
Deadric GOD of the Abyss

Zane Cole is an average Joe working in a customer service call center for rental cars, one day he was zoning off while crossing the road and out of nowhere a truck lost control and struck him, sending him on his way to the afterlife, or so he thought. Follow Zane or Ominous as he is called in his new-found life as he struggles to survive in the abyss. NOTICE : I hope you like this book, if you have any comment or wish to communicate with me do not shy away from commenting. --------------------------------------------------- You can have a peak at what some characters look like in one of my comments below --------------------------------------------------- patreon.com/AtlasWolf381

BIG_BAD_WOLF2000 · Fantasy
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58 Chs

"Unveiling Secrets"

After the dust settled and the remnants of the Goat men army lay scattered across the snowy battlefield, Ominous returned to his fortress, accompanied by Orinaya and Vulgath. The triumph in their eyes was evident, but Ominous knew that this was just the beginning of a long journey towards his ultimate goals.

In the dimly lit chamber of his fortress. The air was thick with tension, a potent mix of power and desire that crackled between them. The aftermath of their recent victories had only intensified their connection, deepening the allure they felt for each other.

Ominous approached Orinaya with a predatory grace, his eyes ablaze with a dark hunger. "You," he spoke in a low, guttural voice, "have intrigued me like no other. Your succubus allure may serve as a mere tool in your arsenal, but it is a tool I find myself enjoying the more I use"

Orinaya's lips curled into a seductive smile, her eyes locking onto his. "And you, my lord, possess a darkness that calls to the deepest recesses of my soul. Your power is intoxicating, and I find myself drawn to it, eager to revel in the shadows you command."

At that moment, the boundaries between them blurred, and their identities as lord and succubus merged into something far more primal. They were creatures of darkness, each seeking the other's touch to quench an insatiable thirst for power and pleasure.

Without hesitation, Ominous pulled Orinaya closer, his grip firm yet possessive. Their lips met in a fierce, passionate kiss, a clash of fire and ice. It was a union born not of tender affection, but of a primal need to dominate and be dominated.

In the midst of their sinister embrace, they unleashed a tempest of magic that swirled around them like a maelstrom. The air crackled with dark energy, and the walls of the chamber seemed to shudder under the weight of their desires.

As the night wore on, their union continued with an intensity that bordered on the edge of pleasure and pain. Their physical connection mirrored the depths of their souls, where darkness and desire entwined in a dance of power and submission.

The night was a symphony of carnal pleasure and dark enchantment, a secret union that resonated with the very essence of the Abyss. Each touch, each whispered command, was a declaration of their dominance over the other, an unspoken acknowledgment of the depths to which they were willing to descend.

In the aftermath of their sinful tryst, they lay entwined, their bodies and souls sated yet hungry for more. Ominous's dark eyes gazed into Orinaya's, a hunger for conquest and dominion reflected in their depths.

"You are mine," Ominous growled possessively, his fingers tracing patterns on her skin. "We are bound by more than mere desire; we are united by the darkness that courses through our veins."

Orinaya arched an eyebrow, her voice laced with a sultry challenge. "Oh, my lord, possess me as you please, but remember that I am not so easily tamed"

A wicked smile curled Ominous's lips, and a glint of admiration shone in his eyes. "Then let our desires continue to clash and intertwine," he said, "for it is in the struggle that we find our true power."

And so, in the depths of the Abyss, their union continued—a tempest of passion, power, and sinister desires, the next day Ominous with his mind back on track already started making new plans.

Inside the laboratory, Ominous instructed his Deadra and lizard men to bring the bodies of the fallen Goat men. He intended to use their blood and essence for further experiments and potential enhancements to his creations. As his forces diligently worked, Ominous started pondering about the Centigor's motive for invading his realm.

"There must be more to this invasion than a simple attempt to abduct Orinaya," Ominous muttered, his eyes narrowing in contemplation.

Orinaya approached him, her hand resting on his shoulder. "What do you think could be the reason behind this, my lord?" she asked.

"I'm not entirely sure yet," Ominous replied. "But this Centigor didn't lead an ordinary invasion. The size of his army and the strategic approach suggest that he was after something more significant."

Vulgath joined the conversation, "It's true. Lesser demons like Bovigors and Goat men wouldn't dare challenge a new realm without a compelling reason."

Ominous unrolled the scroll carefully and began to read the mysterious writing inscribed on it. The scroll spoke of an ancient prophecy, foretelling the emergence of a powerful entity from the depths of the Abyss, a demon born from the clash of a newly evolved succubus and a centigor.

"The prophecy speaks of a legendary being, a 'Primordial demon,' who shall rise from the Abyss to claim dominion over their realm" Ominous said, his voice filled with irony at the beast men fantasy.

Ominous replied, his mind racing with the implications. " Prophecies can be misleading, and their interpretations are often shrouded in ambiguity."

Vulgath, always practical, added, "Whether the prophecy is true or not, we must remain vigilant and prepared for any future threats."

Ominous nodded in agreement. "Indeed. We cannot afford to be complacent."

Ominous and his council focused on fortifying their defenses, enhancing their magical knowledge, creating more undead, and reading the beast men's memories. The knowledge they obtained from the Centigor's memories proved invaluable, the beast men realm which is the 378 floor of the abyss has lost all its top power lately, the demon lord took all the Arch fiends and high demons to invade some kind of world, but they all died under the retaliation of a powerful god and his pantheon

It seems that the demon from the prophecy would take over the 378 floor of the abyss, and the beast men are trying to hunt down succubi to have offsprings with, they think that the clash in the prophecy is hinting at sex, Ominous on the other hand thinks that the Clash is a hint to the war that happened in his realm and that he would be the one to take the 378 floor of the abyss

But first he still needed to become stronger, he started using lizard men eggs with high concentration of dragon blood as the core while pouring the blood and essence of the Bovigors into it, he figured that stronger living beings would provide him with more faith just like the Deadra provided him with more faith than the lizard men, he accelerated the incubation process with his magic to see the results, out of all the demons he got he only kept the most promising and intelligent, while he consumed the others for a snack

A giant 5 meters variant of the lizard men, growing as tall and as strong a Minotaur, but smart enough to use magic like a lizard man their body bulky and their muscles were tight, the defective dragon bloodline of the lizard men had made the beast men traits disappear and only absorbed the beneficial part from the Bovigor bloodline

Ominous decided that these creatures would be his new lizard men in his fort and that all other lizard men would slowly be sent to the other Deadra lords once this race started to grow in numbers and had the knowledge needed to replace the lizard men,

All the goat men were made into undead soldiers, Ominous made sure to extract every information he could from their brains, and to copy all useful combat information into all his undead with the help of Vulgath and the Deadra, all the Bovigors blood and essence was used to create the new generation lizard men

the Body's of the Bovigors on the other hand were crafted carefully by Ominous, he added Goat men heads that could rotate in the back on their own, to make them aware of sneak attacks, he added magic knowledge and magic cores to their bodies, he even added spare goat men ribs and bones to their own to reinforce them, these undead would be very hard to kill for a lesser demon

Ominous, from the memories of the Centigor learned of the method of tracking a prey using its blood or magic and of the spacial magic to open a portal to another floor if he knew the location, the Centigor got the location of the Dark Tree only by tracking Orinaya

He once again used the same method he created Vulgath with to make a half living half undead from the Centigor body, but he didn't transform the Deadra hart with his blood as the Centigor body was not as strong as Gul'ban, it would be a shame to make a shade out of it, this Centigor upper body transformed with Deadra features as soon as it was created the only difference is that it was a large Deadra upper body, with a lower body of a horse

This creature was infused with a lot of magic knowledge and was called Vess, Vess would be the assistant of Vulgath he helped in crafting all the remaining Goat men into undead, he even started helping the lizard men and Deadra to strengthen the defenses of the fort, the undead force under Ominous has once again grown, he now had 4 million undead at his disposal

The days went by, and the Colossal Mountain was nowhere to be seen, in staid a Colossal enchanted and reinforced majestic fort appeared in its place, the addition of the millions of undead had helped speed up the process of renovation, now Ominous's throne room and living space was placed deeper in the Fort, not easy to access from above or below

his throne was bigger, more gold and jewelry had started to decorate his throne the Hall and even the floor leading to his throne, all undead worked as guards of the fort, patrol men outside and miners in the mines, the lizard men and the Deadra were busy training the New lizard men and the demons recruited from the outside

Soon he got wind of Dracula's successful expedition on Abe-run and his Growth from a Middle god to a Powerful god, it seems Dracula was having a break through so all the vampires Kept to themselves and closed the realm to protect their master's

Now that the Abyss gave him the news, it meant that Dracula was going to send him his Dragon and Titan bodies soon