
Deadliest Kiss

Ariya is trying to start over, after losing her mother in a suspicious situation, she feels lost and needs some closure. Michael is a successful CEO of a company and a leader within the underworld, something Ariya knows nothing about. Will their meeting go as planned, are they destined to find each other? Or will Ariya get herself killed being reckless?

Taylor_Harkness · Fantasy
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15 Chs

The Truth

It's 5:00 am and my alarm is blaring for me to get up....but I can't move...   I feel sore in my bones. All the way to the very center. Parts of me are sore that I didn't even know existed. Finally I muster up the strength to at least sit up.

Bella is licking my face. I know mommy loves you. I look at her. Squeezing her face and kissing her nose. Alright.

I swing my legs over the side of the bed and they cry out. I remember to breathe as I throw myself off the bed and stumble down stairs. Feeding her I smile at how awesome boxing was. No matter how much pain I feel it's nothing like what I fight with in my head. I make a quick call to the gym saying I would like to train every week at least, maybe more depending on how I feel. I know it's not going to be easy but it will be worth it I assure myself. I let Bella outside while I quickly get ready for work. Slipping on more comfortable shoes especially judging my state I shrug, letting Bella into her kennel. I walk out and lock the door and drive to work.

Sitting at my desk I try to move as little as possible so no one knows how much pain I'm actually in.

"Ariya, please come into my office" I hear Michael's voice call. I quickly get up and straighten myself up. "Hello Mr. Tobias" he smiles.

"Hello. I just wanted to check in on you to make sure you are at least tolerating your job here" "I'm actually finding it very enjoyable, thank you" I smile sheepishly. I move slightly and the pain flashes across my face.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm just fine. Had a hard workout yesterday just working through it" I shrug lifting up my slightly bruised knuckles.

"I'm sorry about that. Well I hope you feel better and please remember to look over those papers I left on your desk." He turns away and picks up his phone to make a call. I quickly leave. Well I stumble out of the room.

With my body being sore there is not quick only awkward and painful. I return to my desk and look over the papers just accounting stuff showing where orders are going. I stumble across some weird items I'm trying to figure out. I bite my lip. Quickly searching I find out they are chemicals. Very strong ones. All being sent out in larger amounts. Specifically packaged. Is this company building weapons....? I sit back in my chair trying to comprehend the business I am working for. I place my head in my hands and think maybe these are specifically for the military or some other branch of the army. I sigh deeply.

Oh my....I mean I guess it makes sense. Weapons are important. I just need to see for myself. I get up and head to Michaels office.

I barge in and he looks over to me from his computer screen. "Can I..." I interrupt him...

"I want to see it all, and I want to know where it is going" I blurt out.

"What do you mean?"

"I want to see the weapons, I want to know what they are and where they are going!"

"Uhm" he stands up and buttons the middle button on his jacket.

"I don't think that's a good idea"

"I don't care" I say fuming. If I am working for an underground weapon company I am in deep trouble... And even more Mic.... Mr. Tobias is in even bigger trouble. How could I be so stupid. "Fine. But you need to keep calm and understand this business. I want you to relax and keep your temper under control because these weapons are dangerous. Especially in the wrong hands" I tap my foot... "Are you going to show me?"

He finally gives in after what feels like an eternity of us just staring at each other...

"Follow me" he leads me out of his office through mine and down the hall. Walking casually watching me to make sure I don't go crazy. "Please breathe Ariya" I glare at him.

Reaching a door he punches in a code and places his finger print on a scanner. He winces and I watch him grab his finger.

"Blood identified, along with fingerprint recognition" The door opens and I see a staircase.

"You wanted to see it"

"I didn't say anything" I say remembering how much pain I'm in.

I can do this. Following him down two flights of stairs I reach another door which he uses a badge to unlock. Behind the door is a bright white hallway. Following him we pass huge metal doors and reach a length of 4 Windows all showing what is going on in the factory. I look forward and take in the chemicals and plastics. How they are being transformed into weapons. "Who do they go to?"

"A multitude of people, mostly people who are in the secret service along with another group who hunt down rogue individuals..." He looks down.

"What are you not telling me here"

"Ariya this is not something you want to know. The people that use these don't exactly exist" "What the heck does that mean???"

"Follow me" he begins walking and enters a room. A very secret room.

"Now what I am about to tell you I am trusting that you will not tell anyone else. You signed a confidentiality agreement and I expect you to follow it. Or you run the risk of being terminated...please take a seat" I sit and he pulls up a chair grabbing a bottle of water and handing it to me.

"This company means a lot to me and I don't want anything to jeopardize that. Do you understand"

"I do"

"Alright, the things these weapons are designed to hunt down are things out of bad dreams. The things that go bump in the night. I specialize in creating weapons that will kill supernatural beings"

"Excuse me"

"For example, werewolves are known to be severely irritated by silver. So I created a weapon that exploits the weakness and terminates the problem" I laugh

"So you're telling me that you kill things like the big bad wolf, like the one that ate grandma?" "This is not a joking matter, Ariya" He gives me a stern look.

"Oh my...you are serious?"


"So why do you kill them?"

"Well we don't kill all of them. We simply supply hunters who search for these creatures who step too far out of their boundaries. Killing and becoming too noticeable. They really are truly careless creatures" he scoffs.

"But what made you want to go into business like this? Creating weapons and distributing them" "Well my job here is to make sure that humans are protected. Because without us...or rather them,  humans would be extinct"

"Okay...okay" I get up.

"I think I need to go home..."

"I am not keeping you here. But I do hope you will keep your oath" I swallow feeling a golf ball lodged in my throat. I walk out and follow the stairs, not looking back....