
Introduction to the Divine Sword Sect

Zhao Qiu was in a difficult position no doubt. She had talked a lot of shit to Zane in the buildup to his quest. Only for him to emerge victorious and without a scratch on him. The truth of the matter was Zane had taken a huge risk when he used an unexplored ability to deal with the monster, and had suffered dearly as a result.

Even so, he still managed to heal himself so that he was fully restored. This was of course not something Zhao Qiu was remotely aware of. And she had promised to get Zane in touch with the group who ran their settlement.

A group with a stereotypical cultivation name. The Divine Sword Sect. Frankly, Zane really didn't care that the system in China was specialized for aesthetics in line with the culture. He just wanted to get back to North America, and if the Divine Sword Sect knew of a way to do that, then he planned to make use of them.