
Deadpool's Wacky Adventures in the DC Animated Universe

Don't collect IDGAF (Hiatus) Read -Deadpool and The Dark Knight #1 What if Deadpool travels through the DCAU? Backed by #Magic Blurb*** The perpetrator stood up in the dust clouds and people screamed abandoning their cars in the middle of the crater and his eyes flashed green. Superman felt weak "Metallo," "How long have I waited, Superman," He blasted him with radiation from his kryptonite core and Superman started to push up wrestling with him to stay upright gritting his teeth and Metallo nodded him down. "I should probably help him but he's Superman," He shrugged. Green lasers came out of his eyes to shoot him and Superman groaned keeling over and rubbed his eyes. Shrivelling and radiating green smoke. Superman got up to punch him and Metallo gripped his arm and swiped him off his feet, his other arm saved him a face full of dirt and he crushed his feet on his neck. He pushed up with a bloody nose tackling his waist and his green eyes turned red. Deadpool lurched at him flying into a building "Ooh," He fell back and crawled forward. "Metallo's giving it all he's got, Superman is stunned but he's not gonna be put down easily. Look at the size of that boulder and oh! Supe gets a rock to the face. I've gotta hand it to Metallo, he is really dethroning Supe of his heavyweight title. You mean the Man of Steel? More like The Meat Popsicle," "Not...helping," He groaned. "Oh wait, does Supe require a tag team member?" He hopped down from the building top. "I think not, Deadpool, what do you say?"

FavourEkele_1969 · Others
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Teen Bohemoth_1

On the brink of a hot sunny day, the sun burst forth from the clouds and the rays resonated on the T-shaped tower.

Kori fanned herself reclining on a seat clad in a lavender bikini, behind the shade the tower provided, she subjected herself to the solace nature could offer. By the beach.

Her green eyes lowered wont with longing.

Deadpool emerged from the door, his eyes were comically different sizes glitching and Starfire lurched at the disturbing sight.


"Relax, hold on," He pushed out of the dimensional door that was unstable¹ and he kicked out, flashes appeared under his boots when he landed on the grass. Looking around.

"Ugh, this must be...,"

"Glorb narb! Alien!"

Deadpool stepped closer "Aw come on hussy, it's me, daddy, remember?"

"I do not recall my father being the red type,"

She blasted him and smoke concocted from his mask.

"I don't like this attitude,"

"I do not appreciate being called the hussy," She retorted.

He shook his finger and red lines spiked from his head with question marks. He gazed at the metal studs on his gloves and his body appeared wide from the top and lean at the bottom and the black tracks stretched from his shoulders to his legs.

The concept of 'anime' was introduced and he wiggled his large eyes.

Starfire trembled "Who are you? Red one,"

Deadpool took out his gun and she floated alarmed although she showed some form of composure even under threat. Deadpool laid it aside.

"All right, before you blow up my face, why don't we get this sh#t straight,"


Beast Boy yelled jumping onto Deadpool's shoulder to pound his head, the coconut sounds and flashes exhumed from his pounding and Deadpool set a gun off.

Placing it by his head "All right, get me the girl or the monkey gets it,"

Man, how did I forget these bad boys? He thought.

"Do not hurt the Beast Boy! Oh, I promise!" She bit her fingers.

"Gah, he's gonna shoot me!" He hollered fussing in monkey chatter and Deadpool smashed his head. "Quiet you,"

Now that he set the plane on course, he could move on without any more distractions. He poised his gun over his shoulder and shot at the next random appearance and Robin's rope was cut off by his bullet.

"Wonder if that's even realistic," He said.

(I saw Robin's reflection from her pupils)

"Deathstroke," His eyes narrowed, even he was in his swimming trunks, he wasn't to be taken seriously and Deadpool being the whiz at making jokes subjected him to some sort of emotional distress by calling him Batman's b!tch boy.

He growled between clenched teeth.

"Robin! I assumed that you were not eager for the leisures, today,"

Starfire said in alarm and bit her lip so as not to evoke anymore embarrassment on Robin.

Robin was already embarrassed from being overthrown by Deadpool and being called out after spying was a cobblestone to his humiliation, he was bent on retaliating and so he blurted.

"Who are you!? What do you want?"

He demanded and Deadpool tossed Beast Boy into the pool and he chattered when he splashed in and punched Robin with his gun so hard that he passed out.

"Take me to your sister," He said in a soft yet cold voice.

Starfire's eyes narrowed. "You mean the Raven?" She referred blushingly despite Raven's indifference to her extended hand of friendship, Raven had vanished mysteriously without telling them. Conventional of her. They had no reason to be worried.

"Mama's not available fool!" Beast Boy yelled annoyed by his wet fur and grass on it. But he shrugged at the idea of cleaning up later.

The pool burst after Deadpool shot it. "I think things are getting too peachy here,"

"We'll never let you get to Raven," Robin resisted throwing him over his back and he stepped down around his torso turning his leg to an uncomfortable angle.

Deadpool kicked Robin's head with his other free leg and he stood up shooting his hand.

"Ah!" Robin's bleeding hand trembled.

"Robin!" Exclaimed Starfire.

"Oops, this is PG13?" He said and kicked him. "I'd rather not get involved in child abuse now, are we gonna talk about witch girl or not?"

"She's down_ in the netherworld," Starfire confessed regretfully.

"Huh?" Beast Boy and Robin gazed at her in shock.

She looked mortified "And Cyborg is with her," Starfire's eyes tilted pleading. "We have no means of retrieving our teammate,"

"How could you keep this from us?" Robin said in a harsh tone and Starfire cried.

"I am ashamed of my actions but if it is to protect Raven's integrity, I must, the perverse man is not giving us much of the choice," She sniffed with beads of tears in her eyes and felt a surging wave of relief.

They were both angry but Beast Boy was considerate and he steamed in a quiet reconciliation.

"Ohhh_Really?" He transitioned into a green parrot and flailed his wing to the tower.

"Cyborg's lab is full of Boom tubes if you like,"


Beast Boy saw the others fuming at him and clouds of grief and inbred annoyance ruffling above their heads.

"What? I thought we were negotiating,"

Deadpool pressed a Boom Tube then a bright portal opened altering the wind currents in the room.

"Back online. Who's first?" He gave a thumbs up "Eenie meanie miny mo!"

Beast Boy screamed when he tossed him into the portal.

The duo's (Starfire and Robin's) cheeks reddened and their lips turned wavy in dismay when Deadpool leaned into the fabric of the portal with his lower half sticking out and his legs crossed rubbing his boot on a leg.

"Oh, that's better," He jumped in and a cloud blew out of his mask at the dark place. It smelled even worse here. "Holey Tartarus," He thought about the hellish underworld and Robin held his bandaged hand beside Starfire in their suits now.

"Are you okay, Robin?" She asked.

He perked up and his cheeks turned pink "Yeah, been hurt a lot worse, hehe," He said and she progressed forward.

His face turned purple in distress and his mouth fell open when she passed by without a care.

"No more babysitting, get this show on the road!" He waved his gun.