
Dear Heart, Let Him Go.

December has lived her life like a villianess in Aurora’s love story. First she took her identity and became the daughter of an influential family, December fell in love witha. Guy named August, he got engaged to her but he had someone else in his heart all along, and that someone else was the real Aurora. December did all sorts of wicked things to separate the two but wasn’t successful until she killed Aurora out of jealousy. December started regretting everything, until one day a guy appeared in her life and asked her for a tear and he will take her back in time. Read the story if how December fixed her past, and how she realised that she wasn’t the reason Of Aurora’s death.

Xxxxxxxxdddd · Fantasy
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14 Chs


"Just say it," December looked at the confused Nala, twisting her poor fingers.

"I am the artist you have been trying to meet," Nala shut her eyes and said as quickly as possible.

"What? What did you say?" December jumped out of the bed, not noticing her injured leg and the

She was shocked not knowing how to react to the news that her ears had just heard. Her stomach had a strange sensation, it was a tint of fear and excitement mixed, making her feel very difficult to express her true emotions.

Nala slowly opened her tightly closed eyes and tried to read the look in December's Grey misty eyes were unreadable.

"Are you angry? If you are then I am sorry, I just didn't feel like telling you that because we just met and it would have been so odd and i...." Nala tried to clarify herself.

"No!!—I am not angry! Why would I be? It's just I- I can't believe it that I have finally met you,"

'i have finally met you after so many failed attempts, Sigh,' December slowly mumbled the last sentence, Nala couldn't hear her.

Nala was tense because she didn't want to lose her only friend which she had made after such a long time. She had started cherishing December like a sister and felt a deep connection to her since the first time she met her. But when she heard December's claim she was heartfelt at peace.

"But I still feel a little ashamed of myself for making you suffer like that! How about I give you one of my creations? Sounds good?"

Nala felt sorry for the sorry state of December who was bedridden and wanted to cheer her up, and just like she thought December's face shine returned when her ears caught those words.

"Really? I would be so happy if you do that," December shook Nala with joy.

"Calm down lady, Do you have springs in your leg?" Nala pushed her lightly back to her bed so she could rest.

"Haha, you don't know how happy I am,"

"I know I can see that," Nala replied while looking at the ear-to-ear smile of December.

"Get some rest," Nala walked towards the door to go out and before

walking out she glanced back at December who was still smiling.

December sat on the bed, as she saw the door close, And then in the blink of an eye the bright smile faded into a dead expression,

"I wonder how my story would have ended if I had found you—before,"

Her voice had visible pain in it, one could feel that there was a long sad story behind that grieving voice,


Through the glass door, the workers peeked in to see the well-known ice Queen, she was known for her expressionless face and her exceptional beauty,

The lady in black formal attire had her hair loosely tied in a braid that reached her lower back, She had pale white skin and soft pink lips which she was biting lightly while curling her eyebrows in dissatisfaction. her eyes were the beautiful color of grey,

"Ahem," The male workers were busy drooling over her beauty when they suddenly heard a throat clearing voice.

"Sorry, Sir we were just—"

"I don't want to know," His disinterested voice was directed towards the men, who had guilty written all over their faces.

"Is Madam Aurora free?"

"That, " they glanced at the woman inside the office.

"I will take that as a yes." The guy knocked on the door to which the lady didn't respond, so he invited himself in.

"I see you are very busy? "

"If you see that I am busy, then why are you here again?"Her voice had disinterest and she didn't even bother looking up at the guy.

"Okay, I will leave, I thought you would be interested in the condition that August's father has put forth, for his future daughter-in-law."

The guy deliberately teased her as he knew that under no circumstances she would be able to ignore August's name.

"Sit," The disinterested expression changed into a keen one.

"Make it quick, I have other stuff to do,"

The woman sitting on the black office chair had the same face as December but the aura around her was nothing close to December, She had not a drop of emotion on her face.

"Tsk, Tsk, Tsk, sometimes it scares me, the thought of how love can mold a person, to this extent,"

"Get to the point, I don't have time for you ridiculous speeches,"

"Okay if you say so, Here," The guy pulled out a picture from his wallet.

"A painting? What does it have to do with his future daughter-in-law?"

She said as she threw her gaze over the picture in her hand.

"That's not just a painting, its worth billions, your job is to look for the painter and make him a part of the company,"

"Haah, is that some kind of joke?"

"Nope, don't you know-how greedy Chase Jaxon is? If it was in his hands he would have advertised his funeral to earn more money,"

"Are you sure, I will be the bride if I get my hands over this painter?"

"Yes I am sure, but are you going to marry him despite knowing that he doesn't love you?"

"Yes, I am sure of it, I will be happy once he is mine,"

"Sigh, good luck with that, then. I sincerely hope you find the happiness you are looking for, "

"I will be leaving, take care of yourself, Aurora!" The guy got up from the seat and walked out of the door,

"Hmm...August will be mine After I find this person, And then I will be happy just like everyone else. " The girl in the office chair looked at the painting with a curious gaze while mumbling to herself.