
Chapter Thirty-Three

60 Seconds turned into 60 minutes and those 60 minutes turned into an hour. All 60 right!

Every minute a new pain ruptured through their bodies.

Each minute he provided them with non stop pain.

Each minute felt life an hour itself.

He scared their bodies. Blood and sweat was the only thing leaking from every corner of their bodies.

Lucas's broad muscular shaped body look like he would be giving up sooner than later.

Lizzy's body well her once beautiful tanned skin was now sweaty. Her hair stuck to her face and back.

Both their bodies were just dangling from the celling. Their breathing were heavy. No word was said as they hung their heads.

Pain erupted again and again. Their heartbeats were increasing fast.

No one would be able to handle the pain they were in right now.

It stung each time. Little drops were still on their bodies. The wounds practically screaming for help with the burning sensation.


Each time he whipped them it was like burning in hell.

The swish sound of the whip as he went back on forth to whip them.

He made sure they both had a fare  amount of them. 20 slashes on their backs.

Blood dropped on the cement flooring and spilled everywhere.

Just for getting blood on his shirt he would give them an extra whipping.

After Alpha Max was done he retreated back to the table to place the whip down.

Lizzy and Lucas only hoped for him to be done with it. But they lost hope after the third brutal device.

Thinking he might be done now cause it was almost dinner time, he decided for one last torcher.

He picked the two bottles of salt water and turned to them. He had sweat beads on his forehead.

Lizzy and Lucas did not bother to plead him to stop what he was about to do next but just hoped it would end soon.

"Well since you'll co-operated so well. I've decided to help you'll a bit. You see the liquid in this bottle will wash your blood away. So don't worry everything will be alright soon!"

The lie you could practically hear it. They knew nothing good could come from that table so they expected the worst from the bottle.

He removed the lid of the two bottles and went behind their bodies. They waited for impact and soon it came.

He threw the salt water at their freshly whipped and skinned bodies.

Lizzy let out a howl while Lucas screamed with a grunt.

It was the most painful of all his done to them. To rub salt in their wounds.

Over their screaming you could hear Alpha Max's terrifying laughter.

Anyone watching this would pretend to drop dead just for him to leave them alone.

But in all honesty Alpha Max was like a model himself. His jawline was well defined. His muscles flexed underneath his plain black shirt.

He might be evil but everyone would make a deal with the devil just to have him in their beds.

It was hard to understand his actions even towards his own mate.

Each time she screamed something inside him swirled that made him want to throw up. He simply hid it.

He had no idea what was going on with his body. His wolf seemed silent the whole time but never think much about it.

After all this time of wanting Elizabeth dead, something was stopping him.

After throwing the salt water at them and only till they were flinching and grunting at the burns did he decide to leave.

He threw the bottles into the trash bin and turned to them.

Before he left he went straight to lizzy and stood infront of her.

Since her head hung low, he lifted her chin with his fingers. The touch still sent shock waves threw him. The mate pull was still their. After all they were true mates.

Looking into her glossy eyes his mind traveled into them. Searching for something unknown to him.

Suddenly realizing what his doing he dropped his hand which startled lizzy making her open her eyelids even more.

He turned his head to Lucas and then back to lizzy. Then he turned around and walked towards the door.

Before he could leave he said,

"Enjoy your rest, I will be back tomorrow anytime. Goodluck waiting."

With that said he left.

Once he was out the door, the bright light suddenly went off and only the one dim bulb light shinned again. Bringing them to darkness once again.


And that's what brought us to this moment in time.

Still no words were said even though they were thinking alot about the positions they were in now.

Their bodies were sore, crying out for relief desperately which was not to come.

They took each second and minute carefully gathering their thoughts.

The first to brake the silence was Lucas. He wanted answers and wanted them bad.

"Explain now!" He said with his voice cracking but also with a grunt that seemed angry.

Lizzy was shocked by his out burst. She stared in his direction.

She could not possibly see him whole but she could make up part of him.

Her heart began to race wondering what she going to tell him and how would he react.

She tried to gather answers in her mind but she kept thinking about the cons of what could happen.

Well what could happen?

Not like he could grab her and hurt her. He was a safe distance away from him but even though he can't hurt her if she told him the truth, his reaction towards her could hurt because words always hurt to her.

Lucas waited impatiently. He wants to know why were they just torched and what she did to get them in this predicament what they were currently in.

Letting out a shaky breath, lizzy gathered herself feeling dizzy and said those words not knowing how he would react.

She thought in her mind.

"3...i can do this...

2...nothing can go wrong! Right?

1...okay here i go..."

"I'm a werewolf..."