

As they had previously discussed at the entrance of Valeria's castle. The girls scampered off after parting ways with Zane. All the while, eying the magnificent fortress with anxiety. Despite this, they quickly began seeking out the local population to see what they could learn about Elysium, and the cult which ruled over it.

After all, the key to warfare was knowing your enemy and knowing yourself. If you knew those two things, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. But, with their current limited understanding of their enemy, Zane and the girls were doomed to suffer a defeat for every victory gained.

And it was with this in mind that they wanted to change such a fate. As for Zane himself, the moment the castle gates shut behind him, a Paladin stepped forward. Or so Zane presumed, as the man was clad head to toe in white armor, that was gilded around the edges.