

The years had been kind to Gravestone, perhaps because it was silently protected by Death herself. Her very existence in the domain acting as a deterrent to the undead, which lurked just beyond its borders.

To say that its reconstruction efforts under the reign of Olivia had been a great success were an understatement to say the least. Gone was the modern city that had once been across the landscape. Carson city had been thoroughly scrapped.

Instead, replaced by a fusion of future and fantasy. Skyscrapers had been constructed using the undead labor force Zane had left behind. While large walls made from an unknown metal protected the city within, which was more advanced than any city on earth.

While much of the world had resorted to returning to an almost neo medieval style of living. Olivia had created a city with a boundless supply of energy, running entirely on electricity, and no forms of fossil fuels like the old world.