
Dead Man Walking: Living By Day, Dead By Night

An Apocalypse descends—as a lethal super-virus wipes out most of the human population. It took less than a day for the world to change forever—bringing mankind to its knees. It’s a time of misery and death for most, however, there are some who are lucky. Zane Graves, who came across a “Blood Crystal” is given an ability: [Dead Man Walking]—which grants him a special power, and so setting him off on his path to the top!

Zentmeister · Urban
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271 Chs

Negotiations Part I

Zane was covered in blood and sweat. Mind you, the blood was not his own, rather the rotten and coagulated fluids that coated him were those that lied dormant within the veins of the hundreds of undead that he and the women by his side had slain on this day.

While the level of danger had increased along with Bartholomew's newly gained power, there were certain benefits for those who could endure such a malevolent storm of violence and death. For example, the number of Tier I undead in Bartholomew's horde was virtually non-existent.

Instead, they had been replaced with a variety of Tier II Undead, including but not limited to Howlers, Leapers, and Skeletons. As for the previous Tier II Undead, which were a minority of Bartholomew's forces, they had not only vastly increased in numbers, but in variety as well.