
Undead Spearmen

Zane had no idea that the Horde Kings of the world were capable of communicating telepathically with one another. Nor the fact that at this very moment they were deciding on how to deal with him. He was very ignorant of the Dead and their machinations.

Rather, he was more focused on testing out his new skill. And because of this, he had taken the girls to the ruins of Old Reno, where hundreds of thousands of undead currently dwelled. Many of which were free for the taking.

Zane was, of course, powerful enough now to be able to deal with a large group of Walkers entirely on his own. But there were still so many Undead that he would have a hard time taking care of. Especially if they were to gang up on him.

Take, for example, Juggernauts, though Zane was now level 21, and was fairly confident in his ability to deal with such monstrosities. If more than one ganged up on him, he could find himself in serious trouble.