

love is an emotional bond between 2living organisams....!!!🖤

The love that which we express out side are diffrent ......

parent's love❤️ :

pure form of love that which doesn't expect us return love nd caring from us...its a speach less emotion

(one day child asked mom at their age of 6-10 by seeing a donkey.what is that mom? mother /father replys to son its a donkey.son/daughter asked lot of times what is that,what is that,and she/he replys to son/daughter for every question........at old age of mother/father, she/he asked her son/daughter,what is it? by looking at donkey because she/he got sight,then son/daughter replys it is a donkey,she/ he asked for 3times same question,then son/daughter getted angry ant scold his mother/father and said how many times I have to say for u....then mother/father replys but same situation we get at when u r in child age,same like as u we didn't scold u because u r part of body and we are parents to u....)

Husband and wife's love💜:

a selfishness stage of love .he would be mine r she would be mine only for me not for others...!!!!!

The relationship between wife and husband should be like north-south poles of magnet,not like a north-north poles because it will repulse each other.......

(wife asked husband i want sarry,he said ok,and asually she asked a lot of things to husband,he doesn't know weather it is used for them r not but what she asked he gaved it to her.one day wife asked to husband, y r u don't asking me weather it is used r not ,then he reply ,u know total about me u can maintain our house and im heare to full fill your dreams because parents give support for certain age after total life is with life partners so,u r supporting me like my parents thats y im heare to full fill ur dream's ,he replyed..)


brain less mad love

mustafa,mustafa don't worry mustafa time is ur friend musthafa....day by day,day by day,in the lap of time the journy of ship is friendship....!!!!

weather we get any problm at any time that we can shared firstly with our friend .....lot of memories with our friends .....we can share every secreat with our friends that which we can't share to our parents also......

break up in friendship is more dangerous

lover's 💚:

They need equal and opposit love between them.....!!!!

it is a journy of good and bad about an emotiona boy with a girl r a girl with a boy...

Heare possiveness takes place.

.....Different types of love is present that may be towards an animals also ,but humans give more importance to these 4 type of loves....