
Deadlock:Chainsaw Man

Deadlock, is an AU based on the universe of Chainsaw Man where none of the original characters existed. In Deadlock we follow the two main characters, Koryu Hyoga and Ryuki Suoh and at first have their lives fully separated, one is an 18-year-old high school student while the other is a 36-year-old lawyer. Never having their lives crossed they live out their normal lives, doing what makes them fulfilled however when two Devils become a major threat to all of Tokyo it seems that will have to change (IMPORTANT INFO BELOW) --- Hi everyone, here is some context to this series. Deadlock has been written since February 2023 to June 2023 and has been finished. This plan for this series was 3 parts and as I work on the start of part 2 I felt as if I wanted to release this series to the public instead of just my friends online. TBH im just posting the start of the series to dip into the waters and see how they are. Double side note, this will not be the exact orginal copy, I will have to add some things like character descriptions since the original google doc had images in it. Please share your thoughts and let me know if this is something you would like to see continued as I will upload all of the doc slowly as well as part 2 if this goes well

ClexWrites · Anime & Comics
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70 Chs

Chaper 61

On a more relaxing note, it was Monday again back at school. However, the mood today was up, and everyone was excited to go on a field trip. The Ueno Zoo had invited multiple high schools to take said trip to teach the students more about animals. After such an eventful prom, of course, people wanted a break. One thing that happened was Koryu was getting a lot more attention, Yuta as well as rumors spread about them defending the venue after the Rejection Devil attacked. Everything was going well as people got onto the school bus (which was rare to see since it was normal for children) and were ready to go.

Orbit: "Dude, I can't wait to check out those monkeys!"

Koryu's main group of friends were all sitting in the back of the bus, along with Honey who was slowly being integrated into that group.

Honey: "No way! I think checking out the Lions would be even cooler!"

The two of them had a joke argument about which was better as Koryu just looked out the window smiling to himself as the bus moved.

Ryan: "I'm with Orbit on this one, monkeys are the way to go"

Tyler: "But lions are like, giant cats, dude that's why they're so cool"

Honey: "YOU KNOW IT!"

Tyler: "To be honest though, I WANNA SEE THE LIZARDS!"

Koryu was overhearing their conversation and reached over the seat and slightly stood up on his knees

Koryu: "Okay, but we ALL know that the Tigers are going to be the coolest."

From the front of the bus, a teacher's voice yelled out to him

Teacher: "HYOGA SIT DOWN!"

Koryu scowled as he sat back down with Yuta as she covered her face to laugh just a bit. In no time, the group finally arrived at the Ueno Zoo. It took a while for the main group to get off the bus as they were all the way in the back, but as soon as they got off, they were right in front of the gate.

Teacher: "Alright alright, you're all going to make your own groups, up to 4 people, NO MORE and NO LESS"

Groaning was heard around the large group as everyone just wanted to hang out with their friends, the thing that sucked was that everyone had to fill out a paper about one animal too or they wouldn't get credit for the class. Already Koryu and Yuta paired together and dragged Orbit and Honey along as well.

Orbit: "Okay, where to first."

Honey: "LIONS!"

The 4 of them explored a little bit until they got to a main area which led out to the other exhibits.

Yuta: "Soooo, how long are we here for? Like an entire school day right? we should be able to go see everything we wanted right Koryu? Koryu?"

Koryu was gone and over at an ice cream stand already grabbing money as he was paying for ice cream.


Koryu: "HELL NAH!"

He handed the money to the person at the stand and got a stupid looking cup of dippin dots.

Honey: "hey give me some!"

Koryu: "Get your own Honey! The school already gave you money"

Koryu had to avoid and move his hands out of the way as for honey to not just grab his ice cream. He planned on eating it all by himself.

Yuta: "Just let him enjoy his ice cream- We can always buy you two some later"

Honey And Orbit: "fiinneee"

Yuta: "Alright, I think we should head over to the tiger exhibit first, its right next to us and we should be able to get some cool photos"

Koryu already scarfing down his dippin dots answered in a muffled reply

Koryu: "smoumnds goomd"