
Control your pussy cat or I will

"Did I mistake that he came here?" April was confused as she did not see Ellison.

April walk around Ellison's office, feeling ecstatic. She walked to his desk and sat down on his chair. The entire area smelled of him, making her aroused. She gently placed her head on his desk, mimicking she was close to him when she caught sight of a door closing halfway from the corner of her eye.

She quickly stood up and grabbed the door in the corner of the room. "Since when is there a door here?" April thought.

April pulled the door open slightly and peeked in. She caught sight of Ellison and quickly hid back behind the door. She heard another sliding door close before opening the door she was behind. After she confirmed that there was no other sounds, she walked into the corridor. When she saw the lift is heading downwards at the end of the corridor, she frowned. She did not remember the hospital having a basement floor.

April waited for the lift to return and boarded it. She reached the basement area where she saw the giant iron door.

She searched for a way to open the huge door but to no avail. There was chatter on the other side of the door which caused her to search for somewhere to hide.

April couldn't find anywhere to hide but behind the iron door itself when it swung open. Two doctors exited the room deep in conversation not noticing anyone else in the corridor. Before the door closed again April held on to it and made sure no one was in sight to see her enter the room.

She was amazed to see so many chemicals displayed in showcases, lined up on tables and cabinets. April silently moved around looking at the different bottles and shelves until she saw Ellison and a scientist examining a still body on a table.

Ellison looked like a magnificent star when he was concentrating. This made April drool, "Ah. He is so handsome when he is like that."

April couldn't see what they were doing from where she stood but she was getting the most perfect view of Ellison's ass, making her eyes glisten.

April started to mumble to herself, "Strange, the drug we are testing isn't approved for human trials yet. Why.. wait a minute." April sneaked to a computer at the side and started digging out information on the blue liquid. "This isn't the drug we are testing!" April was shocked at what she found.

The blue liquid was said to be extremely dangerous and had restricted access to it. For Ellison to get his hands on such a rare drug shows his reputation in the medical industry.

Ellison started talking to the scientists when April realized she should leave before she gets caught.

Slowly and quietly, April inched back towards the giant door. As the door could not be opened without a code, April waited for half an hour before someone opened the door. She quickly sneaked out and ran back to her desk, panting.

Trinity Hospital Entrance

Trishelle walked out of Trinity Hospital and headed towards her car with Kristen. "Bodyguard." Trishelle said without explaining.

Kristen knew what Trishelle was referring to and asked back, "Who?"

Trishelle turned and looked at Kristen, not saying a word.

"Oh come on! You know I can't protect him all day myself! As if I'm not busy enough?" Kristen started complaining. "I'll get Yugi to do it okay?"

Trishelle merely grunted to indicate her displeasure but she was in agreement as well. She then walked up to her car and got in.

Kristen got into the car as well and asked, "What about that girl?"

Trishelle taped on her staring wheel for a while in thought until Kristen got annoyed, "Just smoke the bi!ch already. If you can't, I will." Trishelle looked at her sideways without turning her head, "Tempting. But control your pussy cat, your claws are starting to show." Kristen scoffed and rolled her eyes , "Like you weren't thinking about it."

Trishelle drove Kristen back to her place. As Kristen was alighting the car, she turned around, "Oh, there's an invitation to a business party. Wanna go? Bring Elli too." Her eyes glistened like stars at the mention of Ellison, as if ready to eat him alive.

"Watch yourself. Else I will break your claws myself." Trishelle shot Kristen a deadly stare.

Kristen shuddered at Trishelle's warning, knowing fully that Trishelle meant it. "Alright, alright. Calm down. I'm not gonna steal your meat."

Trishelle's brows knitted when she heard Kristen referring to Ellison as a prey, and reached out to grab hold of Kristen. However Kristen was faster and dashed out of the car, "So I'll see you two there. I'll send you the info later. Bye!" Kristen quickly ran off to avoid Trishelle's wrath.

All Kristen heard by the time she reached her garage door was the screeching of Trishelle's car tires driving off into the distance. Kristy is finally satisfied that she can get a rise out of her friend but all fun and games aside she had business to take care of and as soon as they become public Kristen knew that sooner or later she'd have to face her fears.

Kristen felt that she needed to be on her A game, else what happened over three years ago may repeat. As she was deep in thought, her phone rang. She glanced at it and almost threw the phone away. Reluctantly, she picked up the phone.

"Hey, sweetheart. Miss me?" The caller asked in a coy voice.

This made Kristen hairs at the back of her neck stand. "Does he always have to creep me out like that?" Kristen thought. She forcefully suppressed her emotions and replied, "What is it?"

"Heh. Seems like if I don't go over, you would have forgotten that I'm your fiance." The man over the phone chuckled slightly.

Hearing the man claim himself as her fiance made Kristen's blood boil. "Get lost!" Kristen shouted through the phone and hung up.

Although Kristen's tone did not change she knew she was shaken by what the man had said. She wrapped her arms together to stop her shoulders from shaking. Her eyes darkened, losing their shine from earlier. Kristen couldn't stop the memories of her past from flooding her mind.

Sorry for the hiatus. Been really busy with work and school. Hope everyone is doing okay during this period. Stay safe!

AzuRosecreators' thoughts