
Deadly Dimensions

Volume 1: The Dragon Ball Multiverse

Part 1:Leaving their Multiverse. A Great Adventure opens it's doors

Chapter 1: The brothers say goodbye


In the ancient land of Egypt, a grand and tumultuous war erupted over the possession of a mysterious artifact known as the "Book of Time." This ancient tome held secrets beyond imagination—secrets that could manipulate time itself. As the conflict raged, the sands of Egypt bore witness to fierce battles, desperate struggles, and the sacrifice of countless lives. When the dust settled and the echoes of battle faded, the once-mighty Egyptian forces were reduced to a mere handful of survivors. These brave souls clung to life, their bodies battered, their spirits weary. The war had exacted a heavy toll, leaving behind scars both visible and hidden. The people of Egypt, exhausted and disheartened, made a solemn decision. They sealed the formidable power of the "Book of Time" within ten enigmatic time stones. These stones, imbued with ancient magic, were scattered across the land, hidden away from prying eyes. The Egyptians believed that this act would ensure that no one would ever wield the book's dangerous abilities again.

Centuries passed, and Egypt's once-great civilization crumbled into ruins. The pyramids stood as silent witnesses, their secrets buried beneath layers of sand and time. It was during this age of decay that fate intervened. Two brothers, Adam and Ibrahim, stumbled upon the remnants of Egypt's glory. Amidst the sun-bleached stones and crumbling temples, they discovered the very artifact that had sparked the war—the elusive "Book of Time." Its pages whispered forgotten truths, and its presence seemed to defy the passage of years. As Adam and Ibrahim prepared to transport the book to their hidden base for further study, an inexplicable force intervened. The very walls of the ancient structure closed in on them, trapping them within its timeless embrace. Their axes, once mighty tools, now shattered against the unyielding stone. Desperation gnawed at their resolve. Adam, undeterred by adversity, delved into the book's cryptic pages. His eyes traced ancient symbols, and his mind unraveled the threads of temporal magic. And there, amidst the faded ink, he discovered a way—a path back to freedom. He shared this revelation with his brother, who responded with laughter and determination.

Lets Begin:

The two brothers, Ibrahim and Adam, stood at the precipice of destiny. Their realization dawned like a distant star—a duty that transcended their existence, binding them to the very fabric of the megaverse. Adam, the brilliant inventor, had crafted a device capable of tracking the elusive seven legendary time stones scattered across the cosmic expanse. Each stone held unfathomable power, a fragment of eternity itself. Days of tireless labor yielded a revelation: the coordinates of the first time stone. Its location shimmered like a mirage, distant yet tantalizingly real. Shock etched lines on their faces as they contemplated the gravity of their quest. Was it wise to pursue this ancient artifact? The legends whispered of trials, cosmic guardians, and untold dangers. But the brothers knew—they had no choice. Their universe teetered on the brink, and the time stones held the key to salvation. The first stone lay beyond the veil, in a realm unlike any they had encountered. Not the serene gardens of Eden nor the fiery pits of Hades, but a place where z fighters clashed with invincible beings. These warriors transcended mere mortals, their fists capable of unraveling galaxies, their ki energy a force that defied reason. Universes trembled when they raised their hands, and the brothers understood: acquiring the time stone here would be no simple task. Ibrahim's resolve mirrored the steel in his eyes. Adam's intellect calculated the odds—their chances of survival. Together, they made their final decision. The ancient tome, its pages brittle with age, lay open before them. Words of power danced across the parchment, glyphs etched by forgotten sages. The incantation hung heavy in the air, a bridge between worlds. They chanted, voices harmonizing with cosmic frequencies, and the veil quivered​.

Adam and Ibrahim blinked in disbelief as they found themselves standing on the very soil of their beloved anime universe. The vibrant hues of the Dragon Ball world enveloped them—the azure sky, the rolling hills, and the distant mountains—all unmistakably Earth. It was as if the pages of their manga collection had sprung to life.

Adam's eyes widened, and his breath hitched. "Ibrahim," he whispered, "we're here. We're actually here!" His heart raced, fueled by equal parts excitement and disbelief. Ibrahim, equally awestruck, nodded mutely. They had stepped through an invisible portal, transcending the boundaries of reality and fiction.

Their gazes shifted, drawn to a familiar structure nestled amidst the landscape. Capsule Corporation—a technological marvel in the anime—stood before them. Its sleek lines and futuristic design mirrored the illustrations from the series. Adam's fingers trembled as he reached out to touch the metallic surface. "This is real," he murmured. "Bulma's inventions, the capsules—everything!"

Ibrahim, ever the pragmatist, scanned the surroundings. "But look over there," he said, pointing toward a distant commotion. "Something's happening."

They followed Ibrahim's gaze and gasped. A wasteland stretched out before them, scarred by the remnants of a fierce battle. The ground bore the weight of history—the very history they had watched unfold on their screens. And there, amidst the dust and debris, stood Goku, his spiky hair aflame with determination.

Vegeta and Nappa, Saiyan warriors of unparalleled strength, confronted Goku. Their power crackled in the air, shaking the earth. Adam's heart raced. "This is the Saiyan Saga," he whispered to Ibrahim. "The moment when everything changed."

Krillin and Gohan, mere mortals caught in the crossfire, watched with wide eyes. Their friends—Tienshinhan, Yamcha, and Piccolo—lay lifeless nearby.