
Chapter 2: Bait and Switched

Laurel’s heels echo throughout the hallway leading to her father’s office. Her excitement only intensifies as she gets closer to her father’s office. Sidney follows close behind, iPad and pink binder in hand.

Before Laurel opens the double doors of the central office, Tony emerges.

“Hey!” Laurel says cheerfully.

“Hey, I need to talk to you,” Tony says in an urgent, hushed voice. He places a hand on Laurel’s shoulder.

“Can it wait? I need to speak with my father. Remember, my meeting was right after yours.”

“It can’t wait, it’s important.”

Laurel pauses, “More important than discussing my promotion? Today is a big day for me Tony, you know that.”

“A big day indeed.” Rick emerges from behind the double doors. “Mi vida, it’s so good to see you.” He hugs Laurel and kisses both of her cheeks. “Your hair is lovely.”

“You, as well, Daddy, and thank you! I thought it was time for a change.” Laurel says, smiling ear to ear, flipping her hair.

Rick looks at Tony for a moment. “Are you alright, Tony?”

Laurel looks at Tony too. She says, “This will not take long. And after our meeting, we can go grab a coffee.”

“No señor, everything’s alright. Laurel, coffee sounds great. I’ll be waiting in the lobby.” Tony nods before walking away.

“Laurel, come in. I didn’t realize Sidney would be accompanying you to this meeting.” Rick passively mentions.

“But of course, Daddy. Sidney is a valuable and essential member of our staff. We are a team. Where I go, she goes.” Laurel motions for Sidney to sit down in the chair next to her.

“Very well.” Rick takes his seat, across from Laurel and Sidney.

“Before we begin, congratulations again on your retirement, Daddy! I am so proud of you. I have a couple of suggestions for your retirement party. I even have a banquet hall in mind.” Laurel says, picking up Sidney’s iPad.

“Thank you, but that’s all taken care of. Charlotte and I have already worked out the details of my retirement celebration.” Rick says.

Laurel tries her best to hide the sliver of disappointment that slithers down her spine. “Oh, great! One less thing for you to worry about.”

“And you. By the way, you grabbed the tablet, you’d think your life depended on the organization of my retirement party. I—”

“I was only excited. Please, continue.” Laurel says, ironically.

“Sí, yes, well.” Rick clears his throat. “I plan to retire in four months instead of two.”

“You pushed back the retirement date? Why?”

Rick holds his hand up to Laurel. She doesn’t say another word.

“I have decided that the employees will need time to adjust to the new changes, after the merger.” Rick stands. “Exquisite Essentials and Paper Weight International will become one company, under one name.”

“Tony’s company? We are merging with Tony’s company? I am failing to understand, why didn’t you tell me this sooner?”

“I am telling you now, Laurel. Tony and I just combed through the details—”

“You and Tony mutually discussed this? Okay, when was I going to be included?”

Rick raises his voice, “You are included now, Laurel.” He says. “I am staying for an additional two months to help not only the employees but you and Tony. This change will be challenging for both of you.”

“Well, thank you for staying. I was prepared for PWI, not EE. I have so many questions. Is Tony comfortable with my taking over Exquisite Essentials?”

Rick sighs, he states, “Tony will be taking my place as CEO of Paper Weight International. He will be assuming control over both companies, with you as his Vice President. In four months’ time, I am hoping to complete a successful merger so that I can rest comfortably, knowing that Paper Weight International is in fine hands.”

Laurel stands. “Vicepresidenta?”

“Yes, mi vida, you will remain as the vice president. Tony and I believe—”

Laurel slams her hands down before yelling, “And what do you believe? Huh? That Tony will serve PWI better than I? Or what? What is it? I have worked—”

“Laurel,” Rick warns.

“Rick Dominguez, proud father, so happy that his hija is participating in and will eventually take over the family business. No, surely not that Rick Dominguez! I cannot believe this. This is a joke!” Laurel chokes down tears. “Or perhaps I am the joke to you?”

“Control yourself, Laurel. Remember who you are speaking to.”

“A father with no trust in his daughter! Of course, how could I ever have mistaken you for someone who is proud of their child! Their only! Dios!”

Sidney interjects, she takes Laurel’s hand. Sidney whispers, “Let’s go get some water, huh?”

Laurel pulls away from Sidney. Tears in her eyes, Laurel storms out of Rick’s office, slamming the double doors on her way out.

Laurel smashes the elevator button repeatedly until the elevator doors open. She steps in and treats the lobby button with the same respect. She reaches into her back pocket but realizes that she left her phone charging in her office. “Mierda, mierda, fucking mierda!” She screams.

The elevator stops on the fifth floor. The door opens, and five people are waiting to get in.

“Not now!” Laurel yells at them.

She looks back at the five PWI employees, who only step back in reply. She smashes the “close door” button. Laurel sees herself in the reflection of the elevator doors. Her mascara was running with the consistency of her tears.

When the elevator reaches the lobby, Laurel shoots out the doors like a bullet.

She looks around for Tony, who is speaking with the receptionist. Laurel marches over to him with tunnel vision.

Tony looks in Laurel’s direction and his demeanor changes. He steps away from the receptionist’s desk. “I can explain everything.”

“How could you?” She yells at him. “You sneaky, conniving, bastard!”

“That’s what I wanted to talk about with you. I wanted to be the one to tell you first.” Tony pleads with Laurel, “Please hear me out.”

“I have heard enough! I heard that it was a mutual decision. A merger! Of all things! Tony, you have your own damn company! Did you have to take mine? Was that absolutely necessary?”

Tony looks around frantically. “Laurel please, can we talk about this somewhere else?” He says. He leans down to Laurel’s ear and whispers, “They don’t even know that Rick is retiring…”

“I am not going anywhere with you!” Laurel’s tears cloud her eyesight. She wipes her eyes with the sleeve of her cream Dolce & Gabbana blazer. Mascara stains the sleeve. “I want you to be honest with me. Crystal clear. Did you or did you not plan this?” She demands.

“Laurie please, it isn’t that simple,” Tony says.

“Oh, but it is!” She looks down at Tony’s hands, in them was a binder. “Let me see it. You had this with you while you were meeting with my father. What is in this?” Laurel stares deep into Tony’s eyes. “Let. Me. See. It.” She says through gritted teeth.

Tony reluctantly hands Laurel the binder.

Laurel flips through the pages. Inside were spreadsheets and graphs, estimating the number of employees from both Paper Weight International and Exquisite Essentials, that could possibly lose their jobs as a result of the merger. There are also lists of clients that would be shared between the two companies. It was sporadic information and only estimates, but Laurel knew enough.

Looking at Tony, she throws the binder at him. A wave of “ooo’s” can be heard throughout the lobby of Paper Weight International HQ.

“’Laurie my ass. I cannot fucking believe you.” Laurel spits bitterly.

“Please…” Tony steps closer to Laurel.

She steps back. “I am not Julia.”

Tony’s face drops. “Of course, you aren’t! Please can we please just—”

“So then why would you treat me as if I am, huh? Why me?” Laurel’s face exhibited a pain not even Tony has seen before.

Tony wraps his arms around Laurel, who at this point was in a full-fledge sob.

“Get off me, Tony! Filthy bastard!” Her voice is muffled through his blazer. Laurel uses her two fists to fight Tony. “Off!” She yells.

Tony scoops Laurel up and carries her out the revolving doors. She doesn’t fight back anymore, but only cries in his arms. Tony carries her to where his Range Rover is parked. He unlocks the doors, never putting Laurel down. He puts her in the front passenger seat and jogs over to the driver’s side. He pulls off, without putting on his seatbelt.


After a few minutes of quiet sobs, Laurel finally stops crying. She looks at Tony, who’s biting his lip. He occasionally looks over at Laurel, much to her conflicted annoyance.

“Are you okay, Laurie?” Tony asks.

“Where are we going?” Laurel answers instead.

“Nowhere. I’m just driving around the city. Giving you time to process. Laurel, I’m so—”

“Take me home.” She says, quietly. “Just take me home.”

Tony’s phone rings. He uses his free hand to answer it, as the other hand stays on the wheel. “It’s Sidney. You left your phone.” He says.

“I know.”

“Do you want Sidney to drop it off for you?” Tony asks. “Wait,” He pauses. “She wants to talk to you, see if you’re okay.”

Laurel just stares out the window. “Tell Sidney she has the rest of the day off and this weekend. Tell her I am fine.”

Tony relays the message to Sidney before asking, “Did anyone see the binder?”

“Really? That is where your concern lies?” Laurel scoffs. “I am no longer surprised.”

“Laurie,” Tony says gently. “can we talk about this?” he pleads.

“No. And never call me Laurie again.”

“Don’t be like that, please.”

Tony pulls up in front of the lobby of Laurel’s high-rise apartment. Laurel opens the door immediately after Tony puts the car in park. He reaches for Laurel’s hand before she steps completely out of the SUV.

“You’re my best friend.” His voice is soft.

Laurel stares at Tony until he lets go of her hand, she never pulled away. She says, “I want time.”

“Yeah, of course,” Tony says.

Laurel nods at him, her tears brewing again. She turns and greets Fitz, the doorman of the luxury apartments, never looking back at Tony.