
Chapter Twenty-Eight

Okay here we go for the fifth time: 3...2...1...and .... nothing!

Lizzy really don't want to wake up but she have to but do not want to?


She haven't slept peacefully the whole night because Skyler kept pacing around in her mind. And when she tried to talk to her she just blocks her off, she really don't know why.

This time with much needed force she wake up and stands on the floor trying to balance herself and stop the rush of blood quickly flowing through her head.

She has about 3 hours left till 10am so in order to make sure she got some food in her belly she made her way to the bathroom and do the necessities.

Once she's out and got dressed, applied make up and put her hair in a ponytail.


Someone was at the door. She peeped through and saw Cole. He had this shellshock smile on his face that she wanted to slap away. Her hand was practically itching to slap him.

"Good morning Cole, you're up early!"

"Yeah wanted to grab breakfast, want to join me?"

"Sure just let me grab my purse."

She locked the door behind her and they began to walk towards the elevator.

"So where's your other half?" Lizzy asked referring to Lucas.

"Wouldn't you like to know."

"Yes I would like to know, that's why I asked." Gosh some people don't just answer a question.

"What's tickling your pickle today?"

Lizzy just stare's at Cole wondering how can someone be so handsome and so annoying.

But then they just burst out laughing...


"So liz is there anything you want to tell me?" Cole gives lizzy a knowing look with an eyebrows raised.

"What are you talking about?"

"What does he know? Does he know about me being a werewolf? If he does shit I'm in trouble!" She wondered.

"Ohh come on I found out about you and Lucas! How can you'll hide it from me. I should know everything."

Lizzy let out a deep breath that she was holding in but wait how did he know and this is bad even more than telling him her secret.

"Huh nothing is going on between us. I'm just an employee that happens to be needed on this business trip." She says while trying not to make eye contact with him.

"Going to be like that now? I'm Lucas best friend don't you think I would come to know and also well maybe get him drunk to tell me what's bothering him." Cole said the last part scratching the behind of his head feeling guilty.

"You did not" lizzy looked at Cole shocked by what he had done.

"Believe it, now back to why did you act all weird for just doing the deed with him?"

"I have my personal reasons for that and I would not like to say it plus he is my boss why would I not feel that way. I mean it's shameful to sleep with your boss it makes you look like you're a gold digger."

"Well are you?"

"What no!" Thrown aback by his question.

"Then there is nothing to worry about. Listen from what I can tell you is that Lucas might have his habits of sleeping around and not getting attached but it seems like you have turned his head. I'll tell you this just give him a chance okay."

"No, are you mad! I don't care about how his changed and about his life out of work because I only work for him and not his playdoll."

Okay that came out wrong but it's to convince herself along also. She cannot get no feelings towards Lucas. She's not ready for a relationship either. All the love lizzy's ever had has been thrown out the window months ago and she is not ready yet to get it back.

"Never say never Liz, remember love works in many ways all which are mesmerising to watch and I'm going to have front row seats and eat poocorn."

Not in the mood to reply back she just shakes her head and rolls her eyes which would soon roll to the back of her head because of her doing it constantly.

Rest of breakfast was with them talking about how lizzy should act for the meeting but of course Cole did try to convince lizzy again.

After breakfast Cole and lizzy headed back to their rooms to get ready for the meeting. Lucas never made an appearance during breakfast.

Things seemed to go fine so far. Getting ready and meeting up in the lobby of the hotel. Of course Lucas and Cole were dressed in their suits while lizzy was dressed in a skirt and blouse kind of attire which did look professional.

When they met as planned Lucas kept giving Cole the cold shoulder realising what had happened last night and trying to force information out of him. Even though Lucas was the boss, after many years Cole did know his weakness and what effectiveness the drink had on Lucas.

So tension between the three was not great especially since they had a meeting to go to.


Arriving at the construction company 10 minutes later. The three get out of the SUV.

Lucas stands in the middle with Cole and lizzy by his side. They are greated by the CEO of the company Mr Slyvain at the entrance. They shake hands.

"Welcome back Mr Kingston. Hope your stay is well. The meeting will start shortly once we go to the board room."

"Yes all is well, you may lead the way."

The building was tall but not anywhere near Kingston industries. The colour reflected a blue colour off of the sky because the building was mostly glass.

You could say the buildings was the same as New York but not as busy. It looked like a rather peaceful town or so everyone thought. People never wondered about what's learking in the shadows because who would suspect anything weird. It should be called weird central then.

The three follows step into the building which was not high tech. Lucas and Cole did not bother to look around but lizzy, her neck was practically flying in all directions looking and assessing for danger. She did not come across any yet so she thought.

Things were going smoothly so far as they entered the board room. There were more older than young males that surrounded the tables. But not one female which made lizzy a bit uncomfortable cause all eyes were on her.

Lucas could sense how tense lizzy became as they were being seated around the hexagon shaped table. But this time lizzy was in the middle of Lucas and Cole which she thought she had escaped from the interaction but not from the preying eyes from the ones in front of her who had a every clear view of her.

Lizzy knew that she would be distracted during most of the meeting so she took out her phone keeping it on her lap, noticing that both of them were busy in a conversation.

She kept her head low and unlocked her phone looking back up she caught eyes with a young male who had a scary smirk while watching her. She looked back down and this time quickly fiddling with her phone looking for the record app.

Once she found it she pressed the record button and placed the phone lightly in the purse not fully closing in so that it will be able to record the meeting.

Hoping not to get caught she opened the notepad and griped a pen in her hand as the meeting started.


After the meeting was done and only a page of notes from lizzy which did not impress Lucas they began to leave the board room. She took her purse and ended the recording thinking that when she goes back to the hotel room she will take down more notes.

Lucas and Cole were called back in but Cole told to wait they will come in a few minutes. She replied with...

"I need to use the washroom so I'll meet you'll down." The simply nodded at her.

One minutes went by just cause lizzy was still looking for the washroom. Once she found finally got directions she did her business and was now washing her hand.

She did not hear the door opening over the flow of the water. Once she looked up in the mirror she caught sight of someone behind her which made her turn in shock.

Hand griped her waist pulling her from as she was backing up to the sink. Lizzy was Squirming around trying to get out off the man's imbrace.

She noticed it was the same young male was was giving her weird looks the whole time during the meeting. He must have followed her here she thought.

"Leave me, let...go...of ..me." she struggled to say.

"Umm beautiful and so full." He groans in her ear.

Tears were now spilling from her eyes. This unknown guy pushed her on the floor straddling her. He hold her wrist above her head and starts nibbling the side of her neck leaving marks.

"No stop ple..ase, HELP. SOMEONE PLEASE HELP!!!" She screamed as loud as she could. Now getting frustrated the man started to unbutton her blouse but suddenly the door burst open reveling a very shocked and angry Lucas and Cole.

After Lucas and Cole were done talking to Mr Slyvain the began walking towards the elevator when they heard screams coming from the washroom.

Both remembering lizzy went to the washroom, they quickly rushed towards lady's room and paused when they heard

"HELP SOMEONE PLEASE HELP!!!" That's when they heard lizzy, they fondled with the door which was not opening. A now very worried Lucas started to push against the door and finally kicks it down reveling Mr Marshall's son Zacory on top of lizzy. That made his blood boil even more.

Lizzy was reviled to have seen someone coming to help her. Lucas pulled Zacory off of lizzy and started to throw punches his way.

Cole went to lizzy's side and help her to stand. He left her side for a second to stop Lucas and tell him to help lizzy which he did without thinking.

He pushed Zacory to Cole and went to lizzy, he hugged he tightly against him. She tried to fight but gave in sobbing against his suit. Looking at Cole he got the signal and started to beat him again until his face was not recognisable.

Cole dragged Zacory out of the washroom throwing him in front of everyone that's outside now making a scene.

Mr Slyvain came forward with Mr Marshall and they were shocked at what they saw. Cole explained what happend. Mr Marshall asked his son if it was true and he nodded. A secunity guard came forward trying to get Cole off of Zacory which he succeeded in doing.

Lucas covered lizzy with his suit jacket and brought her out. Everyone looked at her with sympathy in their eyes after all it was not the first time Zacory had done that. The females were used to him man handling them but not anymore would he do it.

Lizzy thought the horror would end but it was only the beginning...

The guard carefully studied lizzy noticing her familiar resemblance to someone. He smelled a rouge, Shock latched onto his face once she realised who the female was. He quickly backed about from the crowed while watching her grabbing his phone from the pocket calling lizzy's only nightmare...