

What was the deal? A boss and employee agreement? More like a master-servant deal. That's what. A normal girl happened to spill her entire tray in the country's most handsome and rising bachelor tycoon and finds her life twisting from one turn to another. Ivy discovers that that handsome bachelor's business, was actually just a facade to hide his gang like activities. She comes to work for him through their deal, though it really wasn't what she wanted. What she wanted was... Ah, she wanted to work at his company, that's what. She also started recovering memories she had failed to recover for over three years and in the center of her memories, was none other than Damain, her boss.

rival_my_pillow · Urban
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42 Chs

Chapter 30: What course is this?

"There's another surprise inside."

"Surprise? What...?" Before she could finish asking, the car had already driven away.

But she saw the grin on his lips and could only but wonder what type of surprise he head installed for her.

'Since last month, the boss has been treating me rather nicely than usual. I no longer have to pretend to be nice, good and timid. I can now be myself and he doesn't have a problem about it. But I still need to be careful not to make him angry, otherwise I'll be making him break his promise and I don't want that.' She went into her lecture hall and took a seat close to some familiar faces.

The lecturer came in and started the lectures almost immediately. Ivy was still wondering what the surprise was. She thought to over look it that maybe Damian was just trying to mess with her head, but no, Damian never joked about a surprise.