for? Is that your weird hobby as an Angel?" December said to the man who walked out of the room.

"Hey, come back answer me?" December shouted which made her throat even more painful.

"Hold it beautiful, I didn't go that far you have already started missing me?" he said with a grin as he brought her a glass of water, December looked at him with puzzled eyes.

"Thank you" She replied as she took the glass of water

"I can't tell you now, but believe me I mean you no harm, I want you to live the life you always wanted. And that is only possible if you fix your past" He kneeled close to her and held her one hand that was still in her lap. December felt warmth transfer from his hands, she felt it travel through her hand and into her heart.

"Please let out everything you feel so it can stop haunting you, every person has a reason to turn out the way they are, I know you were forced by the circumstances, I know you were once a child who meant no harm to others. It's not entirely your fault. You can change." He spoke those words in such a calm voice that December felt them right in the heart, her memories of childhood rushed into her brain. She remembered her family her mother. She used to play with them but suddenly they died and everything changed for her. The once kind and lovely girl turned into a girl who hated those who were happy. She wanted the happiness that she saw with everyone else. But what she got was only pain and suffering. It made her into a woman she never wanted to be.

"I too deserved to be happy, What I asked for was only to be happy, is it too much?" Her lips uttered the words of her heart, the words that she would have never said, She looked at him with pitiful eyes.

"I saw them playing with their new toys, I saw them run around in the park. I wanted to be loved just like any child" December said what she felt when she looked at other kids

"Every night I thought It would be a better day tomorrow but it never came, the next day turned out to be even more worst than yesterday. Do you know what I did? I started taking the toys away from other kids, I thought I would be happy but I never was. Because what I wanted was love, not toys. I grew up with this hate in my heart. I wished to steal away love from others so I could be happy but life was never fair to me, so I ruined the happiness of others." December spoke those words with a serious expression as if she was hurt.

"But you know? Something amazing happened to me, I fell in love with a guy. I wished to change for him but turned out he too fell in love with another woman. She even got pregnant with his baby. I started hating her for stealing the love of my life. So I killed her, killed her with my own hands. I killed the life inside her body too, that day I became a murderer. I was blinded!! and to this day I grieve, I wished I was never born. I killed two innocent lives! Now, do you still think I deserve to live" December said that as she snatched her hand from his grip?

"You still love him right?" he said after getting up

"Hah no, I don't…" December replied in a heartless way.

"Liar…Your eyes gave it all out when you mentioned him. " he said

"Huh?" December who had no idea what he said looked at him with puzzled eyes.

He was holding onto a small flask, in which there was a drop

"You teared up when you mentioned him," He said with a smiling face

"That's not possible, I don't,"

"We will see about that..for now, follow me" He walked away after completing his sentence.