

-----~[ROSE'S POV]~-----

I feel hopeless. I feel helpless. I am unsure of what to do as I make my way to the lecturer's office. I need to meet the lecturer in charge of my practical test to make sure he hasn't been a jerk and gone ahead with Letty's wishes like the fool he is. My heartbeat feels so abnormal as it pounds hard in my rib cage on the way to the office. I haven't bothered to call brittney on the way to avoid bothering her too much. This is my cross to bear and mine alone.

I keep taking quick deep breaths as my pulse races at such an alarming rate. Jeez. I can pass out at this intensity. The door to the office is close now and I pause. I glance at the door and shut my eyes. I take in a slow deep breath and open my eyes. 'It's time.' I thought.