
Deadlock:Chainsaw Man

Deadlock, is an AU based on the universe of Chainsaw Man where none of the original characters existed. In Deadlock we follow the two main characters, Koryu Hyoga and Ryuki Suoh and at first have their lives fully separated, one is an 18-year-old high school student while the other is a 36-year-old lawyer. Never having their lives crossed they live out their normal lives, doing what makes them fulfilled however when two Devils become a major threat to all of Tokyo it seems that will have to change (IMPORTANT INFO BELOW) --- Hi everyone, here is some context to this series. Deadlock has been written since February 2023 to June 2023 and has been finished. This plan for this series was 3 parts and as I work on the start of part 2 I felt as if I wanted to release this series to the public instead of just my friends online. TBH im just posting the start of the series to dip into the waters and see how they are. Double side note, this will not be the exact orginal copy, I will have to add some things like character descriptions since the original google doc had images in it. Please share your thoughts and let me know if this is something you would like to see continued as I will upload all of the doc slowly as well as part 2 if this goes well

ClexWrites · Anime & Comics
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70 Chs

Chapter 19

Ryuki found himself in an alleyway as he carried the skin of the heat devil in his good arm. He could feel the presence of two people walking after him, as he sighed.

Ryuki: "You're not getting this back. Taking over another devil is not something I want to deal with"

Felix: "I don't know what sort of twisted idea you have, but there's no way in hell you're keeping something like that."

Felix unsheathed his Katana hearing the tsuba click. His blade was drawn out shining in the little sunlight there was.

Felix: "You're forgetting you're stealing the property of Kibarajawa and as a devil hunter. I have every right to defend that property."

Koryu just stood back keeping his hand on his dual blades (the ones Yuta gave him). Ryuki sighed, he didn't want to deal with this. He stuffed the skin in his briefcase and then revealed his stumped arm.

Ryuki: "I didn't want to do this the hard way,"

Ryuki pulled his bracelet on his elbow as the sound of a dragon roaring was heard. The armor of Shinryu bound onto his skin revealing himself as Dragon Knight to Felix and Koryu. His elbow became a hand with the head of a dragon as his other arm held Dragon Knight's blade. He didn't want to kill the two of them, he didn't plan on it, but if it came down to it… he would. Ryuki stomped forward going for an overhead slash with his sword onto Felix's head. Felix was no amateur though and was able to easily guard Ryukis' attack. The metal grinded together creating sparks as Dragon Knight groaned.

Koryu was used to fighting things like devils but a hybrid was way out of his league- there was a real human under there.

Felix: "I- could use a bit of your help"

Koryu looked at his fingers seeing his right thumb still regrowing its nail. It wasn't enough to summon Velkhana and so he had to resort to using his left hand now. His left thumb's finger was erased as Velkhana's claw gripped onto the back of Dragon Knight, finding points where it can sink its claws deep into. It was right near dragons knight's shoulders where the icy claw dug into the back of the so-called hero and threw him to the floor.

Dragon Knight was forced down and dust dissipated as he fell. The armor of Shinryu Dragon Knight was quite heavy being able to tank a lot of hits but be a lot slower in comparison. He attempted to get back up but Felix forced Dragon Knight to the ground using Ravi's fist to gut punch him into the floor. Below Dragon Knight, the ground was beginning to crush as it was nothing more than just hardened dirt. Now that Dragon Knight was disoriented this allowed Felix to get a clean slash onto the face of him. The Katana swung into Dragon Knight's face but it was deflected easily, Dragon Knight only had a few weak points on his body and it was going to be hard to find exactly where those parts were. With Felix's Katana bouncing off Dragon Knight was able to kick Felix in the stomach as he stood back up cracking his neck before dashing forward and bargaining Felix with a multitude of swings of his sword.

Felix did his best to try and block some of his attacks but there was no way he was deflecting all of them.

Felix's blood was on Dragon Knight's blade but there was something off about the devil he summoned. From what Ryuki knew… that looked nothing like the heat devil he was so hellbent on destroying. Ryuki felt as if he was the only one who could defeat something like the heat devil (not knowing of the existence of other hybrids and the strategies of the public safety division which he looked down on), he backed off for a second watching for Felix's next move but that's all he did, watch Felix. He didn't even notice that Koryu was behind him as his Achilles heels were both slashed, blood trickling out of his heels. Dragon Knight fell to the floor unable to move as Felix held his Katana to his neck.

Felix: "Are you finished?"

Dragon Knight didn't want to be humiliated by some amateurs, he had to resort to drinking the blood of Felix. Dragon Knight held the sword to his mouth and allowed the blood to drip into his mouth replenishing him of his strength. (writers note: Fiends and hybrids regain their strength by drinking the blood of devils or humans, without blood they can be rendered useless) It was enough just to barely heal his legs. As a surprise attack, he did a sweeping kick that forced Koryu to fall on his back. Afterwards, he then bashed Felix, side-checking him, and knocking him over as well. It was a standstill as Dragon Knight was in the middle of Felix and Koryu. Koryu extended his left hand again as he made eye contact with Felix. Felix nodded at him and they both knew what they had to do.

Koryu: "Velkhana!"

Felix: "RAVI!"

Both devils were summoned, the head and chest of Ravi and the head and wings of Velkhana. Velkhanas wings beat once as an icy wind was shot directly at the Dragon Knight as well as the dragon's frozen breath. Over at Felix's side, Ravi inhaled, breathing and puffing its chest before spewing out violent flames of incineration. There was almost no time to think, but Dragon Knight came up with something so as to not instantly be obliterated. His dragon arm stretched and extended creating violent flames that would melt some of the weaker ice from Velkhana and his sword arm would begin to slash directly up and down creating a blade of wind in a sense to avoid the most potent parts of the incinerating fire. Dragon Knight was still bombarded by icy shards puncturing his body's weak points (joints). These icy shards were so cold that the remaining flames of Ravi worked together with the ice to burn the areas that the ice couldn't reach, stopping Dragon Knight in his tracks, and further attacks.