
Deadlock:Chainsaw Man

Deadlock, is an AU based on the universe of Chainsaw Man where none of the original characters existed. In Deadlock we follow the two main characters, Koryu Hyoga and Ryuki Suoh and at first have their lives fully separated, one is an 18-year-old high school student while the other is a 36-year-old lawyer. Never having their lives crossed they live out their normal lives, doing what makes them fulfilled however when two Devils become a major threat to all of Tokyo it seems that will have to change (IMPORTANT INFO BELOW) --- Hi everyone, here is some context to this series. Deadlock has been written since February 2023 to June 2023 and has been finished. This plan for this series was 3 parts and as I work on the start of part 2 I felt as if I wanted to release this series to the public instead of just my friends online. TBH im just posting the start of the series to dip into the waters and see how they are. Double side note, this will not be the exact orginal copy, I will have to add some things like character descriptions since the original google doc had images in it. Please share your thoughts and let me know if this is something you would like to see continued as I will upload all of the doc slowly as well as part 2 if this goes well

ClexWrites · Anime & Comics
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70 Chs

Chapter 37

Ryuki just looked down seeing everything that happened. The absolute beating of the Trident-Man, Koryu missing another finger nail. A man sobbing in the back, and Katsuko dead. He ran forward throwing a chair out of the way already starting to hyperventilate.

Ryuki: "nono, NO! NOO!"

He rushed over and kneeled over at Kats body seeing her eyes closed and lifeless. Ryuki's breathing got even more violent. As he struggled to keep his composure. Kirin followed closely behind him, putting her hand on his back as… a single tear rolled down Ryuki's face. The normally emotionless and cold lawyer let out a scream as he punched the floor creating an indent in it. Yuta started to walk over to Kat still crying as she crouched down and put a single hand on her forehead. Xavier quickly followed, he felt as if… there was nothing for him, his past self grew again, one of hatred and loneliness. The two had been in a relationship for about 4 years, and only now had Kat been able to introduce him to Koryu and Yuta... it was a shame that she had to be killed at this moment. Koryu just looked forward and felt a cold shiver down his spine… if he didnt stop that man… Kat would have still been alive. He just stood there, not going to her dead body thinking to himself. Ryuki stood back up looking over to Koryu who just stood there, thinking. He could sense the kid thought it was his fault, a skill from being a lawyer.

Ryuki: "It's… not your fault"

Koryu just turned to Ryuki and pushed past him going to where Yuta was. Koryu hasn't gotten over Ryuki trying to kill him and Felix, and this didnt help. Eventually, the police and ambulance arrived carrying Kats body out of the building on a stretcher. Many people gathered around the restaurant which now was partially destroyed inside, it wasn't anything that couldn't be fixed but it would cost… a lot of money. The owner of the restaurant came in, clearly shaken up as her favorite employee was just killed. Ryuki looked over at the damages and then thought to himself… he had to be a hero right, a good person. And so he opened his checkbook and wrote a check for 100000 yen (1000 usd) and handed it to the owner saying nothing as he began to walk forward. Koryu and Yuta who were giving their account to the police… however one person was gone, and nowhere to be found, Xavier. Now vengeance was on the mind of all four of them and each one had a way to deal with it.