
A Sudden Change In Plans

In the morning, Zane dispatched his scouts to look for traces of the Tier I Horde King where Maya had pointed in the direction of Fernley, Nevada. Fernley was a small town of roughly 25,000 people, or it had been prior to the outbreak of the apocalypse.

By now it, like most habited regions, had succumb to the plague of death, and was now inhabited by a horde of undead monsters. It did not take long for the scouts to report back to Zane, and when they did; it was indeed confirmed that there were traces of a Horde King in the area.

Because of this, Zane spent several hours discussing the attack plan with the girls. Since depositing his best troops into Gravestone's "Garrison" Feature. Zane had spent his free time going out and leveling up his new Horde.