
Deal with the demoness

"NO!" She shouted "What!?.You dare disobey your father?!" "Father, I cant get married to him." She said while kneeling down before him "It's either him or no one" He replied sternly She let out a huge scream and the glasses in the throne room broke and went flying. "No, that cant happen" She said, her eyes red with fury and anger "Izabelle!" The throne room echoed "Father, just give me a chance. Thats all I ask. Just 1 chance. I'll find a groom" She said desperately. "Your wedding is in a month, Izai. What can you do within that time huh" He asked "Alot.Just give me a chance" She pleaded "Fine.Just 3 moons. Thats all I can give you. Failure to do that,you know what will happen when you go against your father" He said with a dangerous look "That's more than enough father........"

Simi_Sola24 · Book&Literature
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2 Chs


I opened the large door which leads to the hall and I was surprised there were only two people of significance. I turned around and gave my sister the killer look, she gave me a shrug and I already figured out what was going on. I walked slowly down the hall and halted when I got to my father's throne.

"Father" I greeted with a bow

"Hmmmmn, Izabelle. You are late" He replied with a frown

"I know father. I had issues getting dressed. Aparently, my personal maid was tending to an 'unimportant visitor'.I replied

" Izai!"My mom called

"Yes mother" I said with a smile

"You should greet our guests, with a smile and respect" She said

"Sure thing mom" I said and casually walked down the throne hall.

"Uncle and Aunt, It's been a while" I said with a forced smile

"Elle, you don't look happy to see us" The woman replied

"What can I do Aunt?, I was told we had a visitor so I dresses up pretty well. Turns out it was a family member." I said with a grin

"Oh come on" The Man replied with a frown

"Oh my goodness, Uncle. You shouldn't have frowned. I had thought you haven't aged over the years, well not untill I saw your wrinkled face" I replied

"Thats enough Elle" Someone said from behind them

"And who do you think you are to order me aro.... " I said

"Elle, you should know when to stop" My sister said

"Sure things sis" I replied with a smirk


Ga-el was the third and last Son of the Arizonal couple. His parents got that nickname because according to their people, they were and would always remain the best couple in the kingdom. He was the only son and heir to the throne. His sisters were all bethroted because they were of no use, they were just tools used to form alliances between two nations and that's exactly what my father wants me to be.Our parents have been friends for like forever and what annoys me the most is the fact that they want ro continue their friendship even after their death. I'm particularly not on good terms with Ga-el and my parents know this but still I have to endure his suffocating presence.

"Izai, how about you show Ga-el our new garden" My father suggested

"Its not new father. Its been here for ages" I said then stood up

"I'm sure you've seen enough of our garden" I sais as soon as we stepped out

"Hmmmmn.That's right, but it never gets old" He replied with a smile

"Oh please.... " I said

"Well then permit me to explore the garden" He said politely

"Suite yourself" I said then turned to leave

"I'm sure you already know why our parents are meeting" He said out loud

"Its no suprise, they have no better topic to discuss. But its quite dissappointimg don't you think. Aren't the Arizon couple suppose to be busy" I said with a smirk

"I still don't understand why you hate me so much peach" He said while walking closer

"Peach?!, is that your new name?. Oh my goodness, you should know when to stop trying" I said walking towards the door

"Your birthday!..... " He said and I stopped

"Its in 2months time princess. And you know what that means right?" He said with a smirk

I walked closer to him and our face was only an inch away from eachother's

"I know!. So what?" I asked softly

"You need to find your groom before the night of your birthday princess. And I know you haven't stepped out of the palace for years, so how and where will your groom arise from?!" He said with a smile

"You want to know why I hate you so much?, I asked as I trailed my fingers down his face

" That smile.... I freaking hate it when you smile..... You have no idea how much I wanna see you burn in hell"I said then placed my hands on his chest

He wrapped his hands around my waist and drew me closer then whispered into my ears

"Not to even mention your sexual cravings!. Its a surprise you managed to remain a virgin princess" He said

I walked my hands on his trouser zipper and opened it

"Could it be.... " I said while biting down on mu lips

"... That you want me on your bed desperately?,I mean I know how monsterous you are! " I said with a wink

"Then I'm sure you know I always get my hands on whatever I want Elle" He said then trailed his hands down my chest

"Oh really? " I asked raising my brows

"Oh yes. And I can't wait to hear you scream my name and tell me to go faster. I can't wait to have you naked on my bed" He said while trying to cup my breast

"Then I'm afraid you'll have to wait for eternity love, 'cause it can't be help" I said and yanked his hands off my breast

"I don't hope I see your fucked up face again so I hope you enjoy your visit" I said then walked away

"I need to get rid of Ga-el for good, but for now I need to speak with father" I said to myself

"Your highness, are you ok?" Tatianah called out

"Yes, i'm fine" I said

"No I don't think so.Your eyes..... They're red.... Really red..... "