
Overcoming a Existential Crisis

Ultimately, Zane and the girls did not find a place to stay the night on such short notice. Instead, they parked the Humvee in a remote area, and prayed that no abominations found them, or worse, other living beings. And while Elena and Olivia slept silently in the back seat. Zane sat in the driver's spot staring at his level up screen.

This was by far the most, shall we say, difficult series of advancements that Zane was forced to accept. He had done the unthinkable and engaged in the heinous act of cannibalism after murdering several awakened survivors. Nothing felt more horrible to the man than that.

Zane was never one to feel guilty in the past for anything he had ever done. And in a way, it wasn't necessarily remorse that he felt at the moment, more like a strange sense of bewilderment.