
Monday, January 15, 1933

Dear Achilles,

I'm sorry, Achilles. I've made a grave mistake while writing these letters. I only thought about myself and took my regret, anger, and sadness out on you, completely disregarding how you felt. I'm sorry. Actually, why should I have to apologise to you? You're the one who left me. You have no idea how I've felt since you left. I resented you and I was sad and I wanted to disappear from this world so many times because I missed you. I even hated myself for letting you leave that day, and for trusting you to stay with me forever. But the most horrible fact of the matter is that I felt all of these things because of you.

Achilles, I hate you. I hate you, I hate you, I hate you.

Oh, how I wish I could hate you. But I can't.

I love you, Achilles.


the one who wants to hate you,
