
Deadly Fists

A high school student named Soren Miller used to be bullied for being overweight. He always gets picked on by jocks and gets called a loser. popular girls and boys constantly make fun of him every single day. He gets bullied physically and verbally. This led him to being depressed but one day he decided that he had finally had enough. When summer came he went to gym and trained Mixed Martial Arts and he lost weight, gained abs, gained muscles, and he felt so amazing. His coach saw great potential in him and saw that he can learn new techniques and moves quickly. He started to join competitions too because his coach wanted to see if he had heart and dedication. He won those tournaments and is currently 1-0 in his record.When school was back again, everyone was shocked at how he turned out. The bullies were also surprised but they didn't stop bullying him. Little did they know what Soren is actually capable of doing.

Emerson_Davis · Action
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Chapter 1: Same thing, different day

It was just another day full of bullying for Soren. It was only 3 weeks left before summer arrived and Soren thinks he deserves this summer break because of all the bullying. But little did Soren know the bullies would go all out on bullying him before the summer ends.

Randall: Hey there Fatso! HAHAHAHAHAHA

Randall is the Jock of the football team in Soren's school. He loves to make other people's lives miserable and he has buddies who help him with his dirty deeds.

Soren: What do you want Randall?

Randall: Look Fatso. Let's just make this quick alright? I forgot my wallet and I want you to give me your lunch money or I'll beat your ass.

Soren: I can't Randall. My mom gave me enough money for lunch later. I'd go hungry if i gave my money to you.

Randall: It's not like you even need it. You need to cut that fat off fatso.

Soren: Randall please, just let me keep my money.

Randall: Well you asked for it.

Randall's friends pinned Soren's arms against the walls and Randall punched Soren's stomach several times and Soren was screaming in pain but one of Randall's friends covered Soren's mouth.

Randall: If you don't wanna give it to me. Then I'll have to take it myself.

Randall reaches for all of Soren's pockets and he finally finds the money.

Randall: There it is!

Soren: Randall please don't take my money! *grunts in pain*

Principal O'Malley: What's going on here?

Randall: Oh! Uh... Nothing principal O'Malley! We're just asking Soren for the money that he owed us.

Soren: Wait. What?!

Randall: *whispers to Soren* Shut the fuck up and agree or I'll break your fucking skull open later.

Soren: Yeah it's true Principal O'Malley! I owed them some money.

Principal O'Malley: Okay. Well you boys better get to class now.

Randall: We will principal O'Malley!

Soren: Yes principal O'Malley!

Randall: *speaks to Soren again* Good dog.

Soren is left there grunting in pain because his stomach was hurting really bad. Soren then went to class after losing his money and getting beat up by Randall and his friends. Soren sits down on his chair still grunting in pain from all the punches.

Dan: *throws a crumpled paper at Soren's head*

Soren: What the?! Dan what is this?

Dan: Open it Fatboy.

Soren: *opens the paper and sees the drawing of a pig with a name tag and the name that was written on the tag was Soren's full name*

Soren: What the hell Dan?!

Dan: HAHAHAHA! Oh my God you should've seen your face being all angry it's so fucking ridiculous! HAHAHAHA!

Soren: Stop it Dan! We have only 3 weeks left of school. Won't you try and change before school ends?

Dan: Why don't you lose all that weight first? HAHAHAHAHA

The whole class laugh at what Dan said and Soren was really pissed and was almost about to cry but then a girl suddenly speaks.

Jane: Hey! It's really not cool to bully people you know? He has feelings too!

Dan: Shut up loser! Why don't you and Soren the fatso get married since you two look so cute together! The fatso and the loser! HAHAHAHAHA

Everyone laughs at Dan's joke again then the teacher suddenly enters the room.

Teacher: Settle down people! Settle down!

Everyone settles down and they start to focus on the teacher.

Teacher: Good. Now, I guess everyone knows that our school year is about to come to an end. I would like to inform you all that you guys have been wonderful students!

Dan: *coughs* Except for fatso here.

Everyone laughs again.

Teacher: Dan stop it!

Dan: Okay okay I'm sorry.

Then the class went on and another class went on and another one after that and then it was lunch time.

Soren: *approaches the teacher* Sir...

Teacher: Yes? What is it Soren?

Soren: I have a problem. I forgot my wallet in my mom's car and I don't have enough money for lunch. Is it okay if I borrow money from you sir?

Teacher: You don't have to borrow money from me Soren. I'll give you money.

Soren: Really? Thank you so much!

Teacher: *hands Soren some money* There you go. Go eat lunch now.

Soren then proceeds to go to the cafeteria and then he proceeds to buy a sloppy joe and a soda.

Soren: Now these look amazing! I can't wait to eat!

*suddenly trips*

Someone suddenly trips Soren making him fall to the ground and his food was all over the floor.

Devin: Oops! Sorry fatso. Didn't see ya there. I can't believe I didn't even notice you even though you're big enough to be our cafeteria's table.

Devin's friends laughs and the other girls laugh with Devin too.

Devin is the popular and rich guy in their University. He would pick on people whom he knows are outcasts and underprivileged. He always has his buddies and the popular rich girls with him.

Devin: You're so pathetic aren't you?

Soren: That was my lunch! Now I have nothing to eat!

Devin: Cut the crap. You should be thanking me! You didn't need those extra calories or you'll upgrade from a pig to a hippo.

Everyone laughs at Devin's joke.


Devin: We don't care! HAHAHAHA

Soren immediately leaves the cafeteria in tears. Then suddenly Randall and his friends dragged him to the comfort room.

Randall: You almost got me in trouble today tubby. Now you'll fucking pay.

Soren: Randall please don't!

Randall: *punches Soren's face many times*


Randall: Hold him!

Soren is now being pinned to the wall again by Randall's friends.

Randall: *punches Soren many times to the stomach again* TAKE THAT TUBBY!

Soren: *screams in pain* STOP! PLEASE!

Randall continues to beat Soren up and now Soren's face is all beaten up. His nose is broken and bleeding and he has a big black eye and his face is very swollen.

Randall: That's good enough. Never try to get me in trouble again fat-ass.

Soren: *silent and shaking in fear*

Randall: I'll take that as a yes. Let's get outta here guys.

Randall and his friends leave Soren shaking and all beaten up. After a few minutes Soren then gets up and runs away from school back to his home.

Mom: Soren what happened?!

Soren ignores his mom and immediately goes in his room where he locks himself.

Mom: Open the door Soren please.

Soren: Not now mom please.

Mom: Please Soren just let me talk to you!

Soren: Mom! Not now!

Mom: *sighs* Everything is going to be okay alright?

Soren stayed in his room for 3 days and refuses to eat. He lost a bit of weight from skipping meals.

Mom: Soren, honey just come out please I'm worried about you. You don't wanna eat nor talk to me.

Soren opens his door and faces his mom after 3 days of not leaving his room.

Soren: Mom, I don't wanna go to school.

Mom: But honey you only have 2 weeks and 2 days left of school just make the most of it. Now tell me who hurt you?

Soren: No mom! You'll tell on it and I'm gonna look like a loser again!

Mom: Soren I need to know. The school needs to know you know this!

Soren: Please mom! I've been a loser all my life please don't try to make it worse. I'm just gonna stay in my room for a couple more days.

Mom: Fine, I'll just bring you some food. Make sure to eat alright?

Soren: Sure mom.

Soren was depressed for the remaining week. He opened his PC and just wanted to watch some YouTube videos and browse the internet. Until he came to a suggested YouTube video about Mixed Martial Arts.

Soren: What's this now? Mixed Martial Arts huh? *clicks on the video*

Video: Hey everyone! My name is Henry Jones and I am a professional Mixed Martial Artist and a Mixed Martial Arts coach. If you're watching this video, this is your sign to start training MMA!

Soren: This sounds interesting....*continues watching the video*

Soren then gets an idea what Mixed Martial Arts is about and is interested to learn more about MMA. He then searches for a close gym that teaches MMA. He then finds a gym that teaches MMA that has pretty good ratings and is pretty close to his house too.

Soren: I'll check this gym out tomorrow. I should go tell mom first.

Soren steps out of his room to find his mom and inform her that Soren wants to train MMA.

Soren: Mom!

Mom: Soren what is it?

Soren: I want to train MMA!

Mom: What is that Soren?

Soren: It's Mixed Martial Arts! I want to learn how to fight and I want to be in great shape too! It can teach me different fighting techniques so I can learn how to defend myself!

Mom: Soren I don't think that's a good idea! Violence isn't the answer.

Soren: But mom I'm not gonna use it for bad I just wanna learn how to defend myself and how I can lose all this stupid weight!

Mom: Soren, It's better to just tell the school if someone is bothering you.

Soren: Mom please, I am tired of all the bullying that has been happening to me all my life. The school doesn't even do anything about bullying. Let's be real here mom please. This is something that I can do to finally have peace of mind. I can go to school knowing I can actually fight for myself. Please mom just allow me.

Soren's mom is a bit hesitant if she should allow Soren to train or not but she realizes that Soren does have a point so she allows Soren.

Mom: Fine, if that can help with your self esteem then I'll allow it.

Soren: Thank you mom! I'll go tomorrow to a close gym here in our town.

Mom: Alright, I'll give you money tomorrow so you can start your training.

Soren: Thank you mom! You're the best!

Soren was so happy about this. He ate his dinner and went to sleep early so he can have a lot of energy for his first day of training.

Soren: *wakes up* Now, I'll go visit that gym but I'll prepare first.

Soren takes a bath then he eats his breakfast and he wears some dri-fit clothes and tells his mom he's leaving to go to the gym.

Soren: Mom I'm going to the gym now!

Mom: Sure honey here's the money so you can pay for your training. *hands over the money*

Soren: Thank you mom! *leaves the house*

Soren left the house with excitement because he finally found something that can help with his confidence. After 15 minutes, he finally arrives at the local gym where they train MMA. He steps in and sees many people training different fighting techniques and he was excited.

Soren: Wow! This is so cool!

Random guy: Hey kid! What are you doing here?

Soren: Oh! Um...My name is Soren and I'm here to train Mixed Martial Arts.

Random guy: Oh! Well my name is Vince Smith. I'm one of the trainers here. You mind if I explain what MMA is before we start with your training?

Soren: No sir I don't mind.

Vince: Well MMA is short for Mixed Martial Arts and it's composed of different martial arts like Karate, Muay Thai, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Taekwondo, Kickboxing, Wrestling etc. This is a very brutal combat sport so once you learn it don't use it for something that's not good alright?

Soren: Of course I won't sir. I'm actually here because I want to learn how to protect myself. You see I am overweight so a lot of people make fun of me and they bully me physically and verbally.

Vince: Well then let's start your training shall we? So you can start becoming better and showing those bullies who's boss.

Soren: Yes sir.

Vince: Just call me coach son.

Soren: Oh, alright coach.

Vince: Let's start with the warm-ups first alright?

Soren: Okay coach.

They start their training with a warm-up and Soren had a pretty hard time trying to warm-up because they started with cardio and there were stretches he can't do because of his weight.

Now we'll move on to shadow boxing. You'll do different punches and kicks. I'll teach you about the jab, cross, uppercut, and different types of kicks too this is a part of our warm-up.

They finish the cardio, stretches, and the shadow boxing.

Soren: Wow! That was a warm-up?

Vince: It is. Don't worry you'll get the hang of it.

Vince: Now let's start with pad work.

Soren: Alright *still panting*

Vince started doing pad works with Soren and he saw that Soren can actually do hard punches.

Vince: and...time. That was a great pad work kid! You can punch hard huh? Just try to be careful and not punch too hard since this is your first time and you might break your hand when you punch too hard especially when you're at the bag.

Soren: Alright, Thanks coach!

Vince: *grabs a new set of pads and these pads were bigger* Now we'll move to these pads where you kick.

Soren: This'll be hard but I'll do my best. Can't do much with these legs if you're overweight.

Vince: Don't worry, I know you'll do great!

Vince starts to teach Soren about different kicks and he was surprised that Soren can do really hard kicks.

Vince: And...time! You can do hard kicks too huh?

Soren: I didn't even know I could actually do kicks like that. But that was really tiring!

Vince: 1 minute water break it is.

Soren: Thank you coach!

Soren drinks water and is now rehydrated and is ready for more.

Vince: Now let's head to the bag. What you'll do here is just do the combos I taught you and do it for 2 minutes.

Soren then proceeds to the do different striking combos Vince taught him.

Vince: and...time! Now that was a really great bag work kid! I see you have some potential.

Soren: Well, thanks coach!

Vince and Soren proceed to do more bag work and pad work and Soren definitely had a great time in his first day of MMA training.

Vince: Now, we're done with all those. Give me 40 crunches, 30 sit-ups, and you'll do 30 leg raises. You can rest when you feel tired but you need to finish all that.

Soren: Oh my God! I feel like I'm gonna die but alright. What ever it takes.

Soren does all the remaining exercises to finish his training and after he finishes it he felt like he did something good. He is now starting a new journey in his life and he is very happy for himself.

Soren: Thank you coach for this training today!

Vince: No problem kiddo. I see a lot of potential in you. You can learn new techniques with ease. Come back tomorrow we'll do some grappling techniques.

Soren: Alright coach! *gives Vince the payment*

Vince: Thank you and I'll see you tomorrow!

Soren heads home super happy and when he arrived home he changed clothes and took a bath, ate his dinner, and rested his body. Tomorrow is a new day for him and he needs a lot of energy.

End of Chapter 1.